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Everything posted by Ferit

  1. She is improving really in beauty... You had jumped into the scratch... you're about fully get in...
  2. Hi Randy, Hi Ian, I am honored by your kind words boosting my ardor...
  3. Thank you Alex for the kindness... If one day I believe in myself to improve my skill close to yours, I could jump into the scracht... Maybe...
  4. Thank you hamilton, it's always a pleasure to read your encouragements, your kind words... Luckily I had joined MSW... I am always all smiles when someone asks something about my work... I used a ruler... But in a manner of "Eye - Backsight - Foresight"... "Eye - Ruler - Shroud"... And the small single block is for the topmast backstay, its angle is little more closer to the right angle than shrouds'... For now I coiled its rope to the handrails for working easily...
  5. Thank you Michael, Juergen and Mark for the kind words, encouragements that make me feel really very good... Thank you again Commodore Augie for your belief in me... My words had been said only because of my anxiety of having been praised by your kind comments that I had not deserved... My apologizes...
  6. Such a smooth, such a clean build!... Such a brilliance!...
  7. Thank you Sjors, When I look at kit log section I like to see the avatar in red on multiple lines, one under other... Yes, Sjors had made his kind visits...
  8. Saluto Alex, Fantastico is your build... Arte italien...
  9. Thank you Augie but metal parts are kit supplies... Randy, thank you but I really wish if only it could be me who had produced the own metal work like you...
  10. I'm sorry Randy... You are right, if something begin to deviate from the path, it has to be left aside for a while... You should repose your mind... An error occurred... You should shut down and restart it to recover the system and to install updates...
  11. Thank you for your sedulous information... Waiting for your scratch Gothenborg... "in order for them to get the Ok to design and sell the kit, they had to display it as a 'peacetime' ship." If I understood you correctly ( my English language ), they can redesign their kit with cannons but barrel orifices sealed... or without barrel orifices...
  12. Hello Popeye, Unique in the forum as far as I see, and beautiful as you know is your Gothenborg... May I ask a question, maybe unnecessary and late but... Do you think to fix false cannons with lids open onto her?
  13. What Commodore Augie is talking about, I think, exists in the log of an unbelievable but a real high talented persona Doris... She shows and guides how to make decorations also through videos... If you had never visited her log I certainly recommend you to shoot a glance, you would be glued to her build... That is like an illusion... http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/854-royal-caroline-by-doris-card-1749-140/
  14. Hi Hamilton, Don't give up, don't be sad!... I believe in your skill to manage it... You can try at least... What would you lost? The time at most... The modelling is already outside of the worries about time... This is a way to know our limits. Before you have handled your scratch on the stern area, had you known how well would be the result?! If you think to paint the decoration, then you can glue very small wooden or other material parts, one by one, like mosaic, on a leaf of paper on which the decoration had been drawn. The junctions could be filled and the outcome could be sanded and then painted, finally could be fixed after sanding the paper on the back side... Or you can apply many layers of white glue following the lines of the decoration drawn on a leaf of paper, one layer over the another after the previous has got dry. When you reach the desired bulging (puff), you could shape easily the dried glue then paint it... It's not indispensable to catch the museum quality, we (at least me) are not sculptors, wood engravers but it would be a pleasure for you and us to admire your own harvest...
  15. Hi Michael, You can easily be proud of yourself for your renovation... Your Wasa has a different appeal that I couldn't give a name yet... Her naturalness maybe, the harmony in the all razzle-dazzle of shapes and colors... At my every visit, she really hypnotizes me...
  16. On the original which kind of decoration was there? Via internet I have not had any answer... Is the presence or the form of the decoration unclear?
  17. Hi Theo, It's good to have to say that your decision is sagacious and your scratch impressive, there is no comparison...
  18. Hi Hamilton, My thought is that to leave it plain is better than to decorate with unsuitable material... On the sides of the original are there decorations?
  19. Hi Juergen, Now it had become more easier to follow your build, you had tied finally its info name to your log through the link, thank you... :-)
  20. Hi Chris, Finally from a knowledgeable member who had build also Berlin, I have learned and was convinced that Berlin's scale is 1:40 and WVH's 1:50.
  21. Hi Michall, Yes, that is the answer...
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