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king derelict

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Everything posted by king derelict

  1. It looks so obvious when its off. I got the white sprayed on today. Tomorrow I mask and add the gray to the blades. Spend more time cleaning the airbrush than spraying paint. Alan
  2. I use the same stuff (but matte). Seems to work well for wood, plaster but probably needs primer for plastic Alan
  3. Something to occupy idle hands while paint is drying elsewhere. Another Thirty Years War subject from Art Girona. This time a Spanish Officer. I assume every war has its rear echelons but with his little shoes with violet bows this chap doesn't look like someone who plans on charging through the mud and unpleasantness of the front lines😄 The figure is the usual very nice sculpt from Art Girona. I added brass wire pins at the raised arm and neck to locate the head and hand. The usual black primer and the directional white shading before starting the colour glazes. Thanks for looking in. Alan
  4. Progress is shamefully slow to finish this one. The second attempt to detail the prop tips were a miserable failure. The masking worked quite well but I seemed to suffer from incompatibility / inconsistency between the paint colours which were a mix of acrylics from Vallejo and Tamiya. The Tamiya colours didn't like being brush painted and the Vallejo either chipped off or peeled off with the masking. So its all been stripped off again and I am trying again using Tamiya and the air brush. The front and backs have now been primered and tomorrow I will mask and add the first colour. All this for a bit of red and white on the tips of teh blades. Thanks for looking in and the likes and comments. Alan
  5. The luggage racks are so neatly made. Super work alan
  6. Thank you very much OC. This is a first venture into 1/144 scale and there is a learning process as always. I need to tidy up my paintwork. It looks okay to the eye but the camera shows up every flaw. There were some horrible parts in the kit and flash, fit and some deformed parts made it a challenge but I was very happy with the way the fuselage, wings and booms went together. It all locked into place with the booms square to the wings and parallel. I gather the Beverley is much worse. alan
  7. So I went looking on Etsy. I didn’t see the exact same thing but I did buy an Athena figure- complete with owl
  8. Thank you so much Mike. The Art Girona range has several more tempting subjects. alan
  9. While I was trying to sort out the prop tips I took some time off and weathered the plane approximating to the real aircraft photo posted earlier. I used Ammo engine oil wash on the wings and masked up the panels that seem to have discoloration. Suitably grubby! I decided I wasn't making progress with the props - I just can't freehand the tips without something to rest my hand against. So I did what I should done at the start. I pulled them off (luckily I had used Gators Grip glue) and thankfully didn't break anything. They were stripped back and now will now be painted again, hopefully with a bit of precision. It possibly worked out for the best because I decided that it was a good time to add the PE details and I don't think I could have fitted a lot of it without bumping the prop blades. The turbulence control vanes over the flight deck were horrible to install; they are just so small (and there are 16 of them). Everything else was fairly respectable to work with but there are now few places that the model can be handled. Reinstall the props and touch up the paint and I think we will be done. I added landing lights made from discs of aluminium foil and a dot of glue for the lense. Thanks for looking in, the likes and comments Alan
  10. Nice! The eyes are very tidy Alan
  11. Its a terrible thing. I just wanted to paint Nabopolassar as a gift for a friend and now I've got half of Vallejos paint range and more brushes that I know what to do with along with yet another from Art Girona on the way. Its all worth it for the inner tranquility that it brings Alan
  12. Thank you kindly Craig. I think it’s helpful for developing better paint brush skills although you wouldn’t guess looking at the argosy prop tips. It’s a nice distraction from heavy going in another kit and they don’t take up much space. i just ordered a couple more for the shelf alan
  13. Thank you very much OC. I gather he survived Edgehill and the round ups after the Restoration eventually died peacefully in old age. alan
  14. I really enjoy the weathering but there is so much to learn and so many products to play around with. You did a great job here and avoided it looking excessive. alan
  15. Thank you kindly OC, those prop tips are driving me dippy alan
  16. Thank you very much Mike. It’s been a bit of a struggle but I’m pleased to see an Argosy taking shape. The Beverley might have to wait for a while though. I feel the need to start something Flyhawk alan
  17. Beautiful finish Craig. You need some cat hairs 😃 Alan
  18. Suddenly I seem to have reached the end of the Nate build. Taking the time to pin the head, arm and sword scabbard made all the difference. No more trying to hold everything in place and then watching it slowly fall out of place leaving a trail of half cured epoxy behind. This time things popped into place and stayed. I've added the spurs, and scabbard. The face piece for the helmet was a bad fit and needed a lot of filing to get it to slot into place the nose guard and helmet piece are very delicate but they stayed intact. The base was gussied up with Woodland Scenics grass and foliage. If he is supposed to be at Edgehill that was in October so the grass is starting to die and lose its green. I reworked the hair with Vallejo Cork Brown and didn't like the uniform colour so I dry brushed it with Yellow Ochre and I think its better. I think I have read that blonde hair is even worse to paint. I still have a few more A-G figures on the shelf and the interest is still strong so I think I will try another one to distract me from the Argosy when it gets annoying. Thanks for looking in, for the likes and the helpful comments. Alan
  19. I can't believe how much time I have spent fiddling with the prop tips. It hasn't helped that the Ammo acrylic red seems to be flaking off. I'm try the Tamiya version next. I had a thought for the white stripe. One of the paint schemes that Mikro Mir provided decals for involved fairly large white lettering. I started butchering the X, P, $ and ) to get small straight bits and tried them on the blade tips. It looks promising although I will have to touch up the red. Its just occurred to me - I am going to have to repeat the same exercise on the back side of teh props. Oh well. Thanks for looking in, the likes and the comments Alan
  20. Thank you very much OC. I'm starting to get an itch to do a figure in full armour. I will have to look back at the Art Girona catalogue Alan
  21. Hi Craig From what I have read Fiennes command a troop of cavalry at the Battle of Edgehill so I'm guessing this figure is representative of that time. He certainly isn't marching far in those boots. It sounds like plate armour was still pretty effective in the 17th century and infantry still wore a breastplate but it must have been a hot and heavy thing to put up with. The paint is Ammo Acrylic F-552 Red Leather. It is part of a six colour pack intended for face painting. I use it for the lips mostly but it was perfect for those boots. Alan
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