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Everything posted by realworkingsailor

  1. I think a simple "welcome back" is in order, as well as a "looking forward to picking up where you left off" or wherever you decide to start from. Andy
  2. Unfortunately, that oak was exactly as I said... When the stump hit the ground it made a sound similar to squishing a giant rotten tomato... How that thing was still standing, I'll never know... Not good wood for modelling..... Sorry buddy
  3. If you have a serving machine, here's how I did mine: First serve about 8 to 10 mm of rigging line. Pull this line off the serving machine and form your first eye splice. Next measure off the required amount line needed to encompass your heart block or deadeye. Serve another equal length of line this distance away from your first eye. Now form your second eye splice. Now serve from eye splice to eye splice. Centre your heart of deadeye in between the eye splices and seize in place. You should now have a fully served and seized collar. Have a look at my log for some collars. And as soon as I get back to my rigging, after I've finished the fore shrouds I'll be making a few collars, I'll share some photos for you as I go. Andy
  4. In case anyone is wondering about my whereabouts, I did make it home yesterday and have since made it back up to the cottage. I'll be back home again on Monday, all rested and ready to resume building. Got some cleaning up to do since we had two large rotten old oak trees taken down today (a really good decision, since the cost of removal was far outweighed by the cost of possible consequences of leaving those old trees standing). Anyway, all is good and I shall return shortly. Andy
  5. The way I look at it, it's a small price to pay for a simple upgrade that does wonders for the final appearance. Andy
  6. Yeah.. I think we ought to take up a collection and treat Anja to good meal.... to enjoy as she sees fit.
  7. Actually, I have a couple of the Aubrey/Maturin books, one of which happened to have an appendix listing of the major ships in the series. The mention of the oddball double ended fictional Polychrest twigged... and the rest is history.... I'll have something soon for everyone, please sit tight, and have a little patience. I am quite busy at the moment. Thanks in advance. Andy
  8. HMS Dart, or HMS Arrow
  9. I thought that serving machine looked somewhat familiar... Although with that motor... I hope you've not increased the chances that a certain character who brings bad luck may appear... (Not Sjors... You know the one who's name kind of rhymes with "burpy") Andy
  10. Very nice! But I don't think my standards are that exacting.... in many cases, they pale by comparison.... Keep up the good work Andy
  11. Thank loud knocking sound you just heard was my jaw ricocheting of my desk and landing on the floor.... Only 2 weeks work left on her? I'd never really considered a Victory model before.... mainly because of the sheer number of builds... but this may change that a bit... Of course.. I'd do something really sadistic, like trying to do her in the "as built" configuration...... Andy
  12. Rattle, rattle rattle.... Very nice. Looks like that pneumonia was good for something after all..
  13. You too?! Parties are breaking out all over the board today.... Have a great birthday, hope the wabbits have something special planned for you today
  14. While I can still get it, Polyscale Acrylic... when that supply dries up... not sure what I'll do... :mellow:
  15. Knowing that I should be home in 4 days... and seeing you start construction..... this is making it really hard..... I just need a model ship fix of some form and I'll be ok..... Just have to tell myself to breathe........
  16. Hi Ray, I've been quietly following your build. Couldn't help but noticing your rope coils. I do mine the same way. Maybe I picked that trick up from your old Pegasus log (I can't outright remember, but if I did, a belated thanks!). One small difference, I used acrylic matte on mine as opposed to diluted PVA. Works just as well, but leaves the coils still somewhat flexible. Looking forward to more progress. Andy
  17. To be perfectly honest, the only thing I see hampering your build is the scale of the kit. You've done an absolutely amazing job of it so far, despite her small size, you don't need to be envious of my build. There's far less modifications (read: upgrades) to mine than you've had to perform. Keep up the good work. Andy
  18. You've done a great job there. Head timbers are never easy (even ones in kits are bu***rs). Personally I think your colours are fine as they are, they match well with the ship. What you may wish to consider (And it's entirely up to you, of course), is tying in the vertical head frames to the stem. Like this: Andy
  19. I've had much success with the GS Hypo cement. It soaks in well into the rigging line, doesn't leave shiny spots, dries rubbery so it won't cause the strands to become brittle. It overcoats well with acrylic matte medium (Which I use to seal my rigging lines and eliminate fuzzies), has a needle point applicator, so it can be applied in small amounts very accurately. It dries fairly fast. And although the fumes are not the friendliest, it's not nearly as allergenic as CA (a small fan will help keep your workspace adequately ventilated).
  20. Just helping to embed the idea firmly into your subconscious, where it will reside.......taunting you for years to come....... until there will come a day when you will no longer be able to tolerate the incessant droning in the back of your mind......... "build me.......Build me.......Build ME!"
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