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Fernando E

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Everything posted by Fernando E

  1. The grain of the wood comes up a treat. I will definitely do that when I start my Endeavour kit (currently on the shelf together with the Beagle). Cheers.............Fernando
  2. Congratulations on a great looking model. The colours you chose look a treat and really enjoyed following along on your build log. Cheers.......Fernando 🍻🍻
  3. Hi Matt Many thanks for the photographs. Beautiful workmanship on the Perseverance. I hope I can do the same for my model when I get back to the docks! Cheers...........Fernando
  4. That's a nice looking piece of work Matt. It looks like the perfect fit. I think I'll take your lead and build one myself 👍👍 Any chance you can give me rough dimensions of what you have made? Can you also send me photos of your model? The small bit I saw in your photo looks really nice. Cheers............Fernando
  5. Welcome to the crew from another fellow Sydneysider. Cheers.............Fernando
  6. No more floggings but after nearly 7 weeks here am starting to look like a Tasmanian..(..am growing an extra toe!!) 😄😄
  7. Hi Mike Looks like you're moving at a cracking pace and the model is looking very smart. Black-It is worth the $30 as it will last a lifetime. I bought my bottle about 5 years ago and haven't used much at all since that time. Keep up the good work and I look forward to further updates. Cheers............Fernando PS. I'm still in Tasmania and not keen to head back to Sydney while the lockdown is still on and Covid numbers are still on the rise. The only downside is that under lockdown I would have more time on important things like working on my Perseverance!!! 🤕
  8. Hello Mike, Really looking smart! I really enjoyed building the deck furniture as it starts to look like it's heading towards the home straight......that is until I started the rigging🙄 Cheers...... Fernando
  9. Hi Mike, looking really good. I had similar problems with the transom cap with some minor spacing showing. I just put some tiny bits of wood filler and painted the spots the same black as the cap and....voila, spaces gone👍 Cheers.......Fernando 🍻
  10. Hi Mike Many thanks for your kind comments and I have added your build on my "watch list". Yes, it's been a long time between posts but I certainly have not given up on the Perseverance. The past couple of years , despite lockdowns etc. have been very busy with the addition of two grandkids and work commitments keeping me out of the boatyard. Work on her has been very haphazard but still on going although at a snails pace. I'm currently in Tasmania so am unable to do any work on her until I get back to Sydney which will probably be after the lockdowns come to a close up there. Cheers...........Fernando
  11. Hi Dave I have this kit on the shelf so will tag along for the ride! Cheers......Fernando
  12. Congratulations on a very nice build🍻🍻
  13. Hi Allan Many thanks for a very informative booklet. Although I have completed 4 builds (and about to finish my 5th) there is always something to learn in this very enjoyable hobby! Cheers..............Fernando
  14. Hello Doris Your work is absolutely stunning.....a work of art. I have been following your work for some time and to see what you have done over the past years has been nothing but spectacular. You are in a class of your own. Many thanks for sharing your work . Cheers................Fernando
  15. I've got this model on the shelf...will be next when I finish the Perseverance which is still on the workbench! I'll follow along for the ride. Cheers.............Fernando
  16. Many thanks Rod. Work in the boatyard has stalled somewhat due to other commitments (work, new grandchild etc) but am hoping to move ahead with soon. Cheers.........Fernando
  17. Hello and a warm welcome from down south in Sydney. I've built two Modellers Central kits and am on my third one......(very slow progress on the current build due to work and other commitments )and can recommend their kits. They have detailed instructions on all their models (full colour and easy to follow) and they also have DVD's so you can watch an experienced model maker explain the build you choose step by step. As a newbie I found the DVD's extremely helpful Cheers and enjoy your new hobby.............Fernando
  18. I soak mine in boiling water and slowly bend them. I bought a pair of planking crimps early on, used it a couple of times then have been kept it in the bottom drawer ever since. Boiling water is the go! Cheers.........Fernando
  19. I agree Troy. I was given a packet of these some years ago. I have only ever used them once and they were a waste of time. Cheers...........Fernando
  20. Welcome aboard Stephen Cheers...... Fernando
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