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Everything posted by texxn5

  1. yeah Dave, I guess keeping the crew moving was a thought.....looks like this head is ventilated from the bottom, and I guess if you were on the head during rough seas you managed to get a quick wash up when you were done....could be kinda cold!
  2. Hi Piet....the consideration for the moose is definitely a thought........however, in the real world of the Morgan, she was a Quaker ship, therefore, she only had a gold Billet Head instead of a Figurehead......too bad, a Moose would get some attention.....kinda like a Crescent Moon on working ship......lol.
  3. Hmm, guess I'll look for some Palm next time I go to the store....when's the red going on??? Also, did you decide what to do about the mine stowage? I know you were talking about perhaps an open tube showing a mine inside?
  4. Hi Randy, sorry about the computer.....always bad news.....pictures look great. I like the color of the yards...very nice
  5. Proost my friend! I hope you're joining me....I found some Leffe! So I'm toasting a job well done....
  6. Augie....does that mean.....second story man....or second story man in a 4 story outhouse??????
  7. Here are pictures of the "Real" Morgan outhouse. It has been moved away from the wales, and not yet reinstalled but shows the door and sides....
  8. Wayne.....however, that does sound like a smelly proposition....sure would hate to be the one with Head Duty..
  9. Adam....actually I have seen some 4 story outhouses and even some made of brick....really....no bs, could be considered the "Perverbial Outhouse"!! go figure --- 2-4 story outhouses....definitely something wrong with this picture.....maybe that's where the term "Rank has it's priveledges" comes from......definitely flowing downhill!
  10. Hmmm, Thanks Wayne, I like that idea...I'll consider this. There was a hole in the wales for the exit to the head, not sure about ventilation......speaking of Moose, I thought maybe I could duplicate this and hang it on the side......
  11. Thanks Adam, I really like the Resistance Solder iron. It makes this work pretty easy. Good to be back "near" the shipyard....still have "honey-do's" going, however today we are getting rain (rare) so maybe I can get some work done....
  12. Hi Michael, the amount of details on this ship the real one and yours continue to blow me away. This is truly remarkable...very nice work....thanks for the pictures.
  13. OK Guys, my interpretation of the reason behind the Crescent Moon, is that in order to distinguish among gentlemen during the era of the Outhouse, they were decorated by cutting a Full Moon and a Crescent Moon in the door. This accomplished several things at the same time, that being said, the first thing covered was ventilation which obviously was necessary, the second was it provided some light and was placed high enough up to provide some air of privacy (pun intended), you could reach in from the outside and move the wooden latch that is inside to open the door, or the other way around if your friends and family were playing a joke and locking you in, and last but certainly not least, the Crescent Moon was considered feminine and represented that the Outhouse was for the women, and the Full Moon was designated for men....so there you have it, now the question remaining is whether "to moon or not to moon?????" So we now have a delimma....this is a working ship....I do not recall seeing many if any women working the decks of a Whaling Ship....so should my outhouse have a Crescent Moon or not?? I think I'll leave it up to popular consensus.....what do you guys think????
  14. Thanks Slog, it would be a fine next build...it's been fun so far. As for the anchor chain, I got it from Jo-Ann's Fabric Store. The kit supplied chain is way too small.
  15. Thanks Grant..I'm like Slog.....cleaning the Diet Coke off of my monitor.....
  16. Ah yes, no wonder tht most of us build our ships with no sails.....too much hot air blowing around to be able to keep them under control if the sails were set! Windbags are always producing more hot air!!!!!
  17. Augie.....that is still a possibility......haven't decided yet since the real ship didn't have one....thanks for the like
  18. The head is finished and installed. ....open for business! next is the foc'sl companionway...
  19. Oh yeah.....I remember them......believe I've heard those before....lol
  20. Hi Dave, really looking nice. Lots of tedium....By the way, do you recall that each cannon did have a name, which was posted above each gun? I have a picture but it's on my other computer. I'll post one for you later in case you don't have any....lol.
  21. Hi Robert, I pland to do just that when time permits. My pictures arenot sorted well and presently on 2 different computers which doesn't help either.....we encountered lots of interesting places and many more ships than I would have expected.....while we were in Mystic, the ship hadn't changed much since the re-launching, but I think some progress has been made recently in mounting the bowsprit and stepping the foremast. The finishwork should be progressing soon in that they plan to sail her in April.
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