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SigEp Ziggy

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Everything posted by SigEp Ziggy

  1. Looks great! Where did you get the bollards? I was going to cast some made from scratch for my Arizona Memorial build, but that is box scale 1/429. Also, I will check how many links per inch the walmart jewelry chain is.
  2. Wow, I have been reading through your build for the last few months silently and just got to the beginning of your hardship. I feel bad for you and wish some good fortune your way. Us modelers can stick together through thick and thin. It sounds like you are in good hands regarding your laptop, good luck.
  3. Looks Great Denis, I love the colors and the details, can't wait to see her finished. Does anyone have PE railing they don't need or want to sell? I need them for the railings on the Memorial and the dock I will have to scratch build.
  4. Looks really good, Denis. I cut up my no3 turret, so I can't offer it, if you wanted to do a re-do. I sill have one untouched, if you want it?
  5. I ordered some 1/400 scale people from and architectural supply company, so there will be visitors on the memorial. Worked a little on the destruction of the Arizona, I split the sides on the hulls to bow them, and started modifying the rear deck.
  6. Awesome waves Rob, I missed this thread before, have you worked on it lately?
  7. I have been working on, and receiving parts in the mail for, the Arizona Memorial. First I got the moorings from Model Monkey. Then I found a photo I will use for the diorama. And lastly, I started working on the no2 turret, the mud lines on the hull and received the Memorial from Shapeways.
  8. Looks really good. I agree that you have accomplished a lot in a short period of time, well done!
  9. I love the rich tone of the deck color. Keep up the good work.
  10. You made me laugh! I had a flash back to when Moe said 'Niagara Falls... slowly I turned... step by step... inch by inch...' I wish people still watched the classics, Three Stooges, Our Gang, Laurel and Hardy (which I remember seeing on a reel to reel projector at Straw Hat Pizza Palace).
  11. I have done some work on the Arizona. I cut the hull as I had marked them, cut up the main forward deck, drilled holes in the nos. 3 and 4 barbettes, cut the bow off, removed the no. 2 barbett from the secondary deck. Also, I did a mock-up of the damaged ship.
  12. USS Reuben James (DE-153) Buckley class destroyer escort, just thought this model was a Buckley class and that would be a given. My bad.
  13. Popeye or should I call you Dennis, anyhow you mentioned your Hood build, did you do a build log?
  14. Excellent work. I love the paint. I wish to build this same model as the Reuben James. Thanks for sharing your build.
  15. WOW, very cool. I thought about doing the same thing however with the Revell kit and only half frames, maybe port. Will love to see your progress.
  16. Based on the drawings, I marked how much of the hull needs to be removed to replicate the damage from the magazine explosion.
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