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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Speaking of Kraken carrots........supposedly this is a real photo of a women holding a carrot that came from her garden....... that ain't right.
  2. Grant, you gotta stop buying those Kraken Garden variety vegetables at the grocery store. Ask the wife to get a more gentle brand like, Puffin Farm.
  3. Andrew, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard. See the below, if you go to the home page and do a search you will find other threads regarding mast rake.
  4. The shots from mast top to deck almost look they were taken with a drone because the model is so realistic. Every photo is awe inspiring.
  5. Bob, did you check the link I posted in the second post, Cornwall has exactly what you are looking for.
  6. Alex, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  7. https://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/cgi-bin/ss000001.pl?page=search&SS=12mm%2C+brass%2C+2+ball%2C+rail+stanchions+with+holes&PR=-1&TB=O&ACTION=Go!
  8. Beautiful work, Siggi. Nothing beats good lighting to work by.
  9. Charles, welcome to MSW. Impressive models. Glad to have you aboard.
  10. Reminds of a time in Alaska when a container barge tied up to the Diamond E docks in Egegik, Alaska. The tides in the Egegik River in Bristol Bay can range from 17 + feet to less than a foot. Anyway, this barge tied up at high tide to the dock's dolphins. The hawsers were steel cable but the barge crew didn't shaken off the hawsers (after tying up they went to one bar in the village and immediately forgot about the barge) as the tide ran out. Welp, when the tide neared low point the hawsers tightened around the dolphins till the tops (above the where the hawsers where attached) exploded, literally, and of course the barge listed some 30 degrees to port away from the dock threatening to dump it's container cargo into the river. It was a six hour mad scramble trying to keep the barge from rolling till the tide started coming in enough to float the hull. It took another 24 hours burying deadmen below and above the dock where the barge could attach and finish unloading. Needless to say, it's exciting times when a large ship rolls are almost rolls. Luckily in the above incident there wasn't a loss of life. Being crushed to death in those circumstances is a very real possibility........they that go down to sea in ships.
  11. CCM, welcome to MSW. If you like cats and by your handle I assume you do, check out 'Cats' in the 'Shore Leave' section of the forum. See the link below. Glad to have you aboard.
  12. Mark, I wish you lived next door because I'd glad walk over and give you the set I have.
  13. So, you're going for the high compression engine, that bike is gonna scream across the bookshelf.
  14. You can toss the whole lot in the bin, I know because i bought a set. The case is cheap and the drill bits are so dull they're absolutely worthless, IMHO. Years ago Micro Mark sold a set in a flat blue case but they haven't offered that set for a couple of years. The first Micro Mark link in Bob's post seems to be the closest to blue case set they sold years ago. If I were to buy another set (and I'm close to needing to) of drill bits it would be the Micro Mark set.
  15. Better yet, throw that rubbish in the bin and place an order with Cornwall. They have some pretty nice wheels as I remember.
  16. I've retired the mention of that flightless bird, I speak its name no more. I've given it leave to go it's way, it's place another shore.
  17. Glen, that last photo is awesome! I can't get over how real the Kraken looks, just amazing. The Kraken being surrounded by its current all white state one would expect to see a........wait for it.......Polar Bear.
  18. Nice detail, Siggi. I hope whatever change you have to make doesn't prove too difficult.
  19. Thank you to all for the likes and for following along. Today marks a milestone of sorts as all off ship work has been completed on the foremast. This ends my need for my B&D Workmate bench vice for this model. The first post using the Workmate was #401, just over a year ago. I sometimes get the feeling I'm not getting much done but I've actually accomplished a lot during this time period. Of all the tools I've purchased specifically for use on the Tennessee, the Workmate has proven to be the most beneficial. Thank you again for the idea, Rob. Before permanently installing the mast I have to prep the deck with blocks around the main and fore mast along with general cleaning and making sure all is tidy because once the main and fore are both installed it will be extremely difficult if not impossible to get may hands between the mast and rigging at deck level. To clarify the block arrangement around each mast, it's an inverted gun tackle with horizontal deck level pull. Thanks again to all and to all, may the winds carry you gently on your journey.
  20. Eric, no, not at all. It's all good. Would love to see a photo of the artwork, please post or you can PM me.
  21. Vaidas, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
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