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Derek C

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Everything posted by Derek C

  1. Hello Fellow MSW Members I am going to attempt the Cross Section for my next build , this will be my third wooden boat model .So with that being said , don’t expect a master piece as I am a true novice. It took me a week at least to try and figure out what wood and how much to purchase . I am sure I probably purchased more than needed but I figure what I don’t use on this build , I will someday on another I’m sure and to be honest some of what I ordered I didn’t plan on ordering but once I got on the site and started ordering, I couldn’t help it. Here is what I ordered: while I wait for my wood to arrive I have some teak and figured I’d play around and try my hand at building a cannon as I have never done one before . First I used a flashlight to trace the parts for the cannon, because I only printed on set and ran out of ink (well at least that’s what it’s telling me ,but seems like I just replaced the darn thing ) and didn’t feel like running to the store and I couldn’t talk the admiral into going. i placed the print down on the lens of the flashlight and put a piece of card stock over it and used a colored pencil to trace the plan, I use a color pencil to be able to see that I didn’t miss anything. With black ink or pencil the image and pencil lines make it hard to see. i then used exacto knife to cut out template. using a a small amount of glue I glued the templates to a piece of teak I had already previously prepared to the proper thickness. Using the scroll saw I cut out the templates in a general shape. I then used files, sanding blocks,and sticks to finish Then I cut out some bits to make the front and rear axle spindals that’s where I’m at for the day .I will continue to work on the cannons while I patiently wait for my wood order . I hope y’all will follow along on this adventure and help me out along the way Thanks Derek
  2. I placed my order today and I bought way more than I need probably, but once i started ordering I couldn’t help it I wanted it all but the admiral only gave me so much to work with and of coarse I went over lol its easier to ask for forgiveness then for permission
  3. There is no race , take your time and enjoy the build .A hobby is for relaxing and having fun
  4. Ethan from Ocooch responded very quickly and the price for the 3/16 thick is the same as quarter inch I am putting together a list for them now Thanks to John for starting this thread and Chuck for posting link . I was going to browse through Crown Timbers but there store is always closed for maintenance. Not sure whats up with that
  5. I just mailed them to get some pricing on some 3/16 x3x24 inch cherry and red oak I mentioned both MSW ad Chuck I wil post update when I et response
  6. I will be placing a order there next week to start my cross section the prices are good
  7. I will grab a seat and follow along, as for staining make sure you sand off any excess glue or your glue will show worse because the stain can't penetrate
  8. Thanks Steve I appreciate that. i am going over the plans for the Triton Cross Section now ,getting ready to start on that project Derek
  9. I finished the rigging and sails and put her all together this morning . Here is a few photos of her all finished up . Thanks to everyone that looked in ,liked,and commented on my first scratch build . I hope to see y’all on my next journey. Thanks again Derek
  10. I have started replacing the rigging and got the main sail up slow and steady She is coming together nicely I think . I enjoyed building the longboat kit I purchased from model Shipway and it was a challenge , that being said ... building it from scratch was very challenging and a bit of a test to see if I could actually build a boat from scratch before I moved on to something bigger. Doing this longboat has giving me the confidence that I might be able to build my next project the Triton Cross Section.
  11. Welcome to MSW dooder85 I am relatively new to this hobby and I am so glad that I found this website the people here are very talented and helpful. The forums and build logs are packed with so much information Derek
  12. Lookig real good alde I will follow along with you on your journey Derek
  13. Looks good Tom With the Moose always over your shoulder , you better run a tight ship!
  14. Thanks Tom It was new clear coat but it stuck to the fibers hanging off the rigging I have already started re rigging not that big of a deal just a minor delay I am hopping between rigging and sewing lol I will have the old girl in ship shape in a few days. I used cheap line for rigging . I need to order some stuff from chuck at syren his stuff looks great
  15. I applied the clear coat and and it looks good on the wood but did not expect it to ruin the rigging . It formed crystals on the rigging so no I will have to attempt to clean it off or just re rig . as as for the sails it’s a slow process but I’m getting there .it will give me time to ponder on the rigging tragedy I am getting thru this final leg of the build at a snail 🐌 pace . I’m getting anxious to start the Triton Cross Section
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