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Everything posted by RGL

  1. First black to cover up the barnacles then green then grey i can add some more grunge after the upper hull is painted.
  2. She was somewhat demanding at 4.30am this morning..... anyways, oilcanning done and barnacles added have to let them dry for a while and black grey and green coats
  3. Things are slowing down due to work and a new commitment. A bit done on the lower hull, the panel lines have been preshaded and a couple of shades of hull brown added. Tomorrow I’ll get some oilcanning done. Whilst it looks rough now it will all blend in.
  4. The Anatomy Of the Ship Dreadnought shows you how the British did theirs.
  5. Using Tamiya fine red primer (rattle can) I’ve only spotted a few faults that will need sanding. I can proceed with putting the rest of the hull togeather and the rest of the priming can be done with an airbrush
  6. Other side done. I need another coat of primer before I go any further
  7. So, new glue arrived and again I can start. Port side gussets added to the gantries, starboard side to go then I can prime.
  8. I see what you mean but I won't bother as the camouflage on the starboard side will be a very dark blue over this section and not really noticeable. More importantly they completely left out the anchor on the bow (Which I only just noticed today). Simple fix to drill a hole though.
  9. 15 cm gun housings. I had to cut the barrels off at the stem and drilled holes into the stem to place the aftermarket barrels. I then had to file the tops so they can actually move / rotate inside the hull. The colour photo shows one of the ship’s real guns in Norway.
  10. I need new CA. Maybe it’s the turning of the season but it has turned to sludge. I managed to add the gantries and a lot of door that are on the original blueprints but not the model or the upgrade. I’m awaiting new glue before I add 100 or so gussets.
  11. So the real thing looked like this. Remember it rusted a lot and never went to sea. In this timeline ah will be a bit more active.
  12. When the GZ was being built, they had to replace the bow as it was rubbish in rough weather and placed a large cap on top of the funnel as the smoke obscured the island. By adding the cap it became top heavy thus the bulges added on the hull for stability. I have etched in the panels which are’nt too obvious on the existing photos, but I think after some time at sea it would beat it up a bit and oilcan it. Next are the gantries that will have spotlights and guns. These will all need gusssets which are after after market.
  13. I use Zap which has always been great, just the recent batches haven’t been very medium or thin.
  14. I’m of the opinion sone bottles just go off. I just got a ‘new’ bottle of medium CA which is thicker than off cream. I think it has just sat around in the heat for too long so going to get some from a new source as the thin stuff I also bought is just as thick.
  15. So the panel lines are done. I can now etch in the vertical lines and try and understand the engineering as there are platform that run alongside the deck for guns and spotlights that will need a heap of gussets added. Once I’ve gotten my head around that I can give her another primer coat to cover up all the raw areas.
  16. I’m going to do it a bit different this time as I want the hull plates to be a bit more defined. It will more or less just give me a guide when I airbrush and weather.
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