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Everything posted by Barryc

  1. Hi BG That is some nice work!👍 Barry RIncon just up the road.
  2. Fantastic video Edward, I really enjoyed watching. Beautiful build thanks for posting. Barry
  3. I'll be following along, I have one of these in my stash! Barry
  4. Hey Tom, One never knows who's going to turn up where! As I've come to expect, very nice work! Barry
  5. Fantastic build sir! I have the PT-109 kit and look to RC it. I have always liked the Type 38 as opposed to the S-100. lFollowing along ,Looking forward to seeing the finished boat!
  6. Yes, 1/16 RC M1A1 with the T.U.S.K I upgrades. The complete build to date is found here. It's been going for 4 years and 10 months now., still a ways to go! Barry https://www.rctankwarfare.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?f=201&t=18880
  7. Thank you sir! Barry
  8. Hi sir, I do a lot of soldering using Tix solder for strong joints that will not be under a lot of stress. It has a low melt point but is extremely strong. https://www.micromark.com/Tix-Solder-Pkg-of-20-Three-Inch-Sticks I use a silver based solder for joints that will be under potentially a lot of stress. https://www.micromark.com/Stay-Brite-Silver-Solder I have found that taking a small piece of apporiate (for need) and pound it flat. I then cut a piece to cover the expected solder joint and place it between the properly cleaned sides to be solder. Clamp the solder between the ends and apply a small amount of flux and heat. Clamping can be tricky as you want to hold the pieces but not create a "heat sink" that will prevent proper heating. Usually not a problem when using a Torch. I use a combination of Restrictive, Iron and Torch all for different approaches and techniques. I hope you find this helpful. Barry
  9. Here in the US they were formally known as "Smoke Lifters" by most builders and railroads. Barry
  10. I have this kit but want to build the New Jersey in her 1968 Tonkin Gulf fit. But drawings and good detailed pics on the ECM fit on the man super structure have eluded me! Barry
  11. Greetings folks, I've been watching and learning here for a month or so and I am amazed at the skills and abilities of many of the builders and their builds I've viewed!! Just WOW!! I am a passionate modeler and have been building models for 55 +years. I build primarily aircraft, ships and armor but have built just about one of every genre. I have always been fascinated by wooden sailing ship models but never ventured there. I built the Revell USS Constitution in the late 60s and have built a few other plastic ship kits over the years but never a wooden kit. My mother gifted me the Scientific Models kit of the Robert E. Lee in 1973 I actually started building it but dropped the solid hull onto a concrete floor and smashed the bow in and that was the end of the effort. I have been dragging it with me all these years and my just dig it out and have another go at it. I recently found an incomplete kit listed on ebay but the hull is there and I may just pick it up. I have a number or plastic ship models in my "stash" including the Revell Kearsarge and Alabama. I am going to have a go at the Alabama and to that end have made some purchases of AM parts. I have ordered the Cottage Industries armament set the HiS Models sails, rigging blocks and pendant set as well as the Scale Decks wooden deck. I don't have a time line when I will start the build but it will not be anytime soon. So in the mean time I'll continue to watch and learn. I've done a search here on the site for CSS Alabama builds but am coming up empty handed so, if anyone has one or can link me to one I will be most grateful. Cheers for now, Barry
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