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Everything posted by realworkingsailor

  1. So..... since the crowd has naturally fallen back to your SI build... I guess that means you have to resume work on her....and not the Mirage, no?
  2. So What you're saying is... you passed on your illness to your internet? I've heard of computer viruses... but this?
  3. As far as weathering is concerned, it's very personal and subjective choice. It all depends on what your preferences are, and what you are trying to achieve. What substance (powder? pastel?) is used in the weathering kit you bought? (If your not sure, just tell me the brand name and I'll be able to figure it out). Most model railway weathering kits are designed to replicate the dirt, dust, grime, grease and rust that accumulates on railcard and rolling stock. Using various paint washes and distressing techniques works better for wood weathering.
  4. Yeah.... like get rid of that pesky pneumonia thing....... (How are you feeling BTW?)
  5. Thanks guys! Although, I'm now half way through, and should be home again in a few weeks.... I hope this resurrection of my build log doesn't confuse poor Sjors..... last time this happened I think there where tears of disappointment..... Andy
  6. Very nice job on the stern and decorations....great choice of colours! Although.. I hope that's only a part missing and not an amputation on the figurehead... Andy
  7. Good luck on your new endeavour. Hopefully it will help to bring you closer to that 7 day weekend. Andy
  8. Except Augie was sick, Sjors is sick (poor guy )... So where does that leave Popeye? Cowering in the corner with a surgical mask on?
  9. If you look closely, you can see the officer on duty on top of the wheel house. Interestingly enough, some of the largest cargo ships in the world, at the turn of the century, were lakers.
  10. Bulk Carrier specifically refers to a vessel designed to carry dry bulk cargo, in very large quantities, un-packaged. Large, open holds (no tween decks, pillars or other internal structures) allow for easy loading, trimming and unloading. Sailing ships, and general cargo ships are usually fitted with tween decks that would allow overstow of other products, without risking damage to products below. They can function in the role of a bulk carrier, but not without installing temporary bins to contain the cargo. This is the L.C. Waldo built 1896: You can see that at this date, the basic form of the great lakes ore carrier is well developed, and would undergo only minor changes for the next 80 years or so. The George T Hope, wood, built 1883: A slightly earlier one, the Alcona built 1873: And a little closer to the "Origin or the Species", the Burlington (With sail barge) of 1865: Andy
  11. Well.. John, yes and no. The bulk carrier as we know it today was first developed on the great lakes in the later 19th century. The movement of massive quantities of coal, stone and iron ore in the great lakes basin enabled specialised ships to be designed and built, since these ships would not be used for any other cargos. It took more than a few years for the concept of ships specifically designed for solid bulk cargos to be adapted in the rest of the maritime world. Andy
  12. That's some impressive work (even with the fuzzy focus ) I can't wait to see the "Mobbsie Touch" on the stern! Andy
  13. I probably had a bad case since I ended up in hospital for a week......... it took me over 6 months before I could maintain any level of strenuous activity for any period of time without gasping for breath in a fit of coughing. Hang in there, I'm pullin' for ya' Andy
  14. Thank you.... I hate public speaking..... so the world can breath a collective sigh of relief that I shall never even consider public office as a career choice....
  15. Just have to keep finding silly excuses to post needless inane babble to keep everyone amused and fully cognizant of my continued existence for no other purpose than to fill a subverted subconscious need to broadcast the minutia of an otherwise unremarkable existence.... Or maybe not.... I dunno....
  16. I hope they don't break the glass..... As for your Confed.... I'll just poke my nose in from time to time, whenever you choose to get started... no rush....
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