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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Many thanks Piet, I tried to do the slats halfway in scale (2mm x 144 = 288mm in actual), but that is still too wide I think, being nearly tripple a sailor`s shoe width in actual. When choosing the deck planking slat-width I usualy orientate myself to the scale figures shoe width. Nils
  2. Hi Gerhard, a RC controlled live steam vessel is always something special. I remember when my river tug model was taken to the lake, and there was always an interested audience around. As boiler, oiler, and engine were all mounted to a common baseplate that could be taken out of the hull, the boiler was filled with destilled water and fired up with a different extern larger torch, til I had 3 bar on the gauge, then the complete baseplate was set into the model, connecting the driveshaft coupling, and the servo gear to the stearing slide valve. The burner and the inboard (oneway) gasbottle then took over the firing job. There was that typical steamdrive smell in the air, when she ploughed through the water, the sound of the burner from inside the ship, and the sound of the wake at aft, when the 80mm prop started to propell her along. The engine itself was running silent.... Nils
  3. Sorry for that question Gerhard, I forgot that you`re planing a live steam vessel, of course no outcuts ! and the frames will be as much as necessary... Nils
  4. Hi Gerhard, good progress there, perhaps I`ve overread it, in case you explained somwhere already......, I`m wondering if there is a reason why you fit the large number of frames. Do you plan to make some outcuts on the outer skin, in order to make the frames visable ? Very precise work indeed Nils
  5. Nice model choise Phil, keellaying and a good start. all is under way. The deck planking looks very nice, wish you much fun with the filling blocks and the planking... Nils
  6. Thanks for your nice comment Denis, think its better to mend the foremast rigging, after I`m further on with the superstructure....., one of the buckle screw threads also ripped off...., the others were overstressed and are now hanging slack with buckle screws already at tightening limit Nils
  7. Hi Ed, that CA applicator tool (twisted brass wire) you show in your # post 1828, second last pic, is very inspiring, also the described way of doing it. I remember when I was desperately looking for this sort of (twisted ) brass wire for the gold colored stern decoration of my KWdG. What you did is very in inspiring for me, and may also suit for the detail.... Thanks for sharing.! Nils
  8. Paul, that`s a real beauty, a wonderful built shipmodel and a pleasure to look at. Also very nice Photos ! Nils
  9. Thank you very much Kees and Greg, for the nice words, very much appreciated, and to all who pressed the "likes" button.... the result of two days deck-planking is the 98% commpletion of the port side, which I´m quite satisfied with. The first planks for the stb. side have been "caulked" at the edges already..., and ready for mounting. Kees, you`re absolutely right with "so much to build....."), but I have to go step by step and also try to let my thoughts move ahead, how to do details that still may lay several sequences ahead, so there is time enough to consider alternatives... Greg, I`m happy that you like it, it`s been on the slipway one year now, and thanks to busy little workers, slowly looking like it should. I`m glad that plating and portholes worked out well enough. In the beginning I had a bit concern, that the resembled riveting may be too prominent, but that provides the nostalgic touch. By doing all this soldering work to date, trust I`m quite practiced in this technique by now. Thanks for your nice words Nils
  10. thanks for sharing that information Bob, i do hope that the workers will do a splended job on Wavertree`s restoration on that old iron hulled cargo sail ship. Also I`m very pleased that the Peking will be brought home to Hamburg instead of being scrapped, she also will be restorated and moored at the new planed Hamburg Harbour Museum... Nils
  11. Excellent work on the upper planking Bob, so clean and accurate, well done Nils
  12. Thanks Nenad, as Mark said, this sort of thing probably hapened to all of us once... I hope to see the progress on your CS, you always come up with interesting ideas for producing details.... Cheers, Nils
  13. Thank you very much, Mark, John (Neptune), and John (Jim Lad), and all the "likes", Nice words Mark, I`m doing something else, before fixing the shrouds.... John, (Neptune) I saw, that you undertook a real deep dive into the log...., thanks for your interest, I`m pleased you enjoyed it, you`re very welcome to stay tuned... John, (Jim Lad) thanks for the compliment..., I`m also happy to see the feedback from my Australian fellow-builders (other side of globe...) Nils
  14. Hello Johann, thank you very much for your nice compliment...... In the moment I`m still a bit frustrated due to my own fault accident with damaging the foremast lines and shrouds, so I`m doing (planking) the deck, which will take several days to do.... Viele Grüsse Nils
  15. Thanks Patrick, have now leart "by heart" to more more carefully ....... Am now studying fitting out of promenade deckhousing windows, doors, portholes, stairway to upper and lower decks, etc...... Also made a prototype of the boat`s davit with tapered (stepped) ends, from 2mm down to 0,8 mm diam. The upper end is 1,5 mm and anealed and flattend at the end and bored for the davit block (boat-tackle) Nils
  16. Update Started with the coamings for the promenade decks super structure. It`s going to be a "longer" session. After that the railing will be put on. On 26th May this project was under way for the first 12 months. Had a little shock yesterday when I was a bit uncautioius in turning around, standing sidewise of the modeling table, and by mistake knocking my arm against the foremast from half back stb. side. This overstressed the shrouds and backstays so much that I probably shall have to replace these. , the mast stayed straight. Will be some fiddely repair work, but it could have come even worse, was my thought ...., anyway that`s an event that drops one`s attitude to zero for the moment Nils the middle gap in the front of the promenade deck has been closed here the contours of the super structure can be seen (mahagony) here the deck is started with 2 mm wide and 0,8 mm thick pine stripes (pencil caulking of the plank edges) the promenade deck will have the same appeal as the forecastle- and the waist deck
  17. Hi Siggi, looks like this is going to be a wonderful planking job on your barge..... Nils
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