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Everything posted by rwiederrich

  1. Thanks Rich. We’re in Hawaii all week ,so I’m not working on Glory. I’ll be back the first of September, and Hope to pick back up then. Rob
  2. Added the fore brace blocks and I drilled out the hull fairleads for the tacks/sheets.
  3. Worked a bit on the Mai and topgallany staysail downhauls and haul yards Rob
  4. Those missing shanks can be accounted for, just place the stay across them(the ones left). Cutty Sark is a clipper, so her sails are bent to the jackstay. My Glory build allowed me to store and furl the sails on top of the yard, like the prototype did. You can do the same on Cutty. Forego or hide the jackstays with furled sails on top of them. Rob
  5. I use extremely thin orthodontic stainless wire...I then bend the ends at length and then drill holes in the yard and insert the wire into it....making sure the wire rests on all the eye bolt shanks, then use a drop of CA glue to secure. Paint black. Here is another example on my Ferreira (aka Cutty Sark). and a close up on the Cutty Sark.
  6. Those pins represent the eye bolt shanks for the jackstays....that run along the top of the yard. this is what the sails are bent to. Here they are running along the top of the yards on my Cutty Sark. I glued hair wire(very thin stainless steel wire to them to create the jackstays. Rob
  7. And a painting of her made in 1919 my marine artist John something or other(can’t remember right now) Rob
  8. Found a couple new images of Glory. Here is one on the beach…….a different angle Rob
  9. Oh....I agree. But we have to remember...she had iron stock anchors while being fitted out as a canary. Pics of this time frame don't lie. Now, when she was still active in the timber trade...she did indeed travel North to Alaska to trade timber...we know that from other pictures of her there. She might have lost an anchor then....before her canary days. We need to know if any records show or document such an event. Rob
  10. Right. There must be some info on if and when she lost an anchor. However, the images of her being fitted out before she left for Alaska.....show she already possessed her iron anchors with iron stocks Interesting notion, if it was true. Rob
  11. When I saw this the other day , that is exactly what I thought. Her newer anchors had iron stocks. They could be replacements as a result of this lost anchor. Yes. Rob
  12. All the little workers bolted…….apparently they’re all camera shy. However, the likeness is remarkable……if I say so myself. Rob
  13. Thanks Rich. I just go through my own self assessment now and again and I tend to beat myself up over mistakes I make. My bursitis isn’t lending any encouragement, so I tend to default to self criticism. Not being bi-polar……I still tend to exhibit like symptoms when I’m in pain. Thanks for the back rub……it helps. Now onto more productive subjects. Rob
  14. Tried a comparison image. Tough to get the correct distortions and elevations Rob
  15. All the main mast stays are installed. Now I’m tinkering on the fore mast bunt line locations. I will return to the main stay sail haulyard and down hauls shortly. Rob
  16. Thanks everyone for the generous likes and fine compliments. As much as I like to think I'm producing an accurate replication of Glory of the Seas.....I *still* find myself making the most armature mistakes and gross oversights. I have to be so mindful of so many details that must happen in precise sequence, that I still overlook so many things. Not to mention a plethora of Mismeasurements and sloppy craftmanship. Details that do not go unnoticed by me nor the most discriminating eye. I'm still just a *Hack* modeler in my own assessment. There is still so much more to do. .....and.......Sorry for the rant....but I just see so many things I would have done differently, but it is too late to do anything about them now. Now...if I can just learn from my mistakes....that will be the real challenge. I think I'll begin with the main and fore stays to stabilize the rake and balance the mizzen stays. *Inside toward the outside*. Rob
  17. Thanks everyone, for the fine compliments. I’ve finished the gin blocks……. Made the mast boot and stepped the mast into the hull. She’s glued in. Now waiting for it to dry before any more work can proceed. Hear are some pics……enjoy. Rob
  18. Had to set the nearly completed mast in place to see the overall effect. It’s a bit forward in its rake but no matter. Here is a few images. Rob
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