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janet bode

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Everything posted by janet bode

  1. Janet B As regards thinners for TIMEBOND contact adhesive you can buy it from good stocked hardware stores,i get mine from a store in Bournmouth U-K the shop is called INEXSSES usually when i vist Bournmouth i usually buy 4 tins so i have plenty in stock. I have seen other makes sell the thinners, in using it if you thin the glue too much it just soakes into the wood and is not effective so do not overdo the thinners. Regards Janet B
  2. Hi all. In respect Alert card kit it comes very well presented in a stout carboard box and in opening it everything is in the box including all paints and two brushes. Well i feel i want to start right now but it will be a side line to be worked on when the boss moans that he does not see me for hours.I will be doing the kit in the lounge so i will be able watch all of the rubbish on tv at the same time,of course if i make a complete mess of it then you will not be see it i shall set fire to it and send it to where all horrible kits i make wil go. regards to all Janet
  3. Janet B Hi Frank I replaced all of the decking and used Lemon wood (i tried to order Boxwood but my supplier said he only had Lemon, he said it was similar but i am not so sure) however i find Lemon quite a nice wood to work with.All of the gunwale rails i replaced with Flexable Beech.
  4. Janet B Thank you for your kind comments edmay,as regardrs Red Dragon the deck is made from lemon wood it is a wood i like using, i bought a log and had it riped down to manageble sizes. The deck is fully treenailed and as far as i could research to scale,although it is very difficult to gain info about Chinese Junks.Upper planking is Lime,headrails are made from flexible Beech as the curves can be tricky,i discarded the cast windows and built new ones as i felt i wanted the practise,the rudder shaft is splt half way from the tiller it made it easier it will be eventually joined. Hope you find this interesting. Janet
  5. Here is a photo of my Red Dragon by A-Latina, the model has taken me two years,after a little illness.
  6. Janet B I have taken this photo it is A-Latina Red Dragon so far it has taken me two years to build.
  7. Janet B If you look on website www.peterdyson.co.uk they sell every- thing you need.First you need to purchase Cleaner-Degreaser.Second you need to purchase bottle Brass Black.Third you need to purchase tin of Jade Oil fron John Penny Restoration Ltd.( www. jpennyltd.co.uk) to start wash object in water best as you can ,put object in Cleaner Degreaser and get a piece of cloth and wipe parts thoroughly until clean do not touch with fingers rinse thoroughly in cold water.wipe dry with clean cloth,follow instructions printed on bottle of Brass Black .Jade Oil also follow instructions on label. It is very important to follow instructions to the letter, after 24HRS gently wipe you may find a bit of black comes off but it is of no concern ,try not to touch part. Remember clenlineess counts most. Janet B
  8. janet Hi Dennis glad to see you bought the Byrnes table saw, a very good accesary is the micrometer adjustment its very usefull as regards the sanding machine one very good feature the sanding drums just use a sheet of sndpaper so it is very easy to change,other makes use a tube of sandpaper which is more difficult to change. Best, wishes.
  9. Hi Vivian As i am building the RED DRAGON along with you i must say how very impresed with level of detail you have incorparated into your model.At the rate you are proceding you will over soon over- take me, my model does not incoperate any internal detail but i have modyfied the model structually because because i wanted practise differant methods of construction for for later models.The rudder is made from four pieces of Walnut dowled together it reaches up into the hull just for one inch where i have drilled a hole. the top of the rudder shaft comes through and is connected by a piece of brass rod sure makes it easy to take it out since the tiller is fitted. The top front frame (the one that fits on the deck near the bow)once its glued on can be used as a guide as you sand the edge the deck prior glueing on the bullwarks, any i hope have been of help, my model has a few mods so perhaps not exactly as it should be. anyway kind regards: Janet B
  10. I bought the PROXEN table saw with micro adjustment, it turned out to be awful and inacurate,it cost me £335 and its mostly plastic.I think PROXEN are o-k for sawing but for repetable accuracy not so good. I own Jim Byrnes table saw and its a beutifull peice of workmanship, i bought with micrometer setting and its exact every time i use it. Since then i bought Jims sanding m/c and the draw plate,i have a plate made in India so i use it to rough prior to using Jims plate, all of Jims m/c /s are made of metal. Just a thought as get older and find i may have to sell my Jim Byrens i thought perhaps some sort of register kept on MSW private register so m/c would go ship modellers and not to the tool traders who buy anything and do not appreciate the true value. Regards Janet B
  11. Janet B Hi Vivian I have been building RED DRAGON for about a year now.I made the chainplates from copper strip it was very easy to form round the rails,i re-made all of the winches from lemon wood the bul bullwarks i planked them inside,the handrails are a bit trickey i made them from flexable beech and had to use hot water and a soldering iron for heat,then i worked my way along using super glue. kind regards Janet..
  12. Janet B My hubby has bought Emma for my birthday, so ihope you get on well with the build i shall be following i will be following it with interest.In the meantime when hubby has gone to bed i will spend most of the night in my workshop,(i have to sleep down stairs as i am disabled)working on my A-LCHINESE JUNK .
  13. iWhen i open a CA bottle i always print the date on it that way i know its age. Regards: janet B
  14. I use TIMEBOND contact glue which gives me time to adjust the plank, i just gently lay the plank in position before fully pressing down, even then i can still make slight adjutments. As the regards coating the planks i lay a strip of masking tape on a peice of spare wood then just briskley coat the plank then immediatly lift up and lay it somewhere where it cannot stick to anythink. Sometimes it helps if you very slitley thin the glue, but do not overdo this, the masking tape is renewed for every strip but you can lay several strips at a time you can do a number of planks a time. regards:janet B
  15. Chris I am truely in awe at this beutiful model of Victory how i would like to build her, however i fear i am a little to old to engage in such a long term project as i do not yet have the skill yet .At the moment i am working on A-LATINAS Red Dragon it has taken me a long as i try to be as perfact as i can be. anyway thanks for the insperation you give. Janet B
  16. Janet B I have a Byrnes sanding m/c wonderful tool dead accurate by one now.
  17. Thanks guys for all your help. I have already made all of the masts for my A-L Red Dragon ,i have decided to paint them i have spent many hours building this boat and have included many alterations because i wanted to practise as many different methods as i could. I have not heard of Minwax pre stain over here in U-K sounds interesting,hope to post photos but i am not sure how to go about this . By for now Janet b
  18. This is my first build and its A-latina RED DRAGON ,i decided to make masts with white dowl i wanted to practice staining .i am not too pleased with my practice pieces, can anybody offer suggestions
  19. Wonderful build, i want to build her too perhaps sometime in the future, please carry on with the pics its very inspiring for me good luck. Kind regards: janet b
  20. Phantom ships well i am building one now, manufactured by somebody called A-L and its called Red Dragon. A study of the deck around the bow makes me think the deck sticks out about 20feet each side while the hull tapers down to normal ships stem. There is no stated scale in my kit, i think when i finish the boat it may not look to bad i hope as i have put a lot of effort in to it, eg:i have planked and pinned the deck : all just for practice for a future project plus lots of other parts but i am under no illusion that its a real ship. Regards: janet b
  21. Janet b Great build cant wait to see the rigging. how did you go about cutting the rabbet. Regards
  22. i have just ordered a sherline lathe & mill plus other bits and pieces, very expensive over here in U-K hope they are worth the money i already have accses to oriental lath & mill but they are a bit to large .i am building Arty Latina Red Dragon its supposed to be scale but i wonder if the Chinease ever built a boat constructed like this, however i am using it for practise and i have added extra details janet bode
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