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Everything posted by RGL

  1. Well that’s the worst part of the build done. The stanchions are white as I gave them a base primer coat from the Tamiya rattle can before putting them on, as another coat would plug up the holes. When I do the touch up phase I will make sure they are all strait and paint them. The Anchors are resin ones from North Star Models as the kit ones are utter rubbish. There are only two as no reference I can see has her with three after 1940.
  2. Pastels and pigments work fine on paint, just not the cellulose deck materials as the definition disappears. It is what it is BUT! The coffee sneeze leads me to believe I’m onto something that I’m going to have to work on. I really dont don’t want to weather this deck, asehen you look at the KGV photos from the Med in 1943 it is spotless as would be expected of the Kings ship.
  3. Thanks all, the problem with these pre chewed wooden decks is they don’t like anything done to them, they’re more paste than wood. Ive tried pastels on offcuts and the details of the planks disappear.
  4. So I tried a new technique today. First, get a mouthful of black coffee. Second sneeze. Third, direct sneeze over the ship. Drench it in coffee. FFS! 20 minutes with a paintbrush and water to clean it up. The deck does not like it but I think I’m on to something here when it comes to dulling down the wooden decks! Who knew! Anyways, the back end of the ship’s railing is now done. I added a little bit of unpainted PE for comparison and I like it better the way I’m doing it. I just don’t think I can go back to PE railing again for this type of ship’s rails.
  5. Tamiya masking tape cut vey fine, first a light grey base, a thin strip underneath, then the side colour, cover with tape leaving the top uncovered for the third layer of dark grey.
  6. Cog it’s a Flyhawk set of stanchions as the RN has three bar, but they are soft brass unlike the better Tamiya ones that are only 2 bars.
  7. The build is on here; I just don’t want to spend a decade on one.
  8. Now the pain, railing stanchions. I put an #11 blade on the deck to give some perspective
  9. It can be an issue of standing too close to the wall at times. Some details are soo tiny as to be invisible to the naked eye, yet alone practical to attach so I don’t bother. Is it visible form arms length? Is it with destroying the piece for that invisible piece of detail?
  10. No mate, just patiently plodding along. If you can see the the Endeavour in the back ground it’s an exercise in patience when it comes to rigging, if I can do that I can do up a crane. Once you get your head around how it works, it gets easier.
  11. The 2 ships cranes, horrible instructions and I needed to add on a few extras so the rigging is correct but now they’re attached I’m fairly happy. I just have to hang a plane off one.
  12. Nearly there! Ammo boxes, deck equipment, new chains to keep @Dubz happy! 34 individual 20mm guns. Plus a ship’s bell. The ships plane, railings (not looking forward to a week of rigging stanchions, davits; light weathering. Oh, and the screws. Starting to look like a warship.
  13. How about a jap destroyer Cog to go with your Yamato? If if I hadn’t done my triple Japanese set I’d probably do this. Now I’ve got a triple RN it means I have 2 more Germans to go after the Emden.
  14. Thanks for the likes. @Dubz I have painted up another chain which I will try before doing up the railings which will be one of the last steps. The main guns, a bit of dry brushing, add handrails and a Pom Pom
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