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Everything posted by cog

  1. You slipped in silently with a new build ... something modern again. Curious how fast this one will go. Does the corvette count as one of the four builds for this year? I'm glad I can ask Banyan if you did it right !
  2. And another one bites the dust ... Lovely build RGL, I find resin not an easy medium to build with, so hat off to you
  3. If you want to paint, mate, You'd better first reassemble your airbrush!
  4. Don't swap the pen for the hull, mate. It may turn out not as expected if you do
  5. Marvelous work Greg. Your usual speedy build. I do not know how you can maintain such speed in your builds. Must be my age, getting slow. Not building at all doesn't help much either, I know.
  6. I had Eduard, Flyhawk, and Pontos for Musashi, actually still do. I used Flyhawk for carpeted parts as replacement, and Eduard, for other models where I could use PE. Pontos was/is by far the best of the three You could add some more ... still enough deck visible for some trucks, rockets and other items Glad I can follow still, instead of reading it when finished
  7. looks even smaller than Vendetta ... nice change from the huge battleships to this. The French did have some very nice shaped ships/boats, not just during the 17th & 18th century
  8. happy birhday, mate. Hope you can celebrate with the family, probably a bit cold for the barbie this time of year Have a great day
  9. A bit sloppy tying your knots when you blow your images up like that. Fortunately it won't show viewed with the naked eye. Nice work on the rigging and antennea
  10. not to shabby mate. I like the way he rigging on your masts turned out. Those bands on the chimney stacks define the role in the "flotilla" (e.g. leader) got that from a book on the V&W types.
  11. the steam winch ... that's an inflated giant thumb right, like some modellers use matches, and pencils to fake the real size of the object Grey will do rather nicely, RGL
  12. Although, I have to comply with most, that the details are stunning, I cannot escap the impression, some of it is still rather coarse for the scale you're working on. There are limitations to what one can see at this scale, and what not. At times the detail is in leaving things out ... You are doing a decent job, RGL . (commenting from the side) Lovely work to see
  13. It took you long enough, so no wonder you fell asleep ... the result is darn good to, skipper ... only next time keep your eyes on the bild, not the desktop Lovely build!
  14. You sound like an old man, falling asleep on top of his keyboard, finding out it's instead his x project. Glad you could salvage the damage to the head
  15. Nice punch set. Good to see you add some extra details
  16. Eh oui, Yves, c'est dur pour les Français. Heureusement pas pour tous It seems I've not been to France recently enough I haven't seen the galettes with chocolate chips ... Very nice 3D printed parts. Checked out their site ... they have some lovely parts and kits ...
  17. Not something to like, mate. Hope the quack figures it out rather sooner than later. However, now you do have the opportunity to use all those beautiful handtools you've got and go where only the ancients went before Take care my friend Cherio
  18. So far mine haven't been built according to the box's content ... the Tribals are rather nice ships to build, so much to change and scratch build
  19. Nice book mate! SHATT ... can't be helped, but you'll get by as usual
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