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Everything posted by Trussben

  1. Mocking up templates to start making the Quarter pieces, not sure if I will be able to make them from a single blank or will have to split them into 2 or 3 pieces.
  2. Nice Floor Glenn! we all like to add features that make our models unique and our own!
  3. Bit of a question here. I am trying to reconcile the draft and TFFM regarding the main mast partners and the Main/Aft hatchway comings. On my draft it shows the comings on the partner sides going over the top of the partner cross chocks as they go to the edges of the beams. Would the comings have been cut around the partners so as to land some part of them on the beam?
  4. Thanks Everybody Here is what it looks like from 12” away now she is back on the build board.
  5. Well, as much as I respect some peoples views - I do respect my own taste and views as well - captains choice - so here is how my Pegasus will be going forward!
  6. Thanks Greg, I agree about the carved letters to a degree, I do not intend to paint the stern with the motifs ( done that on Winnie ), but I think with the simple black background and sanding the letters down a bit more flush in that process it will look like I envision it.
  7. Thanks Chuck! So the central coving carving had a little depth added to it as per Druxeys suggestion. The Aft Lights have been fixed in place along with the Taffrail, then the inner counter Timbers were sanded down to match the taffrail curves and then the central portion of the capping rail was glued in place. I made a slightly larger upper counter piece and need to finesse this into place now and decide it I want to paint it’s background black again ( when natural you can hardly see the lettering when more than a few feet away ). Next job after this will be making up the quarter piece blanks.
  8. Funny you said that David, I was thinking that myself when I was looking at the draft yesterday!!
  9. Thanks for all the likes everybody! Here is the stern mock-up including my stern light design and the lower counter, really starting to come together now!
  10. After a few experiments and four different versions, here is my final Tafrail that I managed to get the garland carvings into the outer coves just like the Pegasus draft, I also “textured” the coves like the draft.
  11. Lower counter has been planked and the rudder hole filed to final shape using the actual rudder to make sure it has the correct clearances. I added the carving from the Pegasus draft into the middle coving of the Taffrail but the ones in the outer coves will just be textured as they are too small for me to make very easily.
  12. The colors will get muted with time Rusty as you know, she looks great.
  13. Looks great Chuck, makes sense to only use an as such simple scarph joint instead of full chocks for a much easier frame construction, will make the angled cant frames much easier as you won’t need angled chocks either.
  14. Thanks Everybody for the comments and likes. I will give that a go and see what it lt looks like David.
  15. I finished blending in the Rudderhead framing to the stern and then started mocking up the upper counter and stern light layout - still needs tweaking.
  16. Framing around the rudderhead underway, you can see the 3 pieces roughly shaped and trial fitted here, the hole for the rudders shape will be finished after they are installed. Druxey - no CNC parts to be found here! All hand made.
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