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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by 4whelr

  1. Buck, Enjoyed the pics! Brings back some very fond memories. I was stationed in the Springs from '74 to '80's. My duty station was the Cheyenne Mountain Complex and my base was Peterson AFB. Beautiful country. Views almost every where you look! Enjoy it all! A ride up Gold Camp Road was always a treat. I hope it hasn't changed too much!! Eddie
  2. Nigel, It has been a while since I have checked in. Your build is looking terrific. Clean and precise work. Certainly am enjoying sharing the journey with you!! Eddie
  3. Thank you all for the well wishes. Recovery is slow but constant. Feels really weird having my right eat and jaw line numb like I just came from the dentist. Docs say most of the feeling will return in the next 6 months to a year. Being a paraplegic with no feeling from the waist down I really don't need any other dead spots on this old bod of mine! I did get a small amount of work done. Rudder is mounted so no more "drifting in circles with the tide". Plenty of mistakes but that is what happens when a novice shipwright is commissioned to build a ship! Deck planking coming soon! Eddie
  4. Thank you all for the kind words and concern. The surgery went well. The tumors turned out to be more invasive than first thought. This caused the surgery to last nearly 2 hours longer than anticipated. Thankfully the biopsy showed the tumors to be benign. Recovery is going more slowly than was first thought. My post op appointment will be tomorrow and I am hopeful they will remove all the stitches. Won't be long now before I can stand to wear the Opivisor and get back to the shipyard! Kindest regards, Eddie P.S. Took a picture of my stitches. I hope no one finds them too upsetting.
  5. Thank you Jay! Will be signing off until Saturday! Will fill you all in on all the news fit to post then. Till then, "Fair winds and following seas for you all!!" Eddie
  6. Hi all, Been a while since I posted. I haven't given up! I have been dealing with some medical problems that are cutting into my build time. The most serious is a Warthin's Tumor. http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-warthins-tumor.htm Thank goodness it is benign! I am going to have it removed Friday 8/23 morning with an overnight stay in the hospital. Once this thing is gone and I have recovered from the surgery enough, I will return to work on the Elsie! Hope to post build updates soon! Eddie
  7. PopJack, Congratulations! Excellent build. I really like the mount using the rock! You can now display her with pride!! Okay on to the next one! Eddie
  8. Jack, Will say a prayer for you, two year olds can be a hand full! The up side is you will have time with your grandchild which, in my opinion, makes it all worth while! They grow up so fast it's scary! Enjoy it while you can! The build will still be there when you can come back to it! Eddie
  9. PopJack, Excellent work! Love the look of the mount!! Congratulations on a fine build!! Eddie
  10. Neal, What's that music I hear? And what is that big fin sticking out of the water off the starboard bow?!?!?! Your build is looking very nice, very nice indeed!! Eddie
  11. Farbror Fartyg, So have I! This should be a very interesting build to follow. I very much look forward to it! Eddie
  12. David, Hope it is a very smooth move! Will be looking forward to your return! Eddie
  13. Nigel, Thank you so much for the kind words!! Eddie
  14. Bob - Thank you for looking in! Although I am proud of my work so far, I don't think any of my work will approach the awesome job you did on that wheel! Loved it!! Eddie
  15. Nils - Your build is coming along so nicely. I hope one day I can develope the skills to do as well as you are doing. As to your English, keep in mind I probably know only about 10 words in German, so to me your English if very good! Thank you so much for the picture of the Elsie. I now have it saved on my computer. I am enjoying following you build and seeing your excellent work! Eddie
  16. Buck - Thank you! I am doing my best to do this right! It goes so slow with so many do overs. Lawrence - The lines of the schooners are very nice. Nice to hear looking at my build brings back pleasant memories! Nils - I haven't seen that video. Will definitely look it up. Thank you for sharing it with me! Thank you all for the advice and kind words! Being on this site I feel like an appretice with hundreds of masters teaching me how it is done! Eddie
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