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bruce d

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Everything posted by bruce d

  1. Peter, welcome to MSW from the UK.
  2. Dave, best wishes, think carefully before using power tools when ill (at the risk of sounding like my mother!)
  4. Flat. Definitely flat. 👍
  5. BTW, when I had the FET I made a spacer/adapter to allow use of thin slitting saws (because I had some sitting around) and they gave a very good result on Castello and other not-too-hard woods.
  6. Dave, I have watched with interest the different ways people make masts. If you want to compare before committing to a process, why not post a thread 'Best wood to use for masts?'. I would expect a lively response (and if you don't want to post such a thread, I will in a couple of months when my project reaches that stage 😁). In the meantime, these guys are good: Timberline Decorative and Specialist Hardwoods | Tonewoods | Guitar Making (exotichardwoods.co.uk) They usually have good stocks of Castello in different thicknesses. If you don't find what you want on the website give them a phone call, not all stock is listed.
  7. Dave, the 20mm oak is probably the problem. May I suggest two things? First, try the same cut on a piece of softwood of similar thickness and see whathappens; second, if 20mm oak is required for your project, try making the cut in several passes by setting up the blade at a shallow height, say 6 or 7mm and raise it a little after each pass. This is the way I cut a mitre on iroko when I had a FET. HTH Bruce
  8. Good looking model, Eric, well done. The test: are you going to do another one?
  9. Doc ,if you don't mind I will be watching, this capstan project of Toni's is fascinating. I'll try not to get in the way or drop my popcorn.
  10. Shank = 3/32nd inch I believe, please check though.
  11. Dave, you have probably already found these but ... Busch Bearing Cutter 90° Burr No 414 - Choose from 0.7 to 5.0mm | eBay Plenty of others, search "burr 90". After your post I realised this was the way to go for a rebate I need to cut soon, so thanks for raising the subject. 👍
  12. Dave, this guy on Flea-bay is pretty good: Items for sale by elliott-grafix | eBay Can't see that he has 90 degree burrs listed at the moment but it is worth contacting him. HTH Bruce
  13. Thank you Guy for the kind words, I have returned Mediator to the bench and am planning to make some sawdust soon.
  14. Brian welcome to MSW and I look forward to seeing which kit you put on the bench first. It sounds like you are prepared!
  15. Guy, I'm really sorry to hear that news. Triton will still be there when you are ready, it is a great thread and will finish one day with a great model. Perhaps you want to pull up a chair and steer me toward the light with my Mediator build which I am resurrecting? Bruce
  16. Welcome to MSW from Sussex 👍
  17. Hello Andrew and a warm welcome to MSW from the UK. Look forward to seeing your Polaris 👍
  18. Hello Joseph, can you share the name of the officer? That should eliminate a lot of the guesswork.
  19. B.E., Bob, at the risk of thread drift, my solution is a cctv camera mount made by Panavise: The thread is 1/4" Whitworth and I made a couple of top-pieces for different tasks. The one in the pictures is to mount the hull upside down. HTH, Bruce EDIT: Hmmmmmm. Pics didn't work, will re-try later. 2nd EDIT: fixed
  20. Hello Adrien, and welcome to MSW from Sussex. Since I do not know what information you already have, perhaps you can tell us what you want to know about the Penrose operation? Regards, Bruce
  21. Odd that it is exactly a year since the last post in this thread and I just found this in the MIT museum images:
  22. Hello Matthias, I have not had direct contact with the author but he can be contacted through Academia: (66) Jens Auer | Landesamt für Kultur und Denkmalpflege M-V - Academia.edu I have an account with Academia so it is possible the link above may not work for you, please PM me if you have a problem. He has been involved in some interesting stuff!
  23. Kevin, sorry to hear the news, glad you can see the way ahead. Take care.
  24. Found this in the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Museum site. The description reads: "PLACE MADE - unknown DATE MADE - 1750 DESCRIPTION A photo-processed copy of a print depicting four figureheads of English East Indiamen. Figureheads from the top, clockwise: a man wielding a club with both hands over his head from the waist up, a bearded man with a crown holding an unidentified object with his left hand, a dragon with a forked tongue, and a falcon. The entire length of the bowspirits is not depicted; the ends are rendered with jagged edges as if they were broken off. The illustration was most likely taken from a book and was originally folded. The remnants of acid migration, or the faint designs overlapping the darker illustrations, perfectly match up and mirror many of the illustrations."
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