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Everything posted by DenPink

  1. Hi Sjors You can see them they are at the back of the crows nest. Denis.
  2. Hi Sjors Yes it looks like a spiders web, but 99% of the ropes have a label on them, but you cannot see them. Denis.
  3. Hi Brian Thank you also. I put all the kit ropes in the bin. I got all my rope from Model Ship Supplies , and it seems like 200 miles of them ha ha . Denis.
  4. Hi Vince Thank you also, could not have done it with out your help. Again thank you. Denis.
  5. Hi Captain Steve, Edwin , Brian Parson , Popeye , Gary , Karl and Mark. Just to say thank you all. Denis.
  6. Hi Wacko Thank you I will post more photos soon OK. I would like your thoughts about the main yard sail, is it OK or do you think it should have more sail mat on it , I would like other people to comment on it as well as I am building blind on furling sails. All the best Denis.
  7. Hi All First of all my wife will kill me if she knows I am sending the photos with out cleaning my work area up . So I am sorry about that. I have glued the main mast in and I think it is OK. Done the crows feet etc. Popeye I still think the main mast yard sail should have more sail on it ( sorry ). Denis.
  8. Hi Popeye Tut tut re deadeyes you should always look -----> forward and not <------ backwards ( got you my friend ha ha ). Happy Easter to you and your family. Denis.
  9. Hi all I have just fitted the main yard/sail on the main mast. On reflection looking at the main sail I wish I had doubled up on the sail material , but to late now. Will glue the main mast in tonight. Post some photos soon. Denis.
  10. Hi Sjors Thank you for dropping in. Have about 3 months left on her. Tonight will finish the main yard and glue the main mast in place. Denis
  11. Hi Popeye After the cutting off the backstay rope on the foremast and now replaced ( and a pain to do ). I am putting the yards/sails on the main mast, just got two left and it will be glued in place ( then some photos ). The sails for the mizzen mast are just about finished, then I have to sow them onto the yards. Sorry I have been doing alot of work off the ship, so it will all come together all at once . Denis.
  12. Hi Ron Sorry I am back again, but what oil did you use on your Supply build. Denis.
  13. Hi Brian That is what I am planning to do for my next build ( what ever it is ). Brian thank you for the link to Byrnes. Denis.
  14. Hi Ron I am to old to think about a scratch build ha ha. I have also ordered a disc sander from Byrnes and in about 4 weeks time I will order the thickness sander. Will have to make room in my office first ha ha. Denis.
  15. Hi Ron Wow that is looking like a very nice hull, nice work. Are you going to varnish the hull before you carry on with the upper level. Nice build very very nice well done my friend . Denis.
  16. Hi Vince Nice work on the first planking, don't look like you had to use a lot of filler. Denis.
  17. Hi again Timmo I looked at getting prints of the SOS and the Royal William from the NMG but they wanted 60 pounds each + P&P so gave it a miss. Denis.
  18. Hi Timmo What a nice ship you are building . Your paint work is just out of this world. Love your attention to all the detail , just fantastic work very well done. Denis.
  19. Hi Ron Good to see you back, looking good my friend . Denis.
  20. Hi Vince Sorry about your plank bender it must be a bit of a pain with out it. But how are you getting along with out it , a bit slower I bet. Keep up the good work she is looking very nice so far. Denis.
  21. Hi Brian Yes Brian you are correct the planking on the SOS is scribed. It is to late for me to make my own planks for the SOS as all the cannons and rope coils etc are glued to the decks so will leave it as is. But will be making my own planks on my next build. Will see how the Byrnes table saw goes first and then if all OK it may be another order for a thickness sander. Thank you for your comments. Denis.
  22. Hi Brian And thanks to you and your build of the Royal William I can see and understand why model builders should have a Byrnes saw table. 7-10 days will be too long . Denis.
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