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About leginseel

  • Birthday 07/28/1957

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  • Location
    Antalya, Turkey and Derbyshire, England
  • Interests
    Coarse Fishing, modeling and anything to do with wood, Ankle Biters (grandkids)

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  1. Ive just realised that my photos are in the wrong plane again. Apologies I need to take Javajohns advice but after four months away everything has fallen out on the pillow!!
  2. I'm now back in Turkey with my Victory after 4 months in UK. I started to look at the first planking and decided that the bow need some extra support, so I crafted two filler pieces out of limewood. I've added half a dozen planks straight off and I now need to shape the next set as I go towards the keel. As there is so many cannon trucks to make I've decided to make a start by fashioning a small jig which seems to be working ok. My last photo shows the lower and middle deck cannons mounted but not secured. I decided to do this now as I thought it may get a little unwieldy later down the line.
  3. I’m reading ahead as I’ve not got this far with my build yet, but do you think soaking the walnut before cutting might help?
  4. Robert, I’m only on my first planking but find myself time and time again coming back to your wonderful log for reference. I cannot hope to match your skill and patience but I thank you for such an informative build, I have it constantly open near my bench!!
  5. Genius idea with the jig. I have been scratching my head on how to achieve the correct cannon fitting angle. Thank you I will borrow this if I may.
  6. I knew that there would be a reasonable explanation, thank you javajon, I'm a bit of a dinosaur when it comes to stuff like that. I'm due to fly to UK on Thursday having been in Turkey for two years so this will be my last post for 3 to 4 months. I'll miss my Victory but I'll get to play with the grandkids instead. Take care everyone and see you in 2022.
  7. Try as I might I cannot upload these images in the right profile, so please accept my apologies for the state of them. But if there is a genius out there who knows what I've done wrong I'd be very pleased to hear from you. This is my current progress with the build and will now go into a 3 month break as Im flying back to UK next week. Any comments or criticisms greatly appreciated.
  8. Build started September 2021. Early days log and photographs to follow
  9. I have just started on the same model. Your build log is excellent and has already helped me and given some positive ideas on how to solve a few issues that I was concerned about. Brilliant well done and I will definitely be using you log as a tutorial, thank you.
  10. I read further on before I did this and decided to paint the sides black on mine and also install a floor to the lower gun deck ports so that later on when lining I won’t drop stuff into the hull.
  11. Hi Guys, thank you so much for all your kind remarks. My wife is getting along nicely thank you. She has had M.S. for the past 35 years and she is undergoing some new treatment which will not cure it but we are hoping that it will stop it from getting much worse. As a consequence I'm not taking on any new big projects for the time being. I had planned to do a Victory but that is very much on the back burner now. Consequently I'm trying my hand at some Dioramas, which keep me occupied and don't take up too much time. One or two of you have been asking for photos with apologies to the administrators but these will be the last posts by me on here, so here goes. The last ones are still work in progress but the others are complete. Thank you guys for all your support.
  12. Hi guys I had a bit of a nightmare as I've had to spend so much time looking after my wife and travelling back and forward to various hospitals so I haven't been posting in my log as I should but I have finally completed my Bounty. Here are my final photos Please forgive the lack of detailed progress pictures. All I have to do now is make a base and a glass or perspex cover. Thank you all for following my build, i've thoroughly enjoyed doing it over the past two and half years. I have to say that the encouragement and advice gained from this site has been invaluable, thank you.
  13. Stunning work Mustafa, well done on completion. I look forward to your next project.
  14. Hi Guys, that was a long break and I've returned refreshed. I've managed to complete all the ratlines and most of the standing rigging but I've been sidetracked by building WW2 dioramas which I'm greatly enjoying. So I have two benches working at the same time . One with the Bounty and the other dioramas. Anyway here is where I'm at at the moment. I'm clearly out of practice at inserting photos and they are in the wrong order, but I'm sure that you get the picture.
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