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Everything posted by Garward

  1. If there is no experience with machines and their adjustments, it is better not to buy the machine which was in use.
  2. One more photo Arthur: deck of Pride of Baltimora II.
  3. Hi, Spiff! Color of a planking of the hull turned out good, but covering levels too short http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/745-golden-star-by-garward-mantua/
  4. Photo of my colleague Arthur from Montreal (it too builds models of the sailing ships) : the plugs on the brig deck Niagara.
  5. Many thanks, Randy! It is pleasant to me that my work is pleasant to you.
  6. Hi, Sjors, unfortunately, not all tools which are necessary to us for certain works, it is possible to buy. I have a PROXXON tool, but all the same something should be produced with own hand.
  7. It also is business. Firms suggest us to buy those goods in which they trade, and we choose. Thanks for invitation on Skype, I answered.
  8. Known wise expression says: it is necessary to hurry slowly (that is before to make something, it is necessary to think well) .
  9. Hi, Kevin, In the new house the model looks very harmoniously!
  10. Hi, Geoff ! The excellent photos showing that is visible on a surface of a deck flooring in installation sites of nails !
  11. Hi, Sjors, You will show them drawings of that you do, and they will suggest you to buy only that they have
  12. To process or not treenails to diameter of openings in the deck - depends on a ratio of hardness of wood of the deck and treenails. If hardness is close, it is better to process (an example - Montanes). If the deck flooring is made of firm wood, it is possible not to process treenails. In the Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron model a deck flooring - the Brazilian maple (has some more names) the dense, firm wood close on color and properties to boxwood. Because of its hardness it is a pleasure to insert birch toothpicks: the conic part of a toothpick "is easily screwed in" in openings, after opening cleaning well keep a form.
  13. Continuation The end result after deck polishing.
  14. Birch treenails, Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron model http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/454-24-pdr-bronze-gun-le-fleuron-1729-by-garward-m-124/page-3
  15. Continuation Bamboo treenails, Montanes model http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/82-montanes-by-garward-occre/
  16. For imitation of nails the toothpicks which ends are pierced to diameter 0,5мм by means of a drill and the adaptation in the form of the brass cylinder with a flat bottom thickness 3мм on which center the opening by diameter 0,5мм is drilled are used. All these operations are done before installation of decks on the hull.
  17. For treenails imitation I use bamboo or birch toothpicks. Openings for nails of 0,5 mm in the deck were drilled by means of the conductor from a brass plate.
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