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king derelict

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Everything posted by king derelict

  1. I would love to try a Lightning. That was my first test aircraft at Boscombe Down. Watching the rate of climb following an AB take off was unforgettable. It would be a great bare metal challenge too. I've browsed kits but haven't formed an option on which is the superior offering. I need to try to find my Lightning reference book which is somewhere in my fathers attic in the UK. That may be a project for my December visit Alan
  2. It will be great to see you back on this spectacular project. So many great figures already done. Your brush painting skills make the air brush redundant for this one. Enjoy and have fun. Alan
  3. Thank you Andrew. I'm going to need to review the helpful suggestions for the landscaping in the very near futue. Alan
  4. Thank you Craig. It will look better with some more sanding and some mortar in places. Alan
  5. Thank you very much OC , these kits are tough proposition with so much repetitive work with the stone work. The result is a unique model and there is enough vagueness in the guide to provide plenty of challenges. It's going to be a while before I pick up another one though Alan
  6. Progress has continued through the week with most of the upper structures completed. Its beginning to feel like the last lap. I came across another Aedes Ars discontinuity. The arched gateway in the lower right is too close to the wall of the structure and is partially blocked by the wall. The guide is of no help. I checked the templates and everything is where its supposed to be. My solution is to chamfer the wall as it meets the arch and fair it into the archway. I'll round it off a little and I think it will look acceptable. The windows still need to be opened out too and cleaned up a little I'm working on the last bits of structure now The remaining blocks are diminishing but I'm hopeful I might just make it The last challenge will be the last tower and the roofs on the adjacent buildings There is going to be some very intricate block and tile work here and I think there is going to be some potential for light leakage. I ordered some black caulk to sit the roof templates on and I may add some cardboard to the templates to ensure there are no gaps. Thanks for looking in and all the likes and helpful comments Alan
  7. Thanks Andrew. I have seen some packs of extra blocks on Amazon at a pretty fierce price. I will try a begging email to Aedes Ars first and see how good their customer service is. I'm hoping I might squeak though. Alan
  8. Thank you OC for the encouragement. Its starting to feel like I'm in the last days of block work. That little engraving tool is great. It can get into some places I was really struggling with. Its not very powerful but that's a good thing for this application. I don't want to grind excessive amounts off the stonework Alan
  9. Lovely project Craig. The weathered finish is going to make it exceptional Alan
  10. The snow looks very convincing Craig. I'm looking forward to seeing the icicles Alan
  11. Thanks Craig. That is very helpful. I always have a fight with the tracks Alan
  12. Time to rescue this from the bottom of the page. Actually I've been getting a fair bit of work done during the week but I'm conscious that progress isn't too apparent if I update at frequent intervals The problem with the elevated courtyard and the arch sort of resolved itself. I put some matte black paint immediately inside the enclosed area to make it harder to see what is in there and added the floors to the areas B and C The floor rests on the lip of the inside walls. I decided that I didn't like the arch on the inner wall of courtyard B so I ripped it out and then continued building the walls up from the new floor level. This created a step down beyond the arch. I quite like it. With the black floor it has a sense of descending into a passage leading down into the castle. After that I continued building up the walls and came up to the next area that requires a bit of thought. The towers and their embrasures. The templates have very small crenellations which don't look at all sensible with the figures - they are barely waist high. This is an area where the scale is a bit of an issue - the blocks are really too big to make decent crenellations. I'm still pondering on the final answer to this but in the meantime the tower walls were finish and I paved the roof Then added two additional tiers of blocks (another concern if the Loarre Castle wardens ever come to Hobe Sound for their holidays) The same was done with the smaller (Queens) tower. I'm working on the adjacent structures now with a couple more roofs added. The several walls that start in various places and join to other structures is an area of the build that needs attention because the uneven sizes of the blocks and the sanding along with my inexactitudes can result in the inner and outer walls being unequal heights or the tiers on one side of the tower being a different height to the other side. Generally it has come out alright so far with a judicious bit of sanding here and there. So progress to date This is the total reserve of blocks - I am not sure whether I am going to make it - its going to be close. There are still several double walls to complete and those long structures at the top of the last photo are going to use a lot of blocks I risked $25 on Amazon for this micro engraving tool with a bunch of bits thinking it might be good for getting into all the areas difficult to reach to clean them up. Opening out the windows might also be easy with it. I think a delicate touch will be needed. It looks nice little tool. USB chargeable so very handy. Its even got stencils of teddy bears It comes with a micro saw blade; I'm wondering if that could be used to saw up blocks cleanly enough to solve the crenellation issue. Regardless there are hours of serious clean up needed once the structures are completed. Many thanks for looking in and all the likes and comments Alan
  13. Most of the floors or courtyards seem to be a gravel surface and Aedes Ars gives you a tiny bag of white ground material which is nowhere near enough to do anything useful with. I could mix it with some ground block material but it would have to be mostly block dust to cover the ground so I think its off to see what Woodland Scenic and others have to offer. Thanks for the help Alan
  14. Thanks OC. The templates and the guide are contradictory in places and I agree with you the wall needs to be doubled and that's the direction I have gone in. Alan
  15. Lovely work. As an old DH apprentice it's nice to see another De Havilland build Alan
  16. This should be a fun model. I'm looking forward to seeing a bare metal finish and learning more about getting a good result. The large inlet grill is interesting. I suppose it's cooling for the antigravity kit Looking forward to seeing this build Alan
  17. the engine looks first rate. Definitely could be mistaken for the real thing. Just the right amount of grime. That looks a great kit. I must take a look at a RFM model - what am I saying I have quite enough plastic in the house as it is - but it does look tempting. Alan
  18. I've made an initial sanding of the outer tower walls and completed the curved tower after much grumbling. Its a bit messy but it will clean up although its going to be very frustrating to sand down between the pillars and windows. I then discovered a mistake with the curved tower. Somehow I had let the template creep out of position while the glue was setting and didn't notice it until I came to start the walls around it. You can see the section of green at bottom right showing where the wall should go. And with the next level in place there is a nasty gap. So I dismantled the upper part of the wall on the right, cut some card to shape and glued it into place after filing the right side wall to a steeper angle where it meets the pillar. That allowed me to rotate the pillars a bit and the wall will curve more. I rebuilt the wall and it seems to have done the job. I plan to add another piece of card under the upper part of the tower which is just resting in place at present. That will be large enough to sit on the walls and should help stopping any light bleed I did a quick check and all lights are still functioning. I started on the upper works and am now down to the last bag of blocks. I think I will make it but its amazing how many blocks disappear from the tray when you lay one of the longer walls. Now I am encountering some conundrums with the upper details and the plan (general guide) is no real help If you look through the arch into a courtyard marked C there are arrows on the surrounding walls showing where piece "C" is fitted. This lines it up with the sill of the arch that leads from the courtyard into "B" Thats fine except that then leaves the raised floor halfway up the initial archway. I'm not sure what the optimum solution is. Maybe cut back the floor and build a set of stairs running up to the raided floor. There is another curiosity. The templates seem to suggest that interior walls are not built . Instead a series of piers three blocks high are built at intervals along the walls. That might hold the floor - except its too small Piece "C" is one blocks width too small for the space so will fall within the piers - or even an interior wall. The same is true for courtyard "B": I think I will make some new templates that are wider and build interior walls for them to rest on. The guide doesn't have any useful views on the subject. It looks like we have reached the interesting part of the build. I'll see if there are any detail photos of the real thing that might be enlightening. Otherwie its time to get that artistic license out and read the fine print! Thanks for looking in and the likes and comments Alan
  19. Hi Mike Thank you very much. Its taking longer than I expected. I need frequent breaks to keep up the enthusiasm for sanding, fitting gluing and repeat but its coming together. Luckily the final sanding and the use of the sanding dust in the gaps cleans up the final result very well. I keep saying I need to stop buying the kits - and then someone has a sale Alan
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