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Keith Black

NRG Member
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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Biggsy, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  2. Melissa, everything is looking peachy. Say, did you have a chance to go by the house that This Old House was renovating there in Saratoga Springs? If so, was it the circus it appears to be on TV?
  3. Simon, to you and all our UK members, my deepest sympathy. While we don't have kings and queens here in the US (other than those who think themselves such) she was like our Queen also. She reigned as Queen my whole 75 years and today, I am deeply saddened. The Queen is dead. Long live the King.
  4. LOL
  5. I'm sure that made it difficult for your marriage. Dealing with the crew first left you and your family problems till last.
  6. Demostenes, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  7. A good theory but it doesn't explain why each line would end with an eye. If it was to dampen blast fragments a line with a simple knot at the end would have sufficed. "to obscure its location in the rock face, like the stripes of a tiger." Would work till a lantern was lit.
  8. Bob, each line terminates in an eye. Do you think it could have been for safety? If someone stumbled through the port it would provide a last chance grab. Weird.
  9. She's a beauty. Nothing to do to her except lounge about and sip 5 o'clock martinis. Bob, let's go in halves on this one. This is the one to buy if money REALLY doesn't matter. https://www.yachtworld.com/yacht/1902-herreshoff-gaff-cutter-7731399/
  10. Yeah, I was disappointed not to see cabin photos or info on when she was last surveyed. You can tell the topside wood needs to be sanded and revarnished and maybe a new coat of white deck paint. None of the bright work has a closeup photo, the sails look good. She's tired but at a hundred and seventeen years old I guess that can be expected. Beautiful lines to her.
  11. Sometimes money is meaningless. https://www.ebay.com/itm/185560215536?hash=item2b34402ff0:g:h5cAAOSwle5jD3X~&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAsDkw0mvgFxT0PkfVd3N5GfQ0uXSqa%2BwDOOgC6MMtMqO1wzKJWF5P5a4Iolk0APuKjkZGGBX1ZCGhzYUJfrzMRyJQrKOJ4K3ysVZtJPDBuxcV8gyG3uUVQzt0lPhnuLrobDHgCLkgVmIJ%2BPt1Ruo5RDxjqtpJPc0o4wp1qzb6jzeRsmk3VcrScuyvaeeyygnh%2FfhuVIZS%2BkuM10Q%2FuKhBfwFQxhPeEIM7pYv3m%2FhhwrtW|tkp%3ABk9SR4r57ofjYA
  12. Folks, that wild and crazy guy Glen McGuire has pulled another penguin out of his hat with his Zheng He Treasure Fleet! Congratulations, buddy. You've hit a home run.
  13. Lynn, the golf season is over. Where are you and what are you up to? Look forward to hearing from you.
  14. Keith, I think your sails look great. I'm excited to see them close to being hung, it's been a long time coming. West Sussex is beautiful country. I wish my life had included the opportunity to live in England, West Sussex would have been top of my list.
  15. Glenn. welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  16. Thank you, Glen. You're a true gentleman and friend for playing along, he looks great!
  17. Steve, welcome to MSW. Beautiful model, glad to have you aboard.
  18. Bob, we're having a pleasant September and it looks like we're going to have a nice fall which probably means we're going to have a horrible winter. How about yourself?
  19. I think you get the birds of a feather flock together effect. A better option is starting a new discussion in the below titled "UK Suppliers" https://modelshipworld.com/forum/41-traders-dealers-buying-or-selling-anything-discuss-new-products-and-ship-model-goodies-here-as-well/
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