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Everything posted by realworkingsailor

  1. There ought to be a law against posting such tasty, delicious.....mouth watering..........yummy looking..........<<drool>> Ahem Sorry.... What was I saying?
  2. Beautiful job on your cutter. Glad you decided to show her off again. That clinker planking looks amazing, more so since not many people attempt it. Andy
  3. Looks great, Kevin! Good luck on the other side... I hope your wabbits where not too alarmed at the picture of "Fluffy" Andy
  4. Nice job on the fittings. I agree with you, redoing them out of solid wood was the way to go. As you inch your way nearer to completing the hull, any ideas what you will do when you eventually finish her? (I have to ask ) Andy
  5. She's coming along quite well, Sjors. I've been quietly watching for a few weeks, not saying anything..... Mostly because by the time I got here, everyone else had said everything.... Andy
  6. Very nicely done, and well spoken Confederacy ? If I'm reading that right, you are one cagey so-and-so... Cool! Andy
  7. Congrats Augie! I think Sjors needs an education on time zones.... Waiting patiently for your final photos Andy
  8. I like your bulkhead colour scheme... Ties in nicely with the beakhead. Everything else is pretty well done too Andy
  9. Yup.... Easiest solution.... When things go....uh......off..... Blame it on Sjors.... Woo hoo 89
  10. If you've never planked a hull before, or are still learning, it is good practice to use full length planks, without having to worry too much about the appearance of the end result. It will also result in a smoother, and, as has been said before, stronger hull form. And having looked at that log... A lot less work too... Andy
  11. Um, Kevin: http://www.fakeposters.com/posters/i-shall-name-you/ One of yours?!
  12. If you want to work a little faster... For seizings, I start with a tight clove hitch, and finish with a couple of half hitches. These will hold until the line is coated in matte medium, and if your seizing line is fine enough, you'll never see the knots anyway. No need for CA either... Nice job all around, anyway Andy
  13. No space in the house? Build more house... You know.... Just a few square feet.... Maybe a solarium or something... A nice display room....
  14. I think you could manage at least two out of three.... (Scale model aircraft carrier large enough to launch and recover RC planes...) The moose thing I'll leave to your imagination... Andy
  15. Another viewpoint you may wish to consider... At the the end of the day, a model manufacturer has to be able to turn a profit. So they need to produce a product for as little cost as possible, that will appeal to as wide as possible a customer base. I see this all the time with model railroad manufacturers. They will offer a locomotive of other piece of rolling stock painted in as many different road names as possible, in order to appeal to a wider customer base, regardless of whether or not any particular prototype railroad actually operated that piece of equipment. Yes, some model ship companies may produce ships that are complete fallacies, but, are they appealing to the purists (quite possibly far fewer in number), or someone just looking for something nice to occupy themselves with (much bigger target market)? Do we need to fault an entire company because 50% (or whatever) of the product they produce is "not real"? I think not. They're not forcing anyone to buy anything, eventually market forces may dictate that a higher percentage of modellers are after super-detailed hyper-accurate kits (and are willing to foot the bill for them), then you may see a higher percentage of this style of kits.... But until there comes a day when any human being on earth can open a model ship kit and expertly assemble it on the first try, there are going to be some kits that are not 100% hyper-accurate. On the flip side, there are some companies that do, after a fashion, cater to that market. Andy
  16. I think we already covered moose fishing somewhere around here..... And that statement in itself is a sad reflection of the state of the weirdos around here..... (Of which, I assure you, I am proudly one ) Andy
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