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Everything posted by realworkingsailor

  1. Yup, have to agree, she's looking great. You just have to keep telling yourself "rigging is fun, rigging is fun" Andy
  2. Either would be a good choice, regardless of price. Whith the Syren, though, you also have the added bonus of the kit designer to help you as well as the logs. Andy
  3. For all the fairing that kit needs...... I think I may have to get one of those toys... On another note, nice job Augie! Andy
  4. B.E..... I can't believe I set myself up like that... Peter, good to hear from you again Hamilton, thanks buddy! Can't wait to see a little more of your build when you have the chance Andy
  5. You could also try enclosing the ship in a garbage bag and dropping in a good quantity of mothballs. Andy
  6. Adeline, it's never too late I know that may sound a little self serving, but as I said before, I am very flattered, and I hardly feel like I deserve such praise. Thank you all so very much. Andy
  7. What can I say that has not been already said..... Repeatedly... Very nicely done. (I know... Understated.. ) Andy
  8. John, that's the Seaway for ya! Bust a 1" mooring wire and you've got sometimes less than 30 minutes between locks to either reel off the leftovers and roll on a new 700 foot wire.... Or slam in a new 9' eye splice.... (The best solution is to not break the wire in the first place... )
  9. You know, if you move the table a bit to the left... Suspend the TV from the ceiling.... Get rid of the book case and stuff all the books on the window ledge... You'd be halfway to creating enough space for a certain 1:64 Vic....
  10. Harvey, it's prepared acrylic matte medium from Scenic Express. And yes, a bit of basic seamanship goes a looong way BTW I have spliced wire rope........ Not as time consuming as you might think... Greg, thank you very much..... It may sound corny, but I'm a fan of your work.... Andy
  11. Well... I am very flattered by everyone's responses... Thank you all so very much. Something tells me if I could run an online course on the subject if I actually knew what I was doing.. Well what a difference a phone call makes... Sort of... So instead of one ship, on Saturday, I leave tomorrow for another... But it's only for pilotage, up and down the seaway, so I figure five days or so and I'll be back again...all things going well. A small yay for me... Andy
  12. A few more photos for everyone. (and yes a couple of GFPs..... I can't help it..... honest! ) As I said last night, bowsprit shrouds are done. Although it doesn't really look it in the photos, they are, in fact, equal length. I've sort of reached a natural stopping point this time, nothing really half done. About the only thing I'll do is brush on some matte medium to protect the rigging I've done in the last 2 weeks. Andy
  13. It could also be access to the afterpeak store (which would have been separate from the quarters below deck. Andy
  14. She looks very nice, John. I need to make a point of stopping by here more often. Andy
  15. I'm also thinking of rigging mine... However at the rate things are going with my Pegasus.... It will be perhaps another year before I just start building... Andy
  16. Thanks again, everyone! Every time I turn around there seems to be more new faces hanging around my build log..... And that's a wonderful thing. Well...I did manage the bowsprit shrouds this afternoon. A little bit of a challenge, seeing as the heart has to be set in a splice at one end. Effectively a served, hard eyesplice (a hard eye being any eyesplice with a thimble or heart, as opposed to a soft eye, without). Had to take care not to pull out the faked splice when continuing the serving elsewhere on the line. But time draws near to start cleaning up the shipyard yet again. Can't ever seem to get enough time there to do all the things I want to.... Andy
  17. John, how you ever managed to say that with a straight face.... I'll never know....
  18. Thanks guys! Yeah, Frank, I just got back... And theyre sending me back out again.....Something about not being able organize a trip to the bathroom.... But anyway.... Andy
  19. Very cool. I haven't decided yet whether or not I will include that in my build... (I know.... Heretical talk.... ) I'll figure it all out when I get to it one of these years...
  20. A small update with pictures... Fore preventer stay now installed as well as the outer bobstay. Lots of fun making those fully served strops.... hrmm... Of course all this ropework around the same area of the bowsprit encourages yet another GFP Next up I figure I'l go after the bowsprit shrouds, I stand a chance of getting them down before I have to go back to work. Boomkins will wait until later-ish. Then I'll go after the first round of ratlines. No I'm not putting that off, I just don't want to get in to such a lengthy process and have to stop. I want to be able to get them all done over the course of a solid week's work (I'm assuming a week... I dunno, could be longer ). Looking ahead, I'm going to also want to get the jeer tyes rigged up before things get too buried.... probably use them as a diversion from rattling... anyway, I'm rambling a bit.... so much to do, so little done... Andy
  21. Lets call it a new old ship... I guess that's about the best description Winter layup is generally dependant on cargo availability and the closing of the St. Lawrence Seaway, which usually shuts down Dec. 29-31. Bulkers (which I work on) usually don't work much beyond that point, some self unloaders can work later on the upper lakes, the Soo closes Jan 15, which shuts down Lake Superior, but the salt trade on Lake Huron/lake Michigan can run all winter if needed... (Both good reasons for me to stay on bulkers...) Andy
  22. Looks like I'll have some pictures up tomorrow for you, Sjors. And just to make things interesting.... I have to head up to Thunder Bay on Saturday.... Back to work for a week or so....mutter grumble. Hopefully I'll make up the time at the beginning of next month... We'll see... Andy
  23. I'm back in town again. For the time being.... Hopefully I will get a chance to work on some more rigging today... Andy
  24. Yeah... You should save the old line for the anchors.... The new one looks much better. Andy
  25. At the rate I'm going... I can see myself ordering more rigging line sometime in January... Don't feel bad about the odd "oops".... Although I would recommend against self-mummification
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