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Everything posted by CPDDET

  1. While I haven't posted for some time, the work continues. And I will post some pictures shortly. Right now I'm attempting to install the caprails and have run into an issue. The plans call for the caprail to be made from 7/32 X 1/16 stock. However the parts list for this MS2130 kit does not list such a dimension, nor is there such a dimension in the box. How have you other shipwrights dealt with this issue? Dave
  2. I've reached a point I'm my build where I'm going to need a pin vice and bits. I see Micromark has several different styles so I'm looking for advice / suggestions. Dave
  3. While I'm just finishing up the basic hull, I have managed to obtain a copy of LB Jensons book on Bluenose II. The book is a treasure trove of scale drawings for the entire ship. Including hull planking, rigging, deck housings, sail plan and many details. There are even drawings of below deck areas. What a challenge it would be to build a half open hull showing below decks. Way beyond my current skill level.
  4. Very nice work. I'm following your build closely as I'm just to the point of painting the waterways and hull.
  5. Looks like a winner. That one will make the list for a future purchase.
  6. I've learned a lot here. Thanks to all!
  7. Thanks Phil I feel like once I finish and paint the basic hull it will be like a fresh start doing the deck, masts and rigging. Learned a lot thru mistakes while doing the basic hull and can apply what I learned to finishing the model.
  8. Been awhile since my last update. I now have about 175 hours in the build. After suffering some slings and arrows I will be following Hunt’s practicum more closely. While it’s been a bit busy around the house these past few weeks, I have managed to make some progress. I installed the upper bulwark and sanded all the false frame timbers so they are even with the top of it and put in the hawse timbers. I then did some work on the stern / transom. Not quite finished back there yet. Because of some sloppy sanding on my part, there were small gaps in a few spots between the lower bulwark and the top hull plank. So I carefully taped the lower bulwark just even with the bottom of the scupper openings. Mixed up some Elmer’s wood filler with a few drops of water to get it to the consistency of toothpaste and filled the gaps. Tomorrow I will remove the tape and sand the areas smooth. May have to clean out some of the scupper holes where some wood filler squirted through. Then it will be time to paint the inside of the bulwarks, false frame timbers and waterways. But before I lay a brush on the ship I will follow the advice of more experienced model shipwrights and do some testing. I’m going to try 3 different sealers that were recommended: Delta Ceramcoat, shellac and sanding sealer. I also need to experiment with the ratio of paint to extender to get a “milk-like” consistency.
  9. You're absolutely right about that. I traded in my old analog one for a digital some time ago. Indispensable.
  10. Never fear. The drill may come in the future when the need arises. I'm new to this art and don't yet wish to jump in with both feet. It's much to easy for me to get caught up in "buying rather than building".
  11. I really don't care for E-books. Just old fashioned I guess. I like the printed page. As stated, this is just a start of a referance library. Of course there will be other sources, such as others build logs and practicums.
  12. Thank you all for the great advice here., So many tempting tools out there! After giving it some thought I decided to invest in some books on rigging. This is something that I will be attempting quite soon on my current build (also my first build). Spent about $90.00 but it will be a good start for my rigging library. Rigging Period Fore-and-Aft Craft by Lennarth Petersson The Rigging of Ships: in the Days of the Spritsail Topmast, 1600-1720 by R. C. Anderson Rigging Period Ship Models: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Intricacies of Square-Rig by Lennarth Peterson The Art of Rigging by George Biddlecombe The Young Sea Officer's Sheet Anchor: Or a Key to the Leading of Rigging and to Practical Seamanship by Darcy Lever
  13. Good glass, wether it be filters or lenses, is expensive.
  14. Well, it looks like I'll order the electric plank bender, some cross lock clamps and a small modelers hammer. That will leave me enough to buy a 77mm circular polarizer for my wide angle lens. Photography is my other hobby. Between that and shipbuilding I'm going to need a lot more garage sales. LOL
  15. The plank bender sounds like a good investment. I managed on my Bluenose without it but there are some future builds I'm eyeing where it would be a big help. Any thoughts on this bending jig?
  16. Made $100.00 at the garage sale and thought I would sink it into tools for shipbuilding. Since I'm a newbie I thought I would ask more experienced shipwrights about this. I have a good selection of cutting blades, tweezers, razor saw & miter box, jewelers pliers, mini Dremel and electric sander. Have paint supplies as well Maybe rigging tools (if they are really needed)? Will be starting that soon. Any input on "must have " tools would be most welcome and appreciated. Dave
  17. Looks great! Hope my hull looks as good. Did you spray or brush?
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