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Everything posted by J11

  1. @ScottRC, here's some older plans for her which might be helpful. I am having a hard decision on changing the Jib sails to this configuration on the old plans, plus they also show the boom sails implemented. I have used the "Blue Jackets" sail plan but for some odd reason I feel this plan is better for the Jib sails placement. I need yawls opinion also on this. Should I change the bowsprit jib locations to this older plan or keep with "Blue Jackets" plan?? Older plans being discussed: Here's a crop of the Blue Jackets bowsprit sail plan: I'm leaning toward the older print as it looks more historically correct. What do you think?
  2. Here's the corrected patterns which will be adjusted a couple mm in height to match the rigging block mounts already installed. I will be gently be sewing the finished sails in place as I install them. But this procedure is further down the road as I have more rigging to do before sail installing begins.
  3. Scott, glad your enjoying the build and really appreciate the interest! That's great to have held on to her and then wanting to bring her back out and fix her up. I agree on the price's for these kits now; it's incredible they keep going up in price and they seem to be disappearing quickly so they interest in them is there. What year is your kit? Iv'e got the preliminary sail rigging done for the bowsprit and sizing sails now, here's test image for the sails along with telling me what size adjustments I need to make with my paper note book patterns. I'll work on enlarging them and show the pattern image corrected size soon. I do have a private sail maker as I mentioned before. We are working on the sails and different material for the delicate mounting on this rigging so not to overwhelm the rigging in weight of the sails. I don't want any sagging going on and we will probably do them in paper sails which are available in different types. To produce exact cloth sails I am looking at about $300.00 which is way to high and they are way to heavy. These are some unique model parts of her which must be exact along with size and historical shape in the implementation of them. Time consuming but a high quality model is worth it!
  4. Gentlemen if you have have the time threw my research I had found this very informative video. Basically a private class about these historical ships in the "Age of sails".
  5. @CDW, I agree about the box art. Been thinking on cutting mine out and framing it but then I destroy the box completely. hard decision!! The 1961 kit is gorgeous art!
  6. Here's the current ads for the Alabama for those interested from Ebay: (Hope I'm not violating any rules by posting these) If so please remove this post. https://www.ebay.com/itm/revell-CsS-alabama-vtg-model-kit-1988-1-96-scale-rare-used-good-clean-parts-htf/401928709685?hash=item5d94d16635:g:5pkAAOSwpj1drMJd https://www.ebay.com/itm/Revell-CSS-Alabama-Vintage-1961-1-96-Sailing-Ship-Kit-Sealed-Part-bags/143418649874?hash=item21646aed12:g:xZsAAOSw74RdrkzW
  7. Very unique vintage kit, excellent progress and representation so far!
  8. Look forward to your updates @Nazir. Also welcome to MSW!!
  9. @popeye the sailor, thanks!! There is one on ebay for 165.00 right now. Hint, hint, hint.
  10. Very nice! Hopefully one day I can do just that, have been wanting to see her in person for quite some time and would be a honor of a lifetime to go aboard. Then to have a re-enactor member escort me around her would be fantastic!
  11. Check this beauty out: USS Constitution 222 years old and still going!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZAJjpGnegk
  12. Yep they were a pain but turned out half decent. Here's all of them completed and some sail lines on the bowsprit which I will have to redo because of a length mistake sadly. ( Their in white ) Thanks for all the likes!!!
  13. Researching sails and proper rigging and comparing research to the Blue Jacket prints I have gotten a excellent consensuses for an application. I'm working out a sequence of installation now and will post some standing rigging image pictures later on. Here's a some wonderful reference images which has helped tremendously. I have spent days going over these as I don't have installation instructions on what I am trying to complete; but that's part of scratch building these kits. I cannot say enough about accumulating as much data as possible on the ship your working on as my Alabama file alone is 1.25 GB. The sails will be probably the worst fragile installation I have ever done, working out the exact dimensions of the sails and attachments to the yards. These drawings also help. I can't post the Blue Jacket prints I am using, but I will say that without them there would be no way to complete this model with full sails and the boom sails. I have posted this data for future modelers of this ship from the Revell kit company if they choose to tackle her in the same detail as I am working to implement.
  14. @RickyGene : ( I sure hope I have not hi-jacked this current thread.) Not at all, when you do have the time start a build blog on your model. I am also interested in seeing the build and ship. Sounds like a wonderful kit and representation.
  15. Some historical facts to add to the blog: My personal favorite which didn't make the cut:
  16. Update as promised, working on aft mast rats and looking forward to the rats being done. 25 hrs to get to this level and looks to be about 3 more hours to finish all the rats. Then more rigging and sail mast work. She's looking ship shape and looks 100% better for the rats than my first attempt. About 900 individual hand tied knots for this scale and it was a tad bit tedious. Tweezers work mainly and slow process turned out a great result.
  17. @Glen Senkowski, WOW!! My chair is pulled up for this build!! Now I'm thinking I should have added a motor into the Alabama! Hmmm......... I can cut the hull and still do it, man; more research for what, where and how.
  18. More images are coming soon, she's shaping up and will post where I am at. History of the wreck for your files and enjoyment gentlemen. Great info and reads: UA_1999CSSAlabama.pdf UA_CSSAlabama 2002.pdf UA_InvestigationCSSAlabama.pdf
  19. @GrandpaPhil, ouch! I'd take some fine wood putty and shape that damage out, then sand her down and paint it. Green putty would work great also, just have to have a day for drying time. I feel your pain, mine breaks every-time I look at her wrong!!
  20. @JesseLee, thanks for all the likes and compliments. Very tedious work with her and a sheer pleasure to see her come together so nicely. I've made a few mistakes and had to do things a few times to get her right or as close as possible per my research and ability. Dust is the monster which tortures all of us building these long en-devours but that's all part of it. Glad your enjoying the build and I'll have some more images hopefully later today of the aft mast work.
  21. @CDW, your very welcome as this will be the only CSS Alabama model I will build in my lifetime, I wanted it to be a unique representation along with a way to document the build and NRG is the perfect outlet for prosperity. I look forward to others building her in the future here also.
  22. Another quick update, I wanted to show the sail booms fully extended for a comparison in size when she is done. I'm going to have to elevate the model and clean off my work table to do the sails or move it to the kitchen table. You can tell the difference of size and detailing which will be present when all sails are installed. I will work to billow them when I install them and planning is key for this model as there are no directions on how to implement except here at NRG; which I am very thankful for all the blogs and members help with this rascal.
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