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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Stuka, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  2. Thank you to all for the comments and the likes. There's nothing romantic about a barge. They just ride the tide being their utilitarian self. Most of the wood elements have been added to the barge hull and pile driver base 2.0 has been finished. I didn't bother with staggering the planks., I made each plank a home run stem to stern. There'll be enough clutter plus the driver and the steam donkey to hide a great portion of the deck. I don't think the lack of plank joints will stand out. If a piece of wood used was chipped in cutting I went ahead and used it. Once completed the barge will need to be roughed up and weathered. . I'll poly the barge where it's protected plus the poly will provide a base that when I rough it up/weather if I don't like a particular result I can simply wipe it off and give it another go. I need to add cleats, bollards, hand tools, lumber, rope, chain, peeves, and the obligatory wooden barrel. I'll be spending the next two days in the pool hall so it'll be a few before I can resume work. Thank you to everyone for your willingness to follow along. Keith
  3. That was 22 minutes of pure stress and that's from a viewers prospective. Glen, I could certainly feel your stress. Congratulations on a successful insertion! The Banshee is a real beauty sitting in her new forever home.
  4. Filling the void would be my suggestion. Forcing wood is bad enough, forcing paper makes me cringe at the thought of it.
  5. Johnny, try stropping and rigging the lanyards for 2mm deadeyes. That's much worse than a single block.
  6. *Keith looks at the long tweezer empathy transmitter power cord, reads Glen's last post, looks at the long tweezer empathy transmitter power cord, reads Glen's last post, looks at the long tweezer empathy transmitter power cord..........
  7. Hey, I'm taking deep inhaled breaths and channeling long tweezer empathy. After your "steaming donkey pile" comment I owe you this.
  8. Eberhard, I do hope you carry out your driver project. I'd love following a build log by you on the subject. I've not enough sand left in the glass to justify buying a lathe now. I'm pretty cagy with a drill and I enjoy the challenge. Thank you for following along. After aa page of comments I though it high time to provide POS. Nooo, not that POS, proof of sawdust. The hull 2.0 is close to having most of its elements attached. I'm not happy with the driver tower base so that'll get remade before making the hammer. The hammer needs to get made before the head log which adds a lot of stability. Once all the driver elements are added it'll be very sturdy. The hull measures 26 by 56 feet and the tower is 65 feet tall. The figure is to scale. When I worded on the pile driving crew I did not like climbing up to the head log. Heights is not my cuppa. Thank you to all for the kind comments, the likes, and for taking the time to follow along. Keith
  9. Andy, you said country fair and Cash and Dylan singing the below popped in my head. i hope you sell a ton of the little models, good on ya for making the time. And thank you for walking us through this project. It really helps in making sense of the build process. "So if you're travelin' the north county fair Where the winds hit heavy on the borderline Remember me to one who lives there For she once was a true love mine."
  10. Thank you, Bob. Having you hanging about makes my day. Oh how cleaver, Keith. It would be appropriate as I've been known to go tilting every now and then.
  11. Glen, hold that thought. This could easily go south. But Tom, we all know Dad liked you best. The scale is 1:120 God bless ya, Keith. If only I could. The new drill arrived this morning. It's made by the same manufacture as the old drill but looks to be more cheaply made which means it'll last half as long. I haven't done any real woodworking using my table saw and cutoff saw in years, it was like an archeological dig getting them out. Hull 1.0 proved to be too short and too narrow, hull 2.0 is in process. I did manage to successfully build the base for the pile drive along with cutting many of the driver components. The steam donkey is going to be tiny but I've got a positive feeling. Hopefully I'll have enough of something made in the next couple of days worthy of taking and post photos. Thank you to all for the comments, the likes, and for support by following along. Keith
  12. Johann, every post is a threat and I'm amazed anew every time. Thank you so much for sharing.
  13. Congratulations, Eberhard. What a fantastic journey it's been following your build of the Wespe. She's neat, beautiful, gorgeous, mind blowing, and many many more adjectives describing such over the top workmanship on your part. Again, congratulations. .
  14. Gary, you've made my day signing on to be part of this journey. I'm going to be relying heavily on your weathering skills as this project moves forward. Pat, I look forward to replicating the Donkey details. I've not tried to model machinery before so this is new and exciting. Grant, thank you for being willing to look over my shoulder. Please don't hesitate to say something if you see that I've gone awry. Thank you, Paul. The subject matter is interesting , hopefully I'll be able to do it justice. Keith, not only would I need to live several lifetimes, I'd have to make a pilgrimage to your workshop for your tutelage. As I was finishing up the woodworking portion of the Tennessee, I smoked my 1/2 inch cordless drill. Using a drill as a lathe is hard on a drill motor. I've been putting off ordering a replacement till this morning. A drill, acting as a lathe, is absolutely necessary for this project. I dare say I'll probably smoke the new one as I see many many hours of turning in my future. But it'll be well worth it and in the great scheme of things it's pretty cheap entertainment. I have to mow today but hopefully I can cut out the hull this afternoon. Thank you for the comments, the likes, and for being part of the journey. Keith
  15. Scott, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  16. Thank you following along. Terry, cool remembrance, thank you for sharing. Chris, thank you for the photo and the lead in......... I changed the title of this build from '1870's Floating Pile Driver' to it's current, '1880's Floating Steam Donkey Pile Driver'. Reason being as Chris pointed out, John Dolbeer invented the steam donkey but not till 1881. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steam_donkey Historic steam donkey photos and YouTube videos are plentiful. Research on steam donkey engines of the 1880's time period is the easiest research I've done, tons of information. I'm currently calculating the measurements for the hull and pile driver tower and once completed I'll cut out the hull. The pile driver tower is pretty straight forward. Depending on how well I'm able to replicate the steam donkey details at 1:120 will determine if there'll be a shed covering the engine. If I'm able to create good engine detail there'll be no shed, if I'm unable to replicate believable detail I'll make a shed to house the engine. The steam donkey will be an early one cylinder single drum type engine. Later more efficient steam donkeys would be two cylinder, two drum engines. Early Donkey Improved two cylinder, two drum Donkey And the journey continues. Keith
  17. Bob @Knocklouder, @kgstakes, Glen @Glen McGuire thank you the encouragement and for following along. Keith, hopefully I can make a dent in this vision before I start dribbling my pablum. MCB, thank you for the glass plate images offer but those are best left in your care. If you could take photos of them and post that would be fantastic. I have you, Eric @Cathead, Brian, @mbp521, Roel @Javelin to thank for the inspiration to attempt this project. The build logs by you guys has illustrated the both grand and simple beauty of the common mostly unheralded workboat/ship to which we owe so much. I only hope I'm able to accomplish a smidgen of that which you gentleman have achieved. Ken, not just New York. Think of all the thousands upon thousands of miles of dock across the world made possible by a lowly pile driver and her crew. https://fosscalemodels.com/products/floating-pile-driver-ho-scale-kit Thank you to all for the comments and likes. This is a fresh journey, may we never tire. Keith
  18. I can't wow and laugh at the same time, I'm emoji disfunctioninated.
  19. Keith, ole Bob's found a job. Eric, the Tennessee is 1:120 and all the leftover bits from her build will fit the driver. Plus, 1:120 is real simple math of 1/10 inch = 1 foot. This will not be a stand alone model should I live long enough to complete the project. This floating pile driver is not self propelled so there will needs to be a paddle wheel tow barge at some point and if you have a pile driver and tow barge, well, you need a dock and if you have a dock you need a.........and on it goes. This will be my final hurrah.
  20. Below gives a rough idea of where I'm headed with this. It'll be slow to develop but hopefully will pick up steam as we get into August. Old skid mounted pile driver. That was some tough ole hombres. Floating pile driver. This will be what I try to replicate. Pile driver drawing. HO scale pile driver kit model, pretty neat.
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