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Everything posted by realworkingsailor

  1. If you're up to it, start a build log, when and if you get stuck, post some photos and you'll be mobbed with help and offers of assistance. It's often easier to help when it's just one step at a time rather than a generalized "Help me with everything". Don't feel bad, though, we all started somewhere, and we've all gone through the same experiences. Andy
  2. Thanks guys! I'm on my way to the airport as we speak. As soon as I can, I'll get my camera unpacked and ready for the continuation of my other thread. Andy
  3. Hello. The basic knots you need to know: Clove Hitch Half hitch Reef Knot Figure Eight Knot Bowline Learning those five should get you started rigging. Have a look here: http://www.nauticalmind.com/Knots-c-400.html Some great introductory books on know tying to help you figure out each knot's purpose. Hope that helps a bit. Andy
  4. Based on what little I've read about the subject, snaking was only done in wartime, so leaving it off would not be a mortal sin... Andy
  5. Why not try a brig like the MS Syren, or Niagara. Or one of the Caldercraft collection (Supply, Badger, Cruizer, Mars or Jalouse). Or if you want, the Amati Mercury. If you feel up to it go for three masts, the Amati HMS Fly or Pegasus, or the Caldercraft HMS Snake. All good high quality kits with a sizeable following On MSW. Amati follows the same construction style as Caldercraft so they would be a good warm up/prep for what you would experience with the CC Vic. Andy
  6. Kevin, thank you very much. I'm looking forward to your progress. I see you slowly inching your way towards rigging. Wes, I hope I've done ok for you as far as the picture department goes. As for a serving machine, I ended up making my own, there are many variants out there from other people, find one you like or are capable of putting together, and you'll go miles. Andy
  7. Thanks Larry, Hamilton, Alistair and Matti... And anyone else I've missed With any luck, my next outdoor pics will be of a completed or very nearly completed ship.... Fingers crossed Andy
  8. Take lots of photos! Not just for me, there are many people around here who would love to see them. Thanks in advance. Andy
  9. Always glad to oblige you folks with a photo or two when opportunity presents itself. Popeye, you should know there's no such thing as "normal" in the transportation industry The way I'm looking at it, two months now means a longer break until spring AND I get Christmas at home... Well worth it if you ask me BE, Steve, thank you both for stopping by. Always nice to get some positive reinforcement from a couple of Pegasus/Fly vets such as yourselves. Jason and Sjors you're just two of many names that popped into my head when I thought of doing my own rigging manual... Keep in mind that at the moment it's still only a possibility, I'm neither a writer, and artist or a teacher, and there's a lot of ground to cover.... That and I'd like to try to get my ship done next spring...... I hope... Andy
  10. Personally I think it looks ok. I think it will be a nice contrast if you plan on leaving the planks below the wale a natural colour. Keep at 'er and you'll be done planking that football field before you know it Andy
  11. I think it has been done in a limited sense already. The Lumberyard's Oneida comes with all the frames laser cut. I think the bigger issue is the limited market. Although on here you may see a very strong enthusiastic positive response, but as large as this group of dedicated ship modellers is, I don't think we're the whole global market. Maybe in the future it will become economically viable... You never know... Andy
  12. Well... this will probably be the last little bit of "fun in the sun" until next spring. I expect to leave Thursday morning, so the shipyard will have to be tidied up before then, and I don't plan on any more building until I get home in December... and by then it's too snowy for outdoor pics. As it is I had to wait until just before noon for enough sun to filter into the backyard... Another sign the days are getting shorter and cold weather is coming. Hopefully this will satisfy a few of the photo-addicts that lurk around here..... (you know who you are.... Sjors.... ). Incidentally... based on the number of questions I've received from people... I may have to consider writing my own rigging manual.... and for some reason that strikes me as rather odd.... since I'm far from an expert on the subject.... I dunno.... Something to ponder over then next few months anyway..... Andy
  13. Thanks everyone for your kind comments Sherry, they are a worthwhile purchase, that's for sure. Chuck is to be commended for making them so well, and accessible to the market. Wes, I'm sure you can do it too. All it takes is a good resource to follow and a little patience Andy
  14. Thanks Michael There's plenty of opportunities to make furballs out of rigging a ship, I figure anything I can do to try to keep things in order has to pay off at some point. Welcom aboard, Jack. The friezes are photo etched brass that came with the kit, the trick is trying to make them look painted on... judging by your comments, I guess I did alright... thank you.. Small update time. The weather today has turned...well... fall-ish. Good day to stay indoors and poke at model ships... In that light, I went after the boomkins and their associated rigging. By and large, fairly straight forward, the biggest challenge is maintaining some semblance of symetry. The fore-tack blocks mark my first use of Chuck's excellent aftermarket blocks. I'll need to order a few more before I get finished rigging. Besides, you can never have enough extras laying about Oh yeah... another GFP... Andy
  15. It's like an over engineered primordial bottle screw...
  16. Robbyn, properly it was a length of served rope. But for the purposes of model building, something a bit more rigid like wire or bamboo works better. With all the counteracting lines at that point (shrouds, futtock shrouds and catharpins) threatening to turn the top of the shrouds into a rat's nest, you need something to keep everything separate and aligned. Andy
  17. Only a few short steps and you'll be into the rigging! You're moving along at a great pace. Andy
  18. What dark sordid path did this build just wander down?! I'll admit, I may have given it a shove... But whoa (I like Brooks' films too )
  19. Thanks everyone! Anything I can do to help. Everyone is more than welcome to ask questions on how I do things and I am more than willing to do my best to demonstrate. I've got another length of wire ready to go, so tomorrow I should have the lower futtock staves all in place. Andy
  20. Bl**** He** I hope so.... But then again, I think Popeye's the only one whose's log has not yet been...um.... shall we say "flushed" down the..... uh.... hrm........
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