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Everything posted by gjdale

  1. Despite some obstacles to overcome Ian, this is still very cool!!!
  2. You’ll be on holiday Chris, but I’ll wager your mind won’t be! By the time you get back there will be ideas/plans for a whole raft of new Vanguard projects and/or tweaks to existing designs and methods.
  3. Congratulations on completing yet another outstanding build Glen. I can't wait to see what's next.
  4. I would not worry about that Glen. It simply shows the tidal range. My advice is to “embrace the creep”.
  5. Great job on the water and colour transition Glen. That looks superb.
  6. Amazing work Ian. Congratulations on achieving a successful first sea trial. I wonder if you really need to increase the oar blade size though - with an extra bank of oars, would the speed actually look about right for the scale?
  7. Love the cows Glen. Now all you need is to add a BBQ on the grassed area and invite the cows over for dinner………
  8. Looking good Glen. The texture you added to the timber parts is very convincing. Love the cows - from their colouring, it looks like they may be distant cousins of your penguin colony…….
  9. Looks great. Congratulations on your retirement - you’ll soon find yourself so busy that you’ll wonder how you ever had time for work!
  10. Speaking of Penguins.... I'll get my coat and leave now....
  11. Further to Mustafa’s accurate conversions Sjors, I find that a handy approximation to remember is 1/16” = 1.6mm (approx) From there it is easy to work out any other fractional inch (bearing in mind that it is an approximation). So 1/8” is 2 x 1/16” or 2 x 1.6mm = 3.2mm and 1/32” is half of 1/16” or half of 1.6mm = 0.8mm and 1/64” is half of 1/32” or half of 0.8mm = 0.4mm and so on… Hope that is helpful.
  12. It seems that my modelling mojo has been having a little holiday of late, however there is some progress to report - albeit little more than "proof of life". I have completed the first band of four strakes of planking per side. Three more bands to go, each of three strakes. I will now move my attention to the Sheer strake and work down from there. The trickiest part will be the final band that contains the turn of the bilge.
  13. WOW! Just watched all the videos Glen. Either you did some serious editing, or the fight wasn’t as close as you say - looks to me like you had this under control pretty much all the way and had a counter move for everything the model tried! Well played Sir! My advice to you now is…..SDH (Start Drinking Heavily)….after all, you need more empty bottles for your next projects.
  14. Ingenious solution to joining the hull halves Glen, but then we’d expect no less from you! Can’t wait to see this go into the bottle.
  15. You are indeed a very wise man Glen! And she clearly has good taste.
  16. And just to toss in another, one chain = 66ft = 22yds, which just happens to be the length of a cricket pitch.......
  17. A few distractions have kept me out of the shipyard lately, but progress has been made. Time for a minor update to show "proof of life". I had been pondering the selection of glue for attaching the AYC planks to the ABS hull. In my LHS, I came across this chart from Bob Smith Industries. As can be seen, there is a happy intersection for both Hardwood and Hard Plastics with the Maxi-Cure Superglue, showing up as “Best Performance” in the chart. As I needed to replenish some other glues as well, I decided to do a comparative test with both a Thin and a Medium Odorless “Super-Gold” (both listed as “Good Performance” in the chart). My test comprised using some scraps of the ABS (from cutting the vertical waste section away from the hull) and some scraps of AYC. The guy in the LHS suggested scuffing the ABS with some coarse sandpaper first, so I incorporated both scuffed and un-scuffed into the trial. The glue was applied, and the pieces were left lightly clamped overnight. The results were quite impressive. The only real failure was the “Thin” Super-Gold. All other glues held and there was no discernible difference between scuffing the ABS and not scuffing it. On the strength of that test, I was happy to proceed using the Maxi-Cure without scuffing. Contrary to my previous post, I decided that prior to installing the internal supports, it would be useful to attach the Sheer plank while the excess horizontal ABS was still in place so that it could be used as a reference. The excess could then be trimmed off, which would make clamping the internal supports easier. I also decided that it would be easier to attach the Garboard and at least the first (lower) band of hull planks before attaching the Sheer. The ABS formed hull has moulding lines that I will use as de facto “bands” for planking. The maximum width of most of these is about 42mm, so I have ripped my AYC boards into 14mm widths, meaning that there will be three planks in all of the “bands” bar one, which will receive four planks. I was then able to do a form of lining off by marking on the ABS hull where each band narrowed to a convenient measurement - ie a multiple of three (or four) as appropriate. These marks can now be transferred to the planks to assist with tapering. I’m using a small block plane to taper the planks, and this is proving to be both easy and quick. In the picture below, the forward end of the Garboard plank has been tapered and shaped. A small travel iron was used to create some preliminary bend, and then the Maxi-cure glue applied to the plank. It was only necessary to apply finger pressure for a few seconds while the glue grabbed. Given that I’m making it up as I go along, I’m happy with how that one went, so will continue with this method.
  18. Great work on the Corvus Glen. Enjoy the vacation - we’ll leave a light on for you.
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