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Everything posted by rowand

  1. Hi Anja, that's nice work, looking forward to your next round of pictures. Cheers, Rowan D.
  2. Hi majstor, that's beautiful work Mate! Keep it going..... Cheers, Rowan D.
  3. Hi Kevin, as a kid, I was fascinated with the Bismarck, the fleet battle and even met a fellow that served in the R.N. on the Hood up 'til a couple of years before she was lost. You're doing a great job and I'm looking forward to seeing your finished project. As for airbrushing, most of the painting on my build has been with the airbrush. Have a great day, Cheers, Rowan D.
  4. Thanks for dropping by Maggsl_01, I chose the AL kit because it was the one in the shop, I haven't much idea about ship modelling, I'm learning from others as I go. Good luck with the CalderCraft Kit when you get it and I'll look forward to your log. Cheers, Rowan D.
  5. Hi again r2maru, I can't find a build log for your model, have you started one? What stage are you up to? send me an e-mail with your info and I'll try and help out to get you going again. Cheers, Rowan D.
  6. Hi r2maru, thanks for dropping by. Sorry about the slow reply, I've been away with work..... There are quite a few pages in the buidling instructions including 'several' A1 size sheets. Have you tried contacting Artesania Latina to see if they can supply a full set of building instructions? That might be a better option as their buidling instructions would be better quality (clearer) than if I reproduce them and send them to you. Let me know and I'll try and help you as best I can. Cheers, Rowan D.
  7. Hi Jason, no worries at all Mate. There's lot of good information and tips in the Research, building & tips forums. As for AL's instructions, well what can we say? My tip is to read 3 or 4 steps (at least) ahead before starting the next step just to make sure the intructions are clear. Have you started your build log yet? That's always a good way to get tips and ideas as well. Enjoy it and happy modelling....... Hi Pete, Thanks for looking in, I've tried to colour match to the replica vessel and still have a few spots to paint before I move on to the next step. I'm off to Darwin tomorrow for a few days work then, if the scheming and planning works out, I might have a couple of days on the model when I get back. I can only try. Yours is moving along very nicely, have fun with the rigging. Cheers, Rowan D.
  8. Hi Anja, I've been quietly watching too and it's coming along very nicely, looking forward to your next progress update, too. Have a great day, Rowan D.
  9. Hi Redeye, Yeh, that is a fine looking build - keep it going. I know what you mean about time at the work bench, mine is in and out of "drydock" on a routine basis as well. You're doing a great job and should be encouraged by the results thus far. Have a great day, Cheers, Rowan D.
  10. Hi John, I'm constantly amazed at the level of detail and high quality work that I see on MSW forums and your model just reinforces those points. Lovely work, Mate. You'd have to be happy with the way it's progressing. Have a great day, Cheers, Rowan D.
  11. Hi Anja, Thank you for looking in, I'll be back on the model shortly, I just have to earn a few dollars to pay for my bad habits.......... Thank you for your kind remarks too, I trust you're having a great day, Cheers, Rowan D.
  12. Hi Jason, thanks for dropping in. You'll find a section at the back of the AL picture instruction book identified "Parts List" which gives the description, material and dimensions (if applicable) of all the pieces in the kit. You'll find reference by item number used in the photos to the deck planks and other parts there. It's quite disappointing that AL's instructions are not as clear and concise as one would like but it is what it is and that's where Model Ship World takes over with lots of good folk with lots of expertise willing to help. Take the time to look at every page of the all the instructions and sheet diagrams before you get too deeply into the build, expecially the large diagrams because you'll need to know where all the assembly information is located including, layout, configuration, dimensions and shapes (to sand to) are or, where you can extract it from. This is my first build and I'm moving fairly slowly with it, it's a learning curve all the way. Hi Greg, good to hear from you and no worries, thank you for the quick response to Jason. Interestingly, I didn't have that issue with the deck planks but such are the vagaries of the AL kit that I had have problems with other timbers in the kit either bent, split or incompletely dressed (must've been a Monday or Friday job). The model is back in dry dock for the moment as work has interrupted the progress again. Have a good one All, Best regards, Rowan D.
  13. Hi Mike, Nice work on both, I've got to agree with the red cordial remark though. I couldn't muster enough time or energy to do both simultaneously, that's for sure. Great job!! Cheers, Rowan D.
  14. G'day Greg, Capt'n Slog has summed it up! Just beautiful! Nice work, Cheers, Rowan D.
  15. Hi Ron, That's a very nice job, I'm keen to see the progress. I'm regretting that I didn't work out a better plan on mine earlier in the piece and especially the decking. She's looking great, keep up the good work. Cheers, Rowan D.
  16. Cheers Captain Slog. The back is an old injury that comes and goes, it's a good excuse when the grass needs cutting and the cricket is on . Have a good one, Rowan D.
  17. Hi All, I trust that everyone had a wonderful and Merry Christmas and that 2014 will be a fabulous year for us All. Well I tender my grovelling apologies to you for taking so long to get back to the forum after the last post above. The computer problems were eventually resolved by replacing the motherboard which meant that it was almost re-built with new bits and pieces to get it up and running. Work had top priority and once back on line it was back to work, Christmas and a crook back (not from any particular activity), it just decided to interfer with other plans. It's improving but it eventually worked out in my favour. Sitting is a bit of a problem at the moment but standing isn't, so I was able to do a bit of work on the model. I've attached some photos for you to have a look at. I ummed and arred on the kit configuration of the model and had a change of mind along the way and something that Adrieke said prompted me to reconsider, so I'm trying to build it in line with the replica vessel rather than a straight kit model. Thank you for your thoughts on this Adrieke........ Anyway, I've still got a bit of painting to be done but thought I'd post these photos so please let me know what you think and have a great day. Best regards to you All, Rowan D.
  18. Hi Slog, Beautiful work, Mate! Keep it going.............. Cheers, rowand
  19. Hi All, well my work gig is winding up and should be finished before Christmas (maybe). I've got another lined up for the middle of January but it's only for a few days up in Darwin. I managed to get the model out of drydock and make a bit of progress and I promise to get some progress shots on the forum in the next few days. My computer decided to have the usual inconvenient IT problems which has left me working on recovering my files, updating the operating system and installing new programs becasue the ones I was using were too old and incompatible with the updates. It is what it is.............. In the mean time, I hope all your modelling projects are going according to plan. Have a great weekend, rowand
  20. G'day Bankie & Capt'n, There wasn't much value in the newspaper, it was filled with political news and stuff so I thought I could find a better use for it to mask up the hull. As for the masking, I've been using the Tamiya masking tape at the painted edges and found it to be quite good, its adhesion is good without being too aggressive, it leaves a nice edge along the painted surface and is easy to peel away. Thanks for looking in and have a great day. Cheers, Ro.
  21. Hi Adrieke, I've just dropped in to check out some Logs and see that you've been laid up and put into dry dock. Sorry to hear it and hopefully you make a speedy recovery. All the Best, Mate. Cheers, rowand.
  22. Hi All, God bless the rain and a lack of work. The start date of my next gig has been postponed by a couple of weeks so I thought I'd catch a terrible man lugry (Flu or something similar) and lay about the house for a week then do some work on the model. While laying about, I pondered over drilling the baluster holes and getting them into some order of uniformity (edge distance and alignment) so I manufactured a drill guide out of some Tasmanian Oak dowel, cut a slot the width of the gunwhales into its base, drilled a hole down the centre, so that I could locate the baluster holes uniformly in the gunwhales. I cut out the side so that I could see the position of the drill on the gunwhale before drilling the hole to ensure correct position. I've attached a couple of photos. It's all fairly rudimentary but it worked. I also decided to do some painting at the same time so here's a couple of photos of where I finished up to-day. I sat the balusters in position on the Starboard side to see how they'd line up and Port side has the baluster holes drilled. To my relief, they lined up pretty well. I hope you're all fit and well and you can avoid that man lurgy. Cheers, rowand.
  23. Hi Bankie, That's nice work, Mate. I'm looking forward to your build log. The weather looks ordinary for the weekend so I might be able to make some progress (God bless the rain!!). Cheers, rowand
  24. Hi Steve, You're spot on with the Melbourne location. That's our Chinese student in the photo we had staying with us. I tried to get him in on the family pass but they didn't believe we were related (doh!!). You are doing a great job with your model and I'm looking forward to seeing the progress. The skills and attention to detail by the folk on MSW is inspiring and addictive in the modelling. I did a little bit over the weekend on the balusters on mine but not enough to justify a photo. Cheers, Have a good one, rowan.
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