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Tim Curtis

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Everything posted by Tim Curtis

  1. Jesse, Looks fantastic. Enjoy watching your build. Praying for your health mate. Tim.
  2. I am contemplating for my next build either the Caldercraft Diana or Model Shipways Essex. Both have Anatomy of the Ship monographs available, and Lennarth Petersson's book with all its wonderful details about rigging the frigate Melampus would also be highly informative for both. Both have wonderful build logs available on this site. Which should I choose? Any thoughts?
  3. Thanks to all for your kind words. Thoroughly enjoying rigging. It's my favourite bit. Every separate line and block is like a little model of its own!
  4. I have completed topmast shrouds and backstays. Begun the long slow process of adding the ratlines. Spend many happy hours listening to Winston Churchill's history of the second world war on Audible whilst doing it. Utterly relaxing. Most wonderful escapism. Here are the current results.
  5. Here is an update. I have finished the bowsprit, jib boom, and martingale, along with guys and stays. I have departed from the kit plans significantly, to match the contemporary print. See below. As is lower yard, however this is dry fit and needs completing. Just wanted to check that the cranse iron would work. Top mast is also dry fit. And topmast stay.
  6. The occasional droop in the stays will be due to variations in temperature and humidity. On warm humid days, they will expand a bit. Thats my experience at least. Love your model.
  7. Here is an update. Have been working on the of the main mast. I have totally revised the main top and cross trees from the AL plans, which have no resemblance to the contemporary pictures of the boat. In fact they do not show any shrouds to the main or fore topmasts on their plans. Inspection of the print below suggests the main top mast had two shrouds running down to the main channels passing through a wide cross tree at mainmast top. See below. Also have been putting main mast shrouds and deadeyes in place. Including revising the chainplates to make them narrower. I have gone for a solid iron chainplate, which may or may not be accurate, but was not an uncommon design for the period. Its much easier...made from plastic from a milk carton, and brass pins. Painted with a pentel paint marker. Connections to deadeyes are simply brass wire and a brass pin. Again blackened with a pentel paint marker.
  8. Here is the completed ship's boat. Very fiddly, its only about 8 cm long. But have loved doing it.
  9. Nearly finished the ship's boat. Bit of tidying up to do. And a grating and a few cleats to go.
  10. Thanks Pierre and SC. Oars made from one piece. Sanded, filed and then bent a little at the ends.
  11. Finished planking the ship's boat. Quite fiddly. Used a little filler to smooth things off. But pleased how its turned out. Its a small boat to plank!
  12. Also. Here is another photo of the fore top with iron sling and toprope attached. Paintwork needs tidying.
  13. Aviaamator, I too am praying for your recovery, and thinking of you and your children. I love your beautiful Model. You are a wonderful craftsman. Tim
  14. HOF. Love to see the cats. We had two growing up, Archie and Mehitabel. But send them to me via a message rather than posting on the build log. Thanks! Tim
  15. Thanks HOF for your kind words. BTW is that an Abyssinian cat in your photo? Tim
  16. Steve. Amazing build. Especially since this was your first and only took 11 months. Wow! Liked so much of it, but partic your sails seemed to be very fine and neat. Wonderful work. And very quick! Tim
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