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Everything posted by J11

  1. Another quick update, the main mast upper rats being worked on along with finishing the lower rats. In hope I 'll have all the upper main mast rats finished tonight and them start on the aft lower masts tomorrow.
  2. The main mast angle is a optical illusion as it's not that bad. They all are at 15 degrees angle approximately. I'll have more images soon on the rats for the aft mast. Also appreciate the compliments for the build. I have added a bunch of extra parts for her as to make her more historically accurate and will be adding more for the full sails and tackle within the rigging. She's been a challenge and a good one for detailing and has been a learning experience at this scale for me and it been very enjoyable.
  3. Quick update, she's turning out a lot better for the rats:
  4. @RickyGene, @popeye the sailor, thanks your for the compliments. You can pick one up one Ebay for 100.00 plus, the last one I think went for 160.00 which was a Revell plastic kit older model. So keep looking if your still interested. Do you still have your old kit?? Would love to see picture if you do. Here's a update, the fore mast main rat lines are replaced and will be working on the rats themselves soon. So far to recover the fore mast rats I have 10 hrs into them. They look better already. Stay tuned Ya'll it's moving along quickly. (hopefully)
  5. Yep, the fore mast rats will be tore out and redone. Time to redo them will be 40 hrs. Have also been going over the plans for all the other rigging with full sails and look's to be approximately 300 hr's to complete her with glass case. Will be ordering more parts for rigging, some lines will be white for definition coloring details. I have about 558 hrs so far into the build. Eager to get her finished so I can move onto another model, so I'm going to try to slam dunk the finish line on this one. Hopefully.
  6. Looking fantastic!! Beautiful color contrasting, look forward to more updates.
  7. More updates on the rats, been deciding maybe to tear out the fore mast rats and do them again. Think i can do it without destroying the fore mast but it's iffy.
  8. Got yea, try this: https://www.cybermodeler.com/resource6.shtml Give some good references for model colors and paint suppliers.
  9. Update for the main mast work: Will post more soon for rat ties.
  10. I'm in too!! Great kit and ship!! The detailing parts along with historical context will make this a true one of a kind. Look forward to updates!
  11. @CRI-CRI, she's looking great. Fine build you have going, very clean workmanship!
  12. Thanks @Old Collingwood, had to do them twice to get then as close as possible. Sometimes one step forward and two steps back.
  13. Thanks @Nikiforos, and @Sea Hoss. Taking a lot longer than what I wanted but the representation of her is a joy to work on and will be glad when she is finished with full sails. Be a few months so stay tuned and will give a update in the next couple of days on more rat work.
  14. Love them Carrack's! Exceptional work progressing nicely.
  15. She's a beauty!! Excellent work, looks like a real galleon.
  16. Quick update: Upper ratlines on the fore mast is finally done and moving towards the main mast work now. I'll post another update as soon as possible, thanks for all the likes and comments gentlemen!
  17. Looking great!! Fine attention to detailing, look forward to more updates.
  18. @JToma, approximately how many hours are you into this build? One of my hopes is to get a Constitution done one day, but alas I have 7 more ships to go before I can start one. But never say never!
  19. @Keith Black, I do have this file but it is copyrighted and can't post it. Did so in the past and got in trouble for it. But here are some images of a model which might be helpful. If you do want the file you can buy it here at the NRG Store. Articles from the Journals are available for personal or research use direct from the NRG for a nominal charge. We provide CDs with the entire run of Journals up to 2015 from the NRG Store. Individual articles can be obtained as PDFs.
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