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Bill Morrison

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Everything posted by Bill Morrison

  1. Just log into YouTube.com and search for Coppering on a Model Ship. Or just perform a search in your search engine. You will not be disappointed! Bill
  2. Great work! I have been working on the same kit and making many of the same modifications. You have given me more than a few ideas! I am impressed with your work! Bill
  3. When I built the old PoF by Aeropiccola several years ago, I coppered the hull. The ship was in 1/180 scale, and I overlapped the plates. It worked beautifully. The model was of HMS Victory.
  4. I have painted the quarter and stern of a small-scale USS Constitution (1/196) by Revell. I first sprayed black, then gave an overcoat of white. Then, I took a small grit sandpaper and lightly sanded, exposing the black framework, scroll work and the name under the transom windows. It really brought out the details! Bill
  5. John, Thank you for responding! I am very familiar with Maine's contributions to the maritime industry in America. It was a focus in the Summer Institute at Mystic Maritime Museum, a program affiliated with several colleges and universities throughout Connecticut. I earned 18 university credits and won the Hardin Craig Award in American Maritime Studies. This might interest you. I was stationed onboard PCU/USS Maine. my last duty station in my naval career. I was a Senior Chief Petty Officer, the second ranking Enlisted Sailor onboard. I was assigned to be the escort for Governor Angus King for our commissioning week at Kittery, Maine. It was a fantastic week albeit very exhausting. He made all crewmen Honorary Citizens of Maine. Bill
  6. And a deep, impressive skill! You are the master of showing just what can be achieved with a plastic model! Bill
  7. Nic, Thank you for responding! I thought so. Honestly, although the Red Jacket is a great looking extreme clipper, The Flying Cloud is more historic. She certainly has greater name-recognition. Perhaps on evil-Bay . . . . Bill
  8. You are not really on your own. It's just that I am somewhat confused by what you are trying to accomplish in the photos. Perhaps a more detailed description would work well with the photos. Bill
  9. Nic, I have several out-of-production Bluejacket kits, including the Half Moon, the Cabot, and the Flying Cloud. Are you planning on reintroducing any of them? There are several of us who would love to see this! Bill
  10. I would love to visit Bluejacket someday. I live not far from I-95, so it would be about a 4 or 5 hour drive. I have never known a bad kit from them. Bill
  11. I love your paint work, especially with your overall detailing of the hull. The basic kit is very drab with its bare hull; the hull is bereft of any planking detail. Your addition of such detail, coupled with your excellent paintwork is truly making this into a serious model! I cannot wait to see the finished product! Bill
  12. Roger, My naval experience was 24 years as a Hospital Corpsman, 20 of those years were in submarines. I retired as a Senior Chief Petty Officer who turned down a promotion to Master Chief in order to retire. Thank you for your service. Bill
  13. When I was stationed aboard the USS Pasadena (SSN 752) as the MDR, my Engineer and I were watching the USCG Eagle sail down the Thames River under sail. Remembering an old quote from the USS Nautilus, I paraphrased by saying to the Engineer, "Just think! It is possible! Under way without nuclear power!" He shook his head and walked away speechless. To add to your list; The civilian ship Savannah was a nuclear powered cargo ship. The USN has also commissioned quite a few surface ships that are so powered. Bill
  14. The SS United States is not the USS United States. SS connotes that the ship is privately owned. USS means that the ship is a national ship that operates in the United States. Bill
  15. I am most impressed with your extremely beautiful craftsmanship and artistry! Well done! Bill
  16. It seems that you are basically starting over with a previously owned kit. I am curious about the original cost and how much you have sunk into the project. I am impressed with your innovative use of the bow and stern fillers! You have given me an idea for overcoming the deficiencies of a Pandora kit I picked up at a flea market. Bill
  17. I use a Craftsman 3-D Sander. It features 3 small pivoting sanding heads that will sand any shape just as the templates indicate. Bill
  18. The kit is around 1/168. However, that is a close guestimate . . . Bill
  19. I am very amazed at this model! It all started with an impressive planking job. Well done, sir! Bill
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