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Daniel Caramagno

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About Daniel Caramagno

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  1. I am late to this thread. I have the SR kit in shrink wrap still. Knowing the issues I was not sure what I wanted to do with the kit. You work showed me the way I should go if I ever start. As you said, I always suspected the model was based on the last SR of Louis XIV. One thing I noticed regarding the waterline. The Malaga scroll shows the ship sitting deeper in the water than the Tanneron model suggests. The lower gunports are closer to the waterline. If I recall correctly, the SRII was a modification of a smaller rate (80?) under construction. As a result, could she be like the Wasa? Revised per kings orders so she sat deeper than intended? Maybe Tanneron got the hull design right?
  2. What are the ship carvings made from. Are they carved wood or do you sculpt them using Fimas, Sculpy, or a similar plastic clay product?
  3. I now this is an old thread by I am up to the point of stowing anchors. I have the references above but they are not definitive to me. For the bower lashed towards the stern of the fore channel; one end of the chain is attached to an eyebolt on the side. Where does the leading edge go? How is the palm tied in? There are no timber heads or other tie-in points I can find.
  4. I see your demonstrating at Joint Clubs in New London. Unfortunately I am not going! I am in the New Jersey Ship Model Society. What club are you? I hate to miss your demonstration as I have a model still sitting in its box at home! Wish we could meet.
  5. Did you order this book? I actually think it is a reprint. It may be more appropriate for you as it covers the 3 deckers prior to 1693. https://ancre.fr/en/monograph/68-monographie-de-l-ambitieux-vaisseau-3-ponts-1680.html
  6. Have you bought and received the Monograph of the Saint Philippe from France? I haven’t sold my kit of the Soleil Royale yet, and I am thinking of getting this book and taking a crack at it. Albeit with a focus on the second Soleil Royal, which is more in line with what this book probably covers.
  7. Enjoyed reading your build. I have the kit in my pile still in shrink wrap. Based on what you have uncovered, it likely represents the second Soleil Royale and needs a lot of modification to make the first one. I love the kit and, for a plastic kit, is well put together. However, after reading your build log I may ebay it as it is not worth the effort to me. Good luck on yours.
  8. Your decorations, are they carved from wood, or are they made from plastic clay?
  9. I have used cyano on models but never had good luck with it on rigging. Too stiff and brittle. I always use white glue or diluted Matt medium which s essentially diluted white glue. Don't recommend cyano for rigging at all.
  10. I recommend searching the Internet for wargaming figure tutorials. Dr. Faust is good. I paint LOTS of figures. Below 1/48 scale you can skip the eyes. However, I strongly recommend what is called the three layer painting process. For example: Block paint the face a red brown or brown. Highlight with a mix of the brown base and flesh. Final, lesser highlight with pure flesh. For the Knights, if they have black armor, base coat black. Highlight dark charcoal (3:1 black to white) Final highlight is slate color ( 2:1 or 1:1 black to white mix) Can do same layer process for other colors. Process adds depth and makes it pop. You can also ink the figure after simple block painting to add relief. It is quicker. However it deadens the colors, particularly red and white. I would only do it if in a rush.
  11. I've built in 1/8" scale and do not add copper nail detailing. Not only is it over scale, but there were specific nailing patterns used to mount the plates, and the patterns above would not simulate that. Common practice was best described as a lattice pattern as opposed to the rows above. Just my two cents.
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