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Everything posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. I suppose if I sealed it well enough, it would be waterproof enough. I have seen card ship models built for RC before, so I know it can be done. Personally, I would never put a ship model in the water. I’d be too afraid of something going wrong. As it is, I do seal the card models periodically during construction, otherwise they won’t age well. Environmental humidity will wreak havoc on a card model.
  2. One test fitted rudder: It sits low on the deck, but that’s how it is on the plans too. It’ll work!
  3. Thank you all for the comments and the likes! The base coating is done:
  4. A quick diversion: Castorland, from Poland, makes some really nice nautical puzzles. I like them a lot. I like to glue them and frame them and then the Admiral likes to hang them in her house.
  5. Planking is the most difficult part for me. Once you have a hull, the model becomes a lot more fun for me. You are doing well, keep at it.
  6. I added all burgundy and the black striping. I also taped off the yellow stripe and brought the burgundy down to it. The stern is conjecture.
  7. Hannah sits well on her stand: The next layer on the hull, working from the inside out, is the yellow band. The next layer for the deck will be the inner bulwarks.
  8. The lower hull is now a dingy white color. Working on basecoating the deck. Progress has been slow, but life is busy, lol.
  9. The lower hull is in the process of being painted and the base is done:
  10. Thank you all for the comments and the likes! The painting begins: The base will be a medium brown that will be final coated with gloss mod podge, just like the base for the Prince de Neufchatel. When I paint models or miniatures, I like to work from the inside out. In this case I will paint the deck and lower hull first. Then I will paint the yellow stripe and then all bulwarks, which will be a barn red or burgundy color.
  11. Thank you all for the comments and the likes! The taffrail is made and installed: I used CA on the edges, over the PVA, so I could have something to carve smooth and blend the railings. I have a few minor spots to fill and then it will be time to paint! Speaking of which, I am going to treat Hannah like a wargaming miniature and basecoat/prime black. All vinyl is already coated in sealant. Basecoating in black gives depth to the model and will help give the ship a well-used/gritty look.
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