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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Bowlines, To the mast top, or not to the mast top... After a constructive exchange of thoughts with one of our members via PM. It turned out that this method is not feasible. That's why I did a live test on this model. To the mast top, comes into contact with the top sail. To the fore castle, comes into contact with the fore sail. To the beak head, no problem. Result. With the fore mast ready i took some pictures in the garden. Someone thought he wasn't getting enough attention... A moment of panic,with me, not with the cat. And get in the way 😇 Now without a cat Thanks for following
  2. Kit collectors want an undamaged box with the contents in the original packaging. Once built, the value drops and is difficult to sell.
  3. If you taper these planks at the bow (definitely one of the two) Then your problem is somewhat solved
  4. Thanks Steven. Lots of ropes indeed. One must have a good memory to remember the purpose of each rope . Nothing for me 😉
  5. The fore topsail. The information found about this sail is scarce, confusing and sometimes illogical. So the most logical method that corresponds reasonably according to drawings is followed. All these extra ropes need extra attachment points. An attempt is made to depict a sail being hoisted. Sewn cotton has its limitations to reflect this... Work in progress To do, the bowlines. At the moment it is still uncertain where these will end up. Thanks for followiing
  6. Have a look at this site. The figures in color and also information about the gun carriages of the Vasa. http://www.wasadream.com/Index/indexenglish.html
  7. If it helps. Did my single planking this way ( see link to post 52) And yes my filler blocks are excessive. But this way they served as a first planking. Planking in one layer went pretty smoothly
  8. Congratulations with this very beautiful model. And very executed winter camouflage 👍
  9. The fore sail is rigged There is no tack on this sail. Reason: There is no tack visible on the majority of drawings from this period. The sheets are treated with thin CA glue. Not the best method, but that's the easiest way to keep them in the right shape. Rope coils are partially attached Rope coil production Next is the fore topsail
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