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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Difficult question All my military models are on a base plate, so I pay little attention to the underside Photos of the underside of a panzer IV (and most other tanks) are quite rare. The only hope is to find a picture of a damaged tank (upside down). Nothing found yet https://www.google.com/search?q=panzer+IV+wrecked&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwi-gL74oKbzAhVUrHIEHZAsBaMQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=panzer+IV+wrecked&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQDDoHCCMQ7wMQJzoECAAQE1D-uQNYl8gDYIjbA2gAcAB4AIABoQGIAcAIkgEDMC43mAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=SHJVYb68EdTYytMPkNmUmAo&bih=498&biw=1291&rlz=1C1GCEU_nlBE936BE936 A Panzer IV walkaround (again no underside) https://www.scalenews.de/sd-kfz-161-pzkpfw-iv-ausf-g-panzer-iv-walkaround-881/ http://walkarounds.scalemodels.ru/v/walkarounds/afv/before_1950/pz_iv_crocus/?g2_page=1 Ps Here are some images of the bottom plate to see (you tube video) https://ww2live.com/en/content/world-war-2-unique-german-panzer-iv-came-back-life-unearthed-restored-and-displayed-just-5
  2. I also follow along. If there are any questions about the IV. Just ask 😉
  3. Thanks for comments and likes 👍. Of course anyone is free to use this method. But as already mentioned correct or not? Who knows.
  4. Nice work Coincidence? Before she was baptized Golden Hind she named Pelican 😉
  5. Thanks. I get English lessons for free on this forum 😉👍 Thanks. Bringing this machine back to working condition gave me great satisfaction All sails are stitched and sewn. Now the bonnets are tied. I probably misunderstood the drawings and all this knotwork is not historically correct. But it looks neat (to me). And there's a logic to it The bonnet is very quick and easy to remove. Just loosen the rope on the left side and pull . All the rope come loose and the bonnet falls off the sail. Drawing/result method : Make holes "sewing" Sewing an "eye" to both the sides of the sail. tie up (both sides) front and back All sailes (except the spritsail) Made cleats (D18 / 2) Cleats glued on the yards. Thanks for following, likes and comments
  6. See you and the 170V back soon. Ps Here's Belgian beer, wine and cheese. vermont not, I have to go to the shop first
  7. Indeed, My dots are for scale 1/45. The hardness and sharpness of the pencilpoint are indeed very important. (I used up a lot of pencils...)
  8. Nice work Steven. Somewhere in Norway while on vacation (I don't know where exactly). 2 dark colored replicas (vikings). The nails are only slightly visible on the outside and on the inside. Another one Have you ever thought of making a small dot with a pencil?
  9. Thanks Christian, Antwerp is indeed a nice city. Actually there are 2 model shops in Antwerp. I have the luxury of having both of them "close by". Problems are the traffic jams around Antwerp. If you want to go to the other bank of the Scheldt, a few hours delay is no exception In the meantime, stitching and sewing continues. With a new mizzen sail (messed up the first one)
  10. This could be the battery (I cut mine in half especially for this picture 😉)
  11. Welcome to MSW.
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