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Everything posted by RGL

  1. It’s a good looking kit, I really like the camo designs they used, and I’m looking forward to how you weather her and the weathering between the colours
  2. Bloody dangerous creatures, they’ll gut you if you get too close and love to jump in front of cars. Tough buggers
  3. As long as you have a good set of flat noses pliers and /or a PE bender you’ll be fine. If you can do those Pom Poms so well you can do anything. When some of the PE is ludicrously small I don’t bother either.
  4. Ok, little reminder for our next group build, SMS Seydlitz. Infini Models has started the upgrade set to go with it. Love to see y’all join in.
  5. Yes, there are 2 large tripod masts to add. Given the difficulty level I’ll probably leave them till last. Lots of work to go on this bridge superstructure to go get, it will soak up a lot of PE and extra details. You’d be disappointed otherwise.
  6. Fore funnel done. The funnel grills are a stressful exercise but they really transform it from a toy to a model. I need to add a few more ladders but not until I know how the masts sit.
  7. It will be visible as long as the top coat is sprayed on. That’s why I modulate then use a piece of paper to use as an edge to highlight. You’ll be fine, then you can overspray the entire thing with grunge and barnacles!!
  8. The b&w photo is a generic one, not of the KGV, so I’m going off the actual photos of the ship. The window to the left will will just be painted black as it’s very small. With the camouflage patterns a lot of this detail will not be discernible as it is overall the size of a human thumb nail.
  9. Thanks, it appears to have been grey, then camouflaged in 1941 which washed off pretty much on a trip to and from the US (lack of enamel in the paint due to wartime rationing) then grey, then camouflaged again in 1943 up to the major refit of early 44.
  10. Shapeways make them but these things are tiny. So, I started stretching some sprue, thinking I could stack some up, but couldn’t get it thick enough, then I found some 1mm brass wire, cut it to 8mm lengths and did stacks of 10 then wrapped them in .1mm brass wire after a drop of very thin CA to bind them. They look OK. I have to use the flush cutters to get to get rid of the silly blob used by Tamiya to represent them, then add a few gussets.
  11. Royal Navy flota nets. I can’t get around avoiding these. As far as I can figure there are 6 sets at the front of the bridge superstructure.
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