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Tim Curtis

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Everything posted by Tim Curtis

  1. Thanks Piatnik. Helpful. Their website also has quite a lot of high quality blocks, ships boats and other bits and pieces. I did not realise you can order directly. Next time I will do so. Tim
  2. I got it on ebay. I think this is it. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F223141956397
  3. Really enjoying your build. Looking great. This is one of the more interesting kits out there. Look forward to seeing your expertise in action making it. Tim
  4. Great work. Well done in being patient. They look superb. And remember you only have 150 or so tiny blocks to strop and seize for the breaching ropes etc. #gottalovetheguns Tim
  5. Warnerade, Definitely recommend this kit to a beginner. You will learn lots if the whole thing is new to you. You will get good results. The quality of the kit is great. Tim
  6. I have made the decision that I am not going to build this model as the Phoenix, but instead I am going to build her as a typical late 18th century British brig of war. The kit is brilliant, but its not, as far as I can tell, actually based on drawings of the real Russian Brigantine Phoenix. Furthermore I am going to call her Rosalind, after my wife. So, I found I found a little pear wood caryatid online from VHobby on ebay that I have adapted to be her figurehead. You can see the original here. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F202325451573 I confess to being very pleased with the result. Way, way exceeded my expectations. The front of the body was already CNC carved as bought, but her sides and back I had to do with a tiny dremel carving attachment and a scalpel. Feel like I accidentally created a little 30mm high Rodin or Degas! Apologies for scrappy photos taken on my phone.
  7. Really superb work. Thanks for sharing. Question. How do you get such a neat, smooth finish on your painted areas? Are you using an airbrush? Thanks, Tim
  8. Hi Jim. I like your work. Thanks for sharing it with us. Great job....and very speedy. I have started this kit too, and I think its fantastic. However, I cannot find any paintings, plans etc of the original ship Phoenix. Have you been able to find anything? I am slightly suspicious that the kit is not actually based on the original ship, but is a design adapted from other ships of the same period. A little like MK have done for their new Avos kit. I dont care that much....but I might build the kit slightly differently if I know its not actually a proper representation if the original Phoenix. Value your thoughts. Tim.
  9. They are your topmast backstays and should be served at the top I think, in a similar way to the shrouds. See photo below from Marsalv's fantastic model of the Pandora.
  10. Beautiful. A splendid model. Furled sails look great. There is one of these kits going cheap on ebay at present. Your build is tempting me to buy it!
  11. Beginning to make hooks and strop 2mm blocks to fit to the cannons. First two done after trying a few different techniques. These boys are quite small. Glad I only have 50 more to go....
  12. Doug, Saw this very fine model of the Leon in a maritime model shop called Float a Boat in Melbourne. Took some photos...not great quality. But thought they might be a helpful reference perhaps. Tim
  13. Quick update. Removed the mainsail. It was too messy, and also the wrong colour. I obviously used a different type of tea to stain the vellum sheet. Oops. Also the reefing did not really work very well. So I am going to leave the model half rigged! Working on a white base. And need to finish a few other details....vangs, pumps etc.
  14. Dear Frenchguy, Do you have photos of your completed Benjamin Latham that you could put on this log? It looks like a beautiful build...love to see the finished product. Tim
  15. Steering gear complete. Not perfect replica of original but way closer than AL plans.
  16. Hi Jesse, I have not been able to get accurate info about the tiller arrangement on Scottish maid. Best info I had was this below: I also referenced Lennarth Petersons Period Fore and Aft craft, which actually describes a topsail schooner 25 years older than Scottish maid. See below: This showed me that my tiller handle was way too short, and my whole set up, although consistent with AL instructions was way too flimsy and nothing like the original. What I have done is not accurate, but is a much better guess. Hope that makes sense. Tim
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