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Everything posted by realworkingsailor

  1. Thanks guys! Yeah, Frank, I just got back... And theyre sending me back out again.....Something about not being able organize a trip to the bathroom.... But anyway.... Andy
  2. Very cool. I haven't decided yet whether or not I will include that in my build... (I know.... Heretical talk.... ) I'll figure it all out when I get to it one of these years...
  3. A small update with pictures... Fore preventer stay now installed as well as the outer bobstay. Lots of fun making those fully served strops.... hrmm... Of course all this ropework around the same area of the bowsprit encourages yet another GFP Next up I figure I'l go after the bowsprit shrouds, I stand a chance of getting them down before I have to go back to work. Boomkins will wait until later-ish. Then I'll go after the first round of ratlines. No I'm not putting that off, I just don't want to get in to such a lengthy process and have to stop. I want to be able to get them all done over the course of a solid week's work (I'm assuming a week... I dunno, could be longer ). Looking ahead, I'm going to also want to get the jeer tyes rigged up before things get too buried.... probably use them as a diversion from rattling... anyway, I'm rambling a bit.... so much to do, so little done... Andy
  4. Lets call it a new old ship... I guess that's about the best description Winter layup is generally dependant on cargo availability and the closing of the St. Lawrence Seaway, which usually shuts down Dec. 29-31. Bulkers (which I work on) usually don't work much beyond that point, some self unloaders can work later on the upper lakes, the Soo closes Jan 15, which shuts down Lake Superior, but the salt trade on Lake Huron/lake Michigan can run all winter if needed... (Both good reasons for me to stay on bulkers...) Andy
  5. Looks like I'll have some pictures up tomorrow for you, Sjors. And just to make things interesting.... I have to head up to Thunder Bay on Saturday.... Back to work for a week or so....mutter grumble. Hopefully I'll make up the time at the beginning of next month... We'll see... Andy
  6. I'm back in town again. For the time being.... Hopefully I will get a chance to work on some more rigging today... Andy
  7. Yeah... You should save the old line for the anchors.... The new one looks much better. Andy
  8. At the rate I'm going... I can see myself ordering more rigging line sometime in January... Don't feel bad about the odd "oops".... Although I would recommend against self-mummification
  9. Sjors, good to hear Anja still has a sense of humour after your latest....uh....investment As for the Peterson book... I honestly wouldn't know, I've been meaning to pick up a copy. The thing with TFFM IV is that it takes you step by step in a nice logical sequence, and although the dimensions given are for an English sixth rate, they can easily be modified to suit larger ships. Alistair, serving isn't that hard....honest.... Figuring out how to construct the individual components... Not hard either.... Once you get your head wrapped around them Eamon, try a hobby shop that specializes in RC, especially one that actually does repairs, they should have a good supply of useable gears. Andy
  10. You're all going to make me hit my "like" quota for the day.. Keith, the rigging line is just the kit supplied line. Nothing special, really. Robbyn, I can't say enough about the combo of Amati rigging line and GS Hypo cement, it just wicks right in. I swear I put a small bead on every knot, but when I look back a few minutes later...... All gone. As for the fuzzies, the Amati line is fairly fuzz free. There is a bit, but nothing a quick brush-on of matte medium can't fix. Sjors, if anything, I'm just one page ahead of you in the "how-to rigging manual". TFFM IV has been invaluable. If you don't have a copy, order one for Anja for her birthday or Christmas, or just for whatever excuse you can come up with BW, I think serving is one element that can make a good model great. It is well worth the effort. Don't worry about the time factor, trust me, this is not a race, and done right is far more satisfying than done fast... Once again, thanks to everyone who has posted their positive comments, I really appreciate it Andy
  11. There you go, Sjors, you didn't have to wait too long Of course, super close up does nobody any favours.... Anyway, the open heart for the forestay collar was made by cutting down an oversized heart. I'll use a smaller one for the preventer stay collar, but overall I like the appearance. The bobstay also looks much better now that it's served all over. Of course I can't much help having another gratuitous figrehead shot.... just to bug Augie That could be a new meme around here.... the gratuitous figurehead photo.... hmm.... A small pause for the weekend, a few more chores to take care of up north. Back monday-ish. Andy
  12. Thanks guys! I've since installed the forestay and revisited the inner bobstay (it's now properly served). Started this morning on the outer bobstay collar. I'll have some photos up later today. Andy
  13. Was beginning to wonder what you were up to.... Now I see... Sitting on the front porch whittlin'.... Andy
  14. Hi Tom, I'll forward you a copy as soon as I can. As for the Hypo, there is no secret, yes it does ooze, but I keep a paper towel close at hand and wipe off the needle point right before applying. Try not to squeeze too hard, a small dent in the metal tube is enough to keep you well supplied with glue for hours. Eamonn, no worries, glad to have you aboard Andy
  15. Well, you can order him as an aftermarket part.... Substitute figureheads on you current build ? Sjors, all things being equal I may delve into ratlines next week... We'll see Andy
  16. Thanks guys! B.E., I'm planning on darkening them. I have a weathering mix of India ink and rubbing alcohol that I plan on using, but I'm going to subject my ratlines to the same treatment, so I'll do it all at once. Andy
  17. Alright, photos as promised! Finished the last pair of shrouds this morning. Next step is to look at the outer bobstay collar and both forestay collars.
  18. We have enough species of small furry animals as it is... I don't think we really need any more Anyway, more to the point, I've been busy today with shrouds and whatnot. One more pair and I'll have the foremast done. To bring some variety to the task, I swung down to the bowsprit and made up the collar for the shrouds. The book says this could have been done as two pieces or as one, I chose the latter, despite being slightly more complex, it still meant a little less work. I'll have some Photos later tomorrow morning (EDT, Sjors) for everyone. Andy
  19. Most of the wood will be used for cooking. We have a brick "barbeque" that we cook over in the summer. Very little gets used for heating because the place is uninsulated. As for the gnomes, most where eaten during the great raccoon invasion, and the survivors packed up and left after the blizzard of '88
  20. The Newfie accent is something to hear. The further you get around the bay (which actually means around the island) the thicker it gets. You have to have a good ear to understand what it is they're saying
  21. What gives here? Another Sjors build? Yeeesh.... time to enlarge the workshop again..... Andy
  22. Bah... All yer "Hausteralian" and "gooder English" and "olde English" gots nothin' on down 'ome newfanese! No, m'son, nuttin a t'all....no siree b'ye....
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