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Everything posted by texxn5

  1. Hi Dave, I just want to express our sincere thanks for lunch today and meeting you and your admiral Fran. We are glad to have made new friends. Take care. John & Diane
  2. Well, today is our last day in Charleston, and we had a most wonderful day. It seems that Dave (lambsk) from the MSW Forum, whom many of you know lives here in Charleston. We managed to connect and had lunch with him and his lovely Admiral Fran at one of Charleston's quaint and very old restaurants in Historic Charleston. What a wonderful and delightflul time it was. Once again, the power of this Forum has shown through, bringing people together from all parts of the world because of a common interest....model ships. It was like reuniting with an old friend. We have been communicating with each other for months and to be able to put a face with the person as well as his ship is quite remarkable indeed. Many thanks to Dave & Fran you are most gracious hosts, and we are very happy to have made some new friends.
  3. Hi Jim, the base looks really sharp. Thanks for the link to your source.
  4. Wow, somehow you still find time to build a ship model.....I'm impressed....how do you manage to have so much room???
  5. Hi Jason, this is really looking nice. I like the detail of the gun tackle.
  6. Hi Grant, hope the typhoon didn't disrupt things to bad for you there. I love Hong Kong, it is such a dynamic city...I find it fascinating. Be safe going home.....it'll probably seem strange after a long trip, I know mine will...
  7. Looking nice Sjors, sorry you're all alone at the table, maybe we'll invite you back down to ours some day.....
  8. Hi Randy, sorry to hear about your loss. Computer crashes can be devastating. I had mine stolen in Costa Rica when I lived down there and lost all my pictures from many years. I had them backed up to an external hard drive, but they got that too. Congrats on the promotion, welcome to the table.....we'll add another chair to the "gas bag bunch"...
  9. Hi Grant, thank you. I thought ahead and brought a seat belt with me so that I could stay anchored in the chair.
  10. Hi Buck, no we didn't get back to Newport News, it was pretty far from where we were staying, and I didn't think there was much there from the brochures. Going through NYC with an RV was an adventure and challenge to the nerves. fortunately my GPS was right on it and would tell me what lanes I needed to be in far enough in advance that I didn't wind up in the slums trying to gifure out how to turn around with an RV.....if you get my drift....We'll be posting more as we progress on down to Florida.
  11. Hi Sjors,thanks for the kudo's. Yes the table is getting more crowded. We'll just bring our woodworking tools and add on to it. I guess I have now joined the official Gas Bag's Table. I believe you must be lonely at the "Big" table though.....
  12. Hi Dave, we are staying at the Oak Plantation RV Park on Savannah Highway and will be here until Monday.
  13. hi Frank, thanks for the kind words, and welcome aboard. Hope to be back in the shipyard to progress the build but meanwhile, I guess I'm forced to tour.... Currently in Charleston, SC, and next week St Augustine...Glad you enjoyed.
  14. Hi Richard, welcome aboard. Sorry not much build progress right now, but I'm on an extended trip. I probably will try working on the whaleboats among my tours to try and get something done. Mystic was the highlight of my tour along with the Constitution which I just finished building and then got to tour it.
  15. Hi Jay, I'm not sure what the answer is on that one. the lost treasures are the National Archives, and the Smithsonian. no telling what they don't or won't show us.
  16. Hi Augie, I thought you and Sjors deserved this post as you have been my inspiration and mentors, along with Grant, Mark and Mobbsie.....
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