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Everything posted by JeffT

  1. Welcome to MSW Sorry to hear about the fire.
  2. I update the indexes about once a week. So, if its a new build log it will be picked up in the next update.
  3. Thats a good save. You're right though, that area isn't very noticeable and its painted so probably will never be noticed by the casual observer.
  4. Hello Dave and welcome to MSW
  5. Hello Suparno and welcome to MSW
  6. It has been a while since my last update but I haven't been idle. I finished up the netting. I ended up buying the tulle material from Hobby Lobby as recommended and used the LSS practicum method creating the netting. I couldn't think of a better way to do it. It definitely wasn't easy. The plans seem to indicate to run a piece of wire through the netting and the tiny holes in the photo etch pieces. Impossible, I tried. Next, I moved on to the anchors and they are complete also. Pretty straight forward kit parts here. I used black construction paper for the bands. Its a borrowed idea and works great. I messed up a bit drilling the rigging holes through the catheads but it all worked out in the end. Lesson learned. Drill the holes "before" installing them on the model next time. Next up are the channels. I've got the two aft channels in place. In the picture it may appear that the channel is up against the quarter gallery but its not, just perspective. I'm currently working on the remaining 4. That's it until next time.
  7. Thats possible. The PDF/A standard should work regardless but you may have to enable the content when the PDF is opened first. Excel was automatically applying the standard even though I didn't select the checkbox to do so. It took me a minute to figure out how to stop it from doing so.
  8. Hello Mark. Welcome to MSW Everyone here had to start somewhere. If you have a build in progress, start a build log.
  9. Looking good. I hope he didn't fall in the open hatch 🙂
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