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Everything posted by JeffT

  1. Welcome to MSW . I recommend you go ahead and start a build log. Thats a great way to ask questions and get answers from others that are building the Terror.
  2. Hello and welcome to MSW
  3. The step by step instructions they provide are very good.
  4. There are a couple of deagostini build logs on-site here also. Here are a couple. If you use the search feature you'll find a few more:
  5. It does look like a nice kit though. I do like the admiralty style.
  6. The Deagostini bounty is a new kit. Its possible that no one has ordered one yet. I know its not available here in the USA. I would suggest looking at the Deagostini forums on their website. Their may be some build logs there.
  7. Looking good. I took a shot at building the bluenose many years ago as my first model. It didn't go well.
  8. I like your use of the black cartridge paper for the anchors. I've been debating on how to do my anchors for the conny. Now I know 🙂
  9. This looks like it will be a really nice kit with a lot of nice details
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