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Everything posted by geoffs

  1. It's great to see the progress on this. I never got started on my Charles W Morgan, I really don't have the space needed to devote full time to a model in progress. Probably should pass my kit onto someone who will finish it.
  2. Have a look at Inkscape. It has functions to convert from bitmaps/images to vectors. It's open source software and well supported
  3. Returning overseas travellers can bring in goods to the value of $A900, tax and duty free. The limit is increased to $A2700 for a family travelling together. This normally deals with alcohol, tobacco, cameras, laptops and the like but there's nothing to exclude the odd machine tool 🙂
  4. Spotlight do carry these knives but not the swivel ones. https://www.spotlightstores.com/embellishments/embossing/fiskars-fingertip-precision-knife/BP80096455
  5. Wish I still had my mill for stuff like this 😞 The minimum speed of these types of tools is usually around 5000RPM. Do you find that too fast for some work?
  6. Give RapidSizer a try. Free and does qite a good job.
  7. With some plans I recently had scanned, I used Gimp to do the clean up. Fairly time consuming but did a great job. I then turned some of them into vectors using Inkscape. The cleaned up images from Gimp made a big difference to Inkscape's ability to do the bitmap to vector conversion.
  8. You've done a beautiful job on that build, well done. I like the tammie norrie design (or Grebe as it used to be). I'm a member of the Living Boat Trust here in Tasmania and we have 6 grebes, all built by local school students under supervision of a boat builder from the LBT. These boats get a lot of use and we always have one or two out of the water for a clean/repaint.
  9. In case an administrator doesn't see this post, you could just report a post on the stream you want to remove, asking for assistance.
  10. Still looking at the Marathon micromotor as my next rotary tool and have a couple of questions: What method is used to hold the bits? collet or chuck? What diameter shaft is used for bits?
  11. At the moment, I'd have to include BandAids in my top 4! Every time I pick up a knife, I manage to cut myself 😞
  12. Thanks for the link! I'm probably in the market for a new Dremel and even with shipping to Oz, the Marathon micromotor is cheaper than I can get a Dremel 4000 here. Wonder if they fit the Vanda-Lay mill ...
  13. Just placed an order for: ACRA mill with fine Z adjust and drill press option, lathe and a vice (hope I included that last item) I might fo go for the router table for my birthday next year... I was looking at Taig/Sherline mills but more that I really need (or can afford!) right now. Merry Christmas to me!
  14. Well Larry from Vanda Lay just got back to me with a shipping quote that was less than expected. Looks like I'll be placing an order soon for an early Christmas present 🙂
  15. I have a good range of the Dremel add-ons but like the look of the Vanda Lay products. Budget will just cover an Acra Mill providing the requested freight quote isn't too high, one of the problems with living in Australia 🙂
  16. Agree completely with Jim. Looking at the construction, it would not be rigid enough to do CNC milling/routing. Until I downsized, I had an X-Carve which would be a much better CNC option. A 3D printer would be rigid enough for laser engraving but not without an enclosure - lasers are dangerous! Regards Geoff
  17. I can provide a scan of the instructions today but the plans will take a week or so. I have to go into town to get some previously scanned plans (Charles W Morgan) printed and I can get the two page plan scanned at the same time. Regards Geoff EDIT: Instruction PDF sent.
  18. Well I'm settled enough in my new place to get started on a build. I'll call this my first build as any experience I have had, was a long. long time ago. Model is about 35 years old (guesstimate) of the Charles W Morgan my Artesania Latina. This model was donated a couple of years ago to the Living Boat Trust, I group of which I'm a member. The LBT maintain and occasionally build, wooden boats in Franklin, Tasmania. Bulkheads are router cut. Not sure if this would have been CNC given the age of the model. DIe cut parts, no lasers here! Lots of little plastic bags. I've got some partitioned containers to put these in. I think I have the necessary tools assemled. I just need to make up a board on which to build it and maybe a keel clamp - I have some aluminium extrusion and 3D printed clamps for that. Don't pull up a chair just yet, this could take a while! Regards Geoff
  19. As someone also new to the hobby, this is all great advice. Even though I recently downsized and got rid of all the big tools, I've found the basic hand tools I did keep, are a good start for building. I've also managed to pick up some useful tools quite cheaply from a veterinary supply house that listed on eBay. Such things as hemostats, tweezers pliers and scissors. Still waiting a chance to get the plans copied before I get started on the first build. The fallout from the downsizing is still happening. Regards Geoff
  20. Have you tried amazon.com.au? They list some Minwax products as being available, at least they let me add them to my cart without complaining about my Tassie address. Geoff
  21. Following with interest.Hope to get lots of pointers for when I start my own build of the Charles W Morgan (Artesania )
  22. Materials and construction are not that different, big difference is tools. For example, you probably won't use an adze much on your average model ship - unless there's a tutorial here I've missed! [I spend a couple of days a week restoring/maintaining wooden boats]
  23. I've been following Leo on his quest since he started, great channel. Another one I follow is about boat building from scratch i.e felling and milling the timber, is Acorn to Arabella. A pair of complete but very capable behinners.
  24. Planning an artesania-latina build of my own, Charles W Morgan, so it's nice to see things I should check out before I start.
  25. Privet is one thing I would not have thought of! As you say, it is a weed here and can get quite big. I also have access to cheesewood (Pittosporum) which migh be an option. I live in the main apple growing region of Australia so apple, pear and any other suitable fruit tree is readily available, tress are always being removed - and burned. What I need to do is to read up on how to mill thin timber. I volunteer at a local wooden boat group so have access to most tools I'll need if not the expertise - 2mm think planks are not a lot of use on a full size boat! Regards Geoff
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