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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Glen, this maybe a case of the less glue the better. I thought of putting a piece of saran wrap under the two halves before joining but as I think more on it that could be a recipe for disaster. This is really crazy but instead of cutting the ship along it's length could you cut the ship across its width between the mast in three or four pieces?
  2. Glen, rooting for you to pull this off, it looks like preforming heart surgery through a kneecap. Needless to say it boggles my mind.
  3. Kale, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  4. I have a brand new one still in the original box or what's left of the original box. I'm never going to use it.
  5. John, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  6. Hard gulp. https://www.amazon.com/Joewell-4038774000021-Classic-Scissors-5-0/dp/B003DPVRTM
  7. I find the problem with scissors is there's little cutting power directly at the tips. When cutting rigging lines, the least amount of a cutting instrument inserted into a nest of lines means less worry about inadvertently cutting a wrong line. I work at 1:120, maybe scissors are OK at larger scales?
  8. Rob, I've use a flush cutter for trimming rigging thread. I have one for cutting thread and one for cutting wire. I make sure to never confuse the two. It works out ten times better than any scissor I've ever used. https://www.amazon.com/Xcelite-170M-General-Shearcutter-Diagonal/dp/B0002BBZIS/ref=asc_df_B0002BBZIS/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309807921328&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11981334926503510338&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9017484&hvtargid=pla-420966033329&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08T5J56ZS/ref=vp_d_pb_TIER2_sessmpr_lp_B005EXOF6S_pd?_encoding=UTF8&pf_rd_p=21b55c31-c104-4168-9e8f-9425024c3fcc&pf_rd_r=AGSAZGTM2NZMBW5V5531&pd_rd_wg=SYLSo&pd_rd_i=B08T5J56ZS&pd_rd_w=9zUYc&content-id=amzn1.sym.21b55c31-c104-4168-9e8f-9425024c3fcc&pd_rd_r=31e819f8-5825-4f40-9d6f-760a2582b57b&th=1
  9. Dave, your attitude starting work on Rattlesnake is totally different than when you started Lady Nelson. It's been neat to watch as you've gained skills and confidence.
  10. Rob, beautiful view of the ship in the first photo. Regarding the tops and painting them black, it makes more sense (to me anyway) for them to be painted white for better visibility during the dark hours. Of course it's your ship and you can paint em purple if that's what you choose.
  11. Bob, very good of you to support the NRG by becoming a member. One of the best things I've done was become a NRG member. MSW has been too good to/for me not to financially support it.
  12. Mike, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  13. But you've managed to make lemonade out of lemons and that's all that counts.
  14. Farmer, welcome to MSW. You've chosen a hard profession for yourself, I hope you prosper. Glad to have you aboard.
  15. Pat, what Eberhard described or the booms were stowed closer to the hull, I don't see another alternative. Seems most models have the booms stowed forward of the main shrouds.
  16. HG, are you working on your knees on the floor? if so you're much younger than the most of us. Truly a lovey model.
  17. Kevin, you might try these folks. https://www.sussex-model-centre.co.uk/materials/covering/tissue?is_ajax=1&p=1
  18. If there's not a corral for a miniature Shiloh incorporated on the main deck I'm gonna be highly disappointed.
  19. That looks so realistic, Chris. Since I've started following your builds Ive been amazed at the quality of a build that can be achieved with card.
  20. Not to highjack Bob's log but it's great to hear you're back at it, Pat.
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