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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. I have found that going from stern to bow keeps the stays and running lines under tension better, something to consider.
  2. Great progress, Glen. You now have the model where it doesn't look like it got tossed up on the rocks, it now looks like a model ready to be completed. When you start rigging you gonna work front to back or vise versa?
  3. Interesting thought, John. And it could have well been used for task. Tennessee's fairlead wouldn't have been used for that task as the mizzen was on the main deck. I kinda feel we're missing the obvious?
  4. John, for the heavier craft I'm familiar with it was bollards and not lightweight fairleads plus the hawsers wouldn't fit though the fairleads pictured. At 3,242 GRT the Herzogin Cecilie was a heavy ship.
  5. The line I'm speaking of is right of ladder's second most upper rung. Andy, I've seen morning lines squeeze the corner dolphin tops on the dock I was standing on till they made the dolphin tops explode.I got peppered with splinters pretty good, luckily I didn't get one in the eye. Granted it was an extreme case but I can't agree regarding running a mooring line (with load at angle) through a fairlead as a general practice.
  6. Andy The below is a photo of the USS Tennessee showing the poop deck port side mooring line. I'm not saying the Herzogin Cecilie was sent up the same way but to haul a mooring line to a capstan at an angle through a fairlead sounds a bit sketchy, IMHO. Once the load was on the line I can envision that fairlead being ripped from the deck.
  7. John, I still don't think there was a designed use for the fairleads. IMHO they were there just in case a line had to be run over the poop edge. I know you said the owners were cheap but what could a fairlead have cost back in the day? If they were penny pinchers they were also conservatives and i'm sure they weighed the cost of a couple of fairleads being there versus the deck damage cost due to them not being there.
  8. Thank you to everyone for the kind comments, the likes and for following along. Thank you, Gary. The roofing took a couple of days to get off the ground. I had to mentally run through every conceivable way of building the roof noting the pitfalls of each method. i was going to try making the roof removable but that failed when thinking through the "how to" process. Yesterday I finally started cutting wood. There's no way in God's green earth I could have made successful progress without the RP cutter. I started with the cable tower. This engine shed sits on a 1.6 x 2.0 inch footprint. The first floor and cable tower opening are a combined 0,80 x 2.0 inches. The pitched roof is 1.6 inches at the peak. The engine shed is very small and very fragile and is a bit like working on an empty eggshell but the more roof structure I add the less fragile it becomes. Then the back gable end was made. This is where I left off for the evening. . I will have to extend the boiler stack. Thank you to everyone for your support. keith
  9. K, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard. One of the better set of sails, IMHO, was made by Bruma for his Cutty Sark build. His sail making starts on page 6 post #180.
  10. Bob, the Duchess is really coming along nicely. So sorry to hear you and the crew are sick with Covid. Isn't this the second time for you folks? I think Goober and Pile brought it home after a night on the town shore leave.
  11. Your longhorns must get awfully tired of you jumping on their backs for a romp around the paddock. Wow, wow and wow. Fantastic work on the bowsprit, Glen. Are you keeping Carson updated with progress repots/photos?
  12. Not so much having a good eye but more due to the fact that we own a iMac27 and I can enlarge photos to a ridicules level.
  13. Chris, it looks like 2D goes in the bottom center of the rudder controls part #4C
  14. Thank you to everyone for the kind comments, the likes, and for following along. Eberhard, thank you for taking the time to explain your process/ A lot of very good useful information, thank you again. Thank you, Dan. I'll PM you regarding wood as I do see a need in the not too distant future. As far as a second pile drive is concerned, I've had such a good time making this one that once the opportunity presents itself I'll be ready to make another one. It would be a improved dual cylinder dual drum Donkey engine. The Alamo! Kidding you, Tom. Seriously, thank you for taking the time to draw that up. Not much happening today as it's a day of recover after a night of pool league play. I'll make my way upstairs after supper and start gathering wood for the roof and making the jig. Thank you to everyone for the support. Keith
  15. Grant, what a drag. I feel for you and I hope fair skies and clear sailing are just over the horizon.
  16. thank you, Glen. I wish I could use washes like Rik, Eberhard, Gary, (@FriedClams), and others. I'm envious of their abilities and they make their work look so nice but I don't see that technique working at small scales. Someday I'm gonna build something at a big scale!
  17. John, Stephen Allen, @Stephen Allen posted this link to a steam winch that is similar to yours. https://www.hatchwellantiques.co.uk/stock/model-steam-winch-detail
  18. I've been having a discussion with Rik Buter, @Rik Buter on his build log (see link below) about my paint which isn't fair to Rik so I'd like to carry on that conversation here. Rik does an absolutely amazing job using washes and suggested I would get better results using thinner paint. At 1:120 scale the pieces are so small for them to be noticeable I apply a heavy coat of paint. I've messed about some trying washes and those small pieces don't stand out as they should, at least IMHO. I said to Rik that showing a dirty area on a piece I had to apply heavy black paint. An example of that is the water tank ladder photos in post # 224. There are two close up shots showing where I indicated grunge with black paint and one photo taken a little further back. In that photo the black doesn't stand out because the ladder is so small that at normal viewing distance it's barely noticeable, IMHO The wood used also comes into play. At times I have to mix lighter woods with darker woods to make a piece. In that caseI don't think a wash or thinner paint would work. I'm open to comments, if this ole dog can be taught new tricks I'm all ears.
  19. Golly, I don't want to hijack your log with my painting issues. If you'd like we can continue this conversation on my log, okay?
  20. Joe, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  21. Graham, welcome to MSW. Hoping all goes well with your Jolly Boat build. Glad to have you aboard.
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