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Timothy Wood

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Everything posted by Timothy Wood

  1. Greetings, Just finished the second of sanding sealer on the PT hull, I hope to get a coat of primer on it by the weekend. In the mean time I have been working on the Chart house and day cabin. I used my bench mounted belt sander to work them down to the correct height, as you can see by the pencil mark on the chart house I have a little more work to do! Cheers, Tim
  2. I have a question to those who have used a sanding sealer. Would it be a good idea to apply a second coat of sanding sealer after my final sanding of the hull? :mellow: Cheers, Tim
  3. Hi Bob, Let me start by saying you are doing an awsome job! And welcome to Model Ship World, you did the right thing by adding your build here, as you can see there is limitless help from the members here at MSW, so never be afraid to ask a question. The only dumb question is the one you didn't ask! Cheers, Tim
  4. Wow, she really looks good, you are doing a super job! I look forward to seeing more photos. Cheers, Tim
  5. It looks like you are off to a great start. Keep up the good work, I look forward to following your build and welcome to Model Ship World. Cheers, Tim
  6. Sherry, Beautiful work! I look forward to seeing more photos of your build. Keep them comming. Cheers, Tim
  7. Beautiful work Alfons, you have the skill and insight. Truly an inspiration to all of us. Keep the photos coming! Cheers, Tim
  8. Michael, I've been away from MSW for a few weels and trying to catch up with everyones progress. Needless to say your work is awsome! Keep posting your progress. Cheers, Tim
  9. ZyXuz, I have the same kit, I purchased it five years ago from Model Expo. It currently is about number four on my build list. I plan to follow your build in order to get important building tipf for future use. I look forward to following your build, keep up the nice work! Cheers, Tim
  10. Hi Christian, It's been a while, I thought I better check in on the progress of your kit HMS Diana. She is looking splendid, you are doing an awsome job!!! Keep those photos coming! Cheers, Tim
  11. Those three reasons sound good enough to me! Good luck with your build! Cheers, Tim
  12. It's been a while since I've checked in on your AVS build, I can see you are still doing a splendid job... Keep up the good work! Cheers, Tim
  13. Richard, It's been a while since I've checked in on you and your build! What a a beautiful jou you have done, she is truly a joy to look at. You should be proud! Tim
  14. Happy Birthday "Old Man," glad to see you are still vertical... Feel free to collect a Birthday Drink on me next Saturday after the monthly meeting! Cheers, Tim
  15. I just completed adding a coat of sanding sealer to the hull, this has a dry time if 1 hour. Cheers, Tim
  16. Greetings, I finally made time to return to the model bench! After trying without success to drill the strut for the shaft placement, I contacted BlueJacket Shop Crafters, I was informed they now include a new one-piece shaft and strut assembly. I quickly ordered three, and they arrived within a week at my front door. Pictured below are the strut and shaft in their correct placement. The three shaft boss units will be glued to the hull at this time, the struts with the shafts will be attached at a later time. Cheers, Tim
  17. I havn't checked on your build in a few weeks, I must say she looks great! Keep up the good work! Cheers, Tim
  18. Greetings, After some searching the internet and with some help from my friend Gene I was able to come up with the placement sites on the lower hull for the remaining drains. I was able to to get them installed this week. Cheers, Tim
  19. Bob, She really looks nice! Keep the photos rolling in................... Cheers, Tim
  20. Thanks Bob, with a little luck I may be able to add something new to the build this weekend! Cheers, Tim
  21. Rick, Here is a photo of an Elco that a friend is building from scratch, this will be RC also. I don't recall the scale though... Cheers, Tim
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