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Bill Morrison

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Everything posted by Bill Morrison

  1. Happy 70th! Your Victory is excellent! By the way, there are currently three builds of SR going on right now;' Hubac's Historian, Nek0, and Yankovitch are each building different versions. All are Heller. Bill
  2. It's hard to quantify "many". As far as I know there is no empirical research into this issue. For example, I could say that "many" people do their research before buying. Whose "many" is more accurate? I don't know. I can say unequivocally that I research my kit before purchasing them. I assume "most" do, but we all know what they say about making assumptions . . . Bill
  3. Marc, Those drawings look very much like those contained in Les Vasseaux du Roi Soleil by Lemineur. That book is a wealth of information! Bill
  4. John, Take a look at the Artesania Latina Le Soleil Royal. She is almost bereft of decoration. Next to their model, Heller looks like they designed the original SR! Bill
  5. Marc, I find myself wondering about the full hull/stable gun platform idea. The French did use a lot of Dutch influences in their ships, and we know that the Dutch designed ships with a shallower draft. Dutch ships tended to also have a shallow run aft. I'm curious about this aspect of French design. Do you have any thoughts or insights about this? Bill
  6. I'm confused. In what way is one avoiding research by purchasing a kit? I research every kit I buy. That seems to be an extreme assumption. Bill
  7. It is far easier to fix the Prinz Eugen's bow than it was to correct the Pandora's bow. Just shape the bow when building it to a razor-edge cutwater. After all, we are modelers not simply parts affixers. Bill
  8. All model kits have flaws. But, as modelers, we make decisions to either accept those flaws or improve them. Decks are easy. The cutwater can also be improved with a little creativity. For example, I once built the Constructo HMS Pandora. The entire bow section was grossly misshapen. It was much too sharp. Working with plans, I rebuilt the entire forward third of the ship, then corrected the model as much as possible with what we know of her class. It can be done. Bill
  9. Yankovitch, I am most impressed with your exquisite and innovative work on the SR! I do recommend looking at Mondfeld' s book Historic Ship Models at mast and spar dimensions, as well as adding any missing deck furniture. The book may or may not give you further ideas. Bill Morrison
  10. I love this version of the Victory! You are doing well! Bill
  11. I sold my Mamoli 1/90 HMS Victory kit for the same reason. I believed that I could do better. You are doing a nice job so far. Bill
  12. From what I see, I cannot see a realistic interpretation of the Golden Hind's appearance. It looks like a very basic and disproportioned depiction that is more decorative than a realistic model. Also, the Golden Hind currently on the Thames is a replica not the real ship. All we can do is make intelligent guesses about her actual appearance. Bill
  13. Vic, Do you plan to fill in the hole in the knee of the head? Bill
  14. Thank you. I have the HMS Cleopatra kit so I am following your build log carefully. Bill
  15. I admit to being a little confused. Are you building the 1/96 version or the 1/72? Thanks! Bill
  16. I make templates for each frame using the plans. Then, I fit them to each section as I sand until I have the right shape and finish. It's that simple. Bill
  17. Besides the expensive prices, I found Micro Mark's on back order and Proxxon's PS 13 to have quite a few bad reviews. To be fair, I have used the Proxxon pen sander for years and I love it. I also use Craftsman's 3D sander for help shaping hulls. Bill
  18. I have one question. Why the Skull and Cross Bones flag? Bill
  19. I'm looking forward to this! I love what you did with the flags and carpet! Bill
  20. Amen! My wife once got me an Aeropiccola kit of HMS Victory when we were stationed in Italy in the 1970s. marketed in 1:170 scale, it was an extremely basic kit. For example, the manufacturer planned for the builder to draw the gun port lids onto the hull in their closed positions. Hatches and gratings were simply printed on balsa sheets to be cut out and cemented to decks. All ordnance on the deck was plastic molded. You get the idea. It was not one of the "best" kits out there. I accepted the challenge. I carved out all gunports and scratch-built lids. I also made dummy barrels to fit. I hand made all carriages for the guns and lathed the barrels. When I was done, I had a beautiful (if small) model of the ship. The basic kit tested my abilities, but I turned it into a serious model. Any kit is as good as you make it! Bill
  21. Evan, In the interim since we last spoke, I have retired from teaching. I am now totally retired first, from the USN, second, from teaching, and I also collect Social Security. Life is good! But, the past year and a half has been horrible. My wife nearly died from a cardiac aneurism. She's recovered nicely but it took a long while. Then, I shattered my left knee and my left hip in two separate falls. I am still dealing with problems from both. However, I am nearly through with my conversion of the 1/96 Revell CSS Alabama to correct most of the kit's inaccuracies. It has been a labor of love! Bill
  22. I have just found your HMS Bellona here. You are doing a marvelous job! I also suffered flooding in my basement several years ago and had to undergo a hiatus from building. It looks like you have recovered nicely. Your Bellona looks great so far! Bill
  23. Welcome aboard! Being a USN Submariner, I've been to Holy Loch, Scotland. If you run into problems with your model, just ask. Bill
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