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Everything posted by rwiederrich

  1. One of my masts built off model for my Great Republic. I also added the billowing sails at this time too. Just way easier. Rob
  2. And after she is mounted and shrouds/ralines and backstays are added. Much easier this way I think. Rob
  3. This is my mizzen mast built off model for my Glory of the Seas build. I leave off the crossjack and lower shrouds till after the mast is set and the bunt and control lines are belayed. Makes it far easier to work around. Rob
  4. In this instance I mounted the furled sails to their yards off model....then rigged them to the mast...but the set sails were bent to the yards after the yards were mounted. It was easier to bend the billowing sails after the yard was mounted....then the furled sails. Which took much more fiddling and adjusting...which would have been quite tough on the model.. Rob
  5. Its best to furl your sails on the yard prior to installing on the mast. I treat each yard like its own small project...finish it and move on to the next small project...till they are all done and ready to move to the next project.....adding them to the mast. Yards are present on bow. Follow my build log and see the yards dressed before mounting.
  6. Oh goodness. I’m sure I’ll be on Glory for a couple more months. I might do a plastic model……..maybe Swordfish……..maybe a long break………who knows. I’ll work at getting her an audience with a local nautical museum…….we'll see how that works. Rob
  7. Oh..forgot to mention...I still need to make and install the 3 gin blocks for the chain ties. Rob
  8. I’m getting close to stepping the fore mast array. And then mounting the main yard. Shwuuuuuh…..I can’t believe I’m almost done with Glory of the Seas. Just a few more tasks. Rob
  9. Just have to add the sheets and I’ll be ready to step this bad boy in the hull. Rob
  10. Finished up the lifts. Here is a pic of the size of each eye hook for each lift. They are 1/8” long. Rob
  11. Added all the bunt lines to their insertions and will now run them through their blocks and down the mast. Rob
  12. Right. Next week will be in the mid to high seventies...so we will get a reprieve. Shoot...I cut down a dozen 10~4" trees yesterday with my son-n-law and stacked the trunks branches for chipping and it was 97deg. Work is possible outside....but in a hot room..........I'm dead. Rob
  13. Great job George....a *Milestone* it is. I remember when I finished all my masts for Great Republic...not to mention the Glory of the Seas. You've transitioned from a structure to rigging. The hull is one structure...the masting is another. Now tapering and rigging each yard will be all together *another* structure. I'd say you've completed about 1/3 of your build, that much closer to completion. Super job. Rob
  14. Just a quick update. I’m taking a slight break for a few days. The temps have been in the high nineties and my shop is not air conditioned. I just don’t have the energy to endure the temps. It just sucks the life out of me. I just can’t endure it. The house is air conditioned but not the shop. Maybe this weekend or next week, I’ll ramp up again. Rob
  15. What a fun adventure. I would suspect that the error lies in the drawing because photographs and logic dictate the boom Has to be clear of the boat and davit work. The boat must lower from the davit without impediment from the boom. Period! Glean from what is already known how stun sail booms were mounted to clipper ships. This surely isn’t rocket science it must be simpler than we are implying. For all intensive purposes I would just stick with the short boom crane to clear the boat way. Done deal. But that’s just me because I’m just a simple man, a lazy modeler at heart. whatever you do Pat, will be perfect. Personally, I’m an open carry Artistic license kinda guy, so make the call. I’m on your side. Rob
  16. Mark...visit my log on Glory of the Seas(scratch build section, 1851-1900, and you will see my method...I always rig the mast/yards off hull...then mount the mast and finish things up on the lower mast. Plus you can work at eye level and without any encumbrances. Its the best method I've ever used. Rob
  17. Wow....$125. I found mine at a second hand store for $20. Keep looking....and visit Ebay...sometimes they have them there. All I know, is that the method I devised is the simplest and fasted way to make thousands of copper plates.....in no time...for the cheapest cost...too. Rob
  18. Wildflecken wasn't right on the border...our AO was, and it extended down the Fulda Gap toward Fulda. We stared at East Germans all the time during our duties. We were the front line defense against any EG or Soviet aggression in that sector. Geographically...it was their only way to advance West.. Thanks....it was an *Adventure*..... Rob
  19. Right. The wire I use has to pass through a single link of 42lpi chain. It’s pretty thin stuff. Smaller then thread for sure. Winding off a small motor. Pat……your Victoria is amazing and a testament to you own expertise and skill. Your great mind’s doing just fine. Rob
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