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Tim Curtis

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Everything posted by Tim Curtis

  1. This looks like a great kit. I am currently building the MK Phoenix (plus) and finding it a superb quality kit for a great price. It looks like the Avos will share many of the same strengths. Thanks for the historical info about the design of the model, and its relationship to the english cutter Arrow. That's really helpful. Tim
  2. Sure. I can do this, but my line is not in the correct place (nor even very straight). I attach a drawing, pilfered from the web, which I think shows the waterline. This should be a better guide. Is this ok? Tim
  3. On going sail-making. Fore staysail, topsail and topgallant sail complete. Temporarily fixed.
  4. I agree 100%. I recently purchased the Master Korabel Phoenix plus kit. Amazing quality. Great value. Perfect for someone without brilliant woodworking skills, without lots of free time, but who loves model making on a table in his study. Tim
  5. I just loved this build log. Such a beautiful ship. So amazing that she actually sails. Loved the shots of Maine woods and lakes. I used to go on vacation from the UK to a little place called Holbrook Pond near Bangor every summer. Your photos reminded me of happy days. THANK YOU!
  6. I have started on sail making. Using vellum as a material. Died with tea. Small steel wires in seams. Here are preliminary results. Will post more info about the process shortly.
  7. Beautiful. Great kit. Wonderfully put together. This next on my list of kits. Really enjoy seeing what you have done. Tim
  8. Really enjoying your build. Lovely to see a genuine plank on frame model kit being built. Its quite a step up from the POB kits I am used to. Very intriguing. Presumably the next step is scratch build POF?
  9. I wonder if you should ask Bluejacket for a replacement hull. I dont think this is up to their standard. The ensign kits are meant to be for first timer. These are problems you should not have to deal with.
  10. Thanks Clare. Will let you know when I start. I have to finish my current model first! Tim
  11. Clare, I recently purchased this kit, so I am eagerly watching your build. Like ýou I will have to build mine as a side project, while working on other things. I am intrigued...is the process with a card model quicker or slower than an equivalent wooden kit? Thanks, Tim
  12. If you want a high quality model as a reference point, this page may help. Not mine. Obviously. http://shipmodel.com/models/fair-american-full-hull- Tim
  13. Adam I suggest you include Master Korabel. I recently purchased their Phoenix Brigantine kit (I bought the plus version that includes the ships boat, higher quality wood and blocks) for a bit under $200 US. Its quality is truly excellent, and value for money extraordinary. There are also thirteen very clear online tutorials on youtube for each stage of its build. See an example here: https://youtu.be/c3MmCMmNK2s. For a someone time poor and without lots of experience, its the best kit on the market. Good review of its contents here https://youtu.be/1ITBzejbDbA Below are some photos...not mine. Tim
  14. I have a technical question. Should there be ratlines on the fore topmast shrouds? Since the foremast is square rigged? Some models show them, some do not. Can't make out contemporary pictures. Tim
  15. Slow progress. Ratlines finished. Two yards in place but not quite finished. One set of braces in place. Note that these start at the main shrouds, and return and run through a block attached to the shrouds. This is how she is rigged in the contemporary print I have published above. Forecourse lifts. Topsail sheets. Lettering on the stern. Wooden grating around the binnacle. Main top rope. Small little pieces falling into place. Each one more satisfying than the last. Tim.
  16. I LOVE your beautiful model. This is one of my favourite build logs. You set a wonderful standard for us to aspire to. One day, in my dreams..... Tim
  17. This is one of my favourite builds on MSW at the moment. Thank you. Its beautiful! Tim
  18. I have so enjoyed following this build log. Thanks for sharing your beautiful work with us. I look forward to seeing your next project!
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