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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Hello Peter, I`m realy happy with the stern-solution as on the mock up pic and with an additional thin rail to cap the black stripe Background. It was good that you had contacted me, otherwise B.E. could not bring out his good idea for some decoration in that "idle area", Thanks again Peter. Also thanks for the link to Amati and sharing your experience with them. I`ll give them a mail.. Nils
  2. Perfect B.E. your advice is well appreciated, I`ll do it that way..., thanks again Nils
  3. Hello B.E. here only a rough photomontage of the thought.... Nils as if it were to be..., These two decorations were srplus on the etched sheet anyhow
  4. Danny, the quarterrail Looks very nicely, also the metal supporting in the front section, it rounds up the Quarterdeck sides perfectly together with the swivel gunposts. Nils
  5. Good day B.E. Thanks for your words, I`ve also been thinking of something to be spaced in the rather wide empty space at Level of the wales and above before. Your thought and idea (as well as Peters comment) now gives me encouragement to look out for a suitable Kind of decoration to be added there, that would`nt overload the Stern too much. Perhaps a black stripe background in height of the wales will do, with a brass decoration in repeatable type of the side frieses decoration on it, to match with the System in Color and make. How would you think about that ? and based on the initiative of fellow members Flyer,and B.E.(great idea!) Nils
  6. Elia, first my birthay greetings, enjoy your Special day and have fun.. Coming to your build, it is stunning to watch this ship growing on your slipway. A dream of a gloucester schooner with its wonderful lines, your single planking, your workmanship, this all makes ones heart beat faster..., Shall stay tuned very, very well done !!! Nils
  7. I`m curious for the next sequences Nigel, from keellaying to date , an exciting build..., Setting standards Nils
  8. Build log part 27 starboard side first metal Support bracket for step platform second bracket mounted and brought to alignment platform fit test and weight testing check out guns placed underneath and ladder inbetween (to be shortend accordingly) Still Need to do the same experience on port side Arrangement of chainpump crank handle and bearing supports view through quarter badge window. Unfortunately the first and the last two links of the Girlande broke off and unfindable got lost somewhere... I first wanted to decorate the cabins with furniture, but I think I`ll leave it as is (less is more) Build log part 28 to follow... Nils
  9. delightful to watch your build growing Ed, real eyecandy all the way Nils
  10. what a delight to see this junk Marktime, yery fine built and an exotic enrichment to this Forum Nils
  11. Hello Peter, thanks for looking in and for your comments I like... In answer to your questions.., most probably no, I don`nt know if the ship had any pinrail on the bulkhead, this is free to the builders Interpretation and is set up only for belaying the aft-carriage guntackle backing ropes that come guided from the eyelets and blocks left / right of the small grating to give free Access to the doors of the bulkheads, without stepping into ropecoils. As for the Stern this again is the builders Interpretation... I`m not sure what you mean with the "lower Counter", but trust you mean that the hull planking should have been rounded upwards to form a Little "***". I was seeking for stand hight all along and also in the entire great cabin, so I did`nt want to loose space in the aft lower Corner deckline. I was expecting that comment from the other 1/64 Swan class builders as well, but as you have seen already I do`nt take the historic correct look of the Stern too seriously as Long as I am pleased with it myself. Take it as my special note For example, I do´nt know if there were any gasoil lamps in the rather dark space under the poop, but I simply liked to do some.. Peter, please stay tuned and feel free to comment at any time, I like it, it brings life and interest for all into the builds, even if off the correct way a bit. Cheers Nils
  12. build log part 26 the forecastle underdeck will be next Shows what share is cut away of the poop deck here view into bottom cargo deck with shot locker, lower well area, storage rooms and staircases, and middle deck with upper well area, pantry and staircase. Forward decks with Crew quarters, staircases. Righthand the sailroom on the middle deck aft Portion with officers quarters. Masters cabin starboard behind the middle deck stairs, an rum barrel the guns under the poopdeck will Need to be rigged before the deck gets mounted shall use figures with 26 mm height (26 x 64 = 1664 mm ) considering the average actual sailors height with 165 cm that seems OK The upper bulwark / Stern angle brackets are only preliminary, they shall be replaced later Build log part 27 to follow... Nils
  13. thank you Popeye slowly its getting somewhere, a pitty the decks shall be covering a lot of it, at least the halfdecks shall be cut away Nils
  14. Looks beautiful Mike, wonderful lines, wonderful authentic build, Looks featherlight and must have a sparkling Performance when rowing the master to the shore... Nils
  15. Nigel, yes, there are 6 of them included in the etch set. Have now completed the two bulkheads and the intermediate wall in lengthwise direction (with door) between those bulkheads. Also some extra belaying Points and the oil-lamp lights and door hinges. Wish there were more hight in These Areas, but then I would have to Change the Amati plan completely. It was quite a fiddeling work to get those bulkheads in place, the larger one had to be separated in two parts, and then mounted in place, due to the trapez-like shape. I would reccomend that These bulkheads are planked equiped with all necessary Fitting out and mounted in place before the hull is planked, it would be much easier. Nils also two outer clamps port and starboard to the twin double door bulkhead the intermediate space between the bulkheads great cabin Forward bulkhead the upper Portion of the first bulkhead Need to trimmed off Flush when glue is dry
  16. Thank you Buck, it is so many years back when I first saw that Bohuslän kit, and I fell in love with that old Lady, simply a must to build, and a good scale too (1/50) Nils
  17. Build log part 25 Fitting out of the aft two bulkheads, that will allow a later look into through the half cut away poopdeck from above the first mast channel Support brackets are still missing here the doors for the gundeck aft bulkhead, and the great cabin bulkhead. Because I started the starboard bulwark inner planking in oak, here again oak is used double doors to the great cabin. The doorpanels are of ply Color framed with Mahagoni rear side view. Here I`ll leave the Mahagoni Framework for the double doors away, and the brass knobs are only handles this bulkhead with the two double doors is the aft end of the gun deck, here in raw process... Nils
  18. Alex, you have set the bar sky high. Although this skill, knowledge, and your model-building Performance of yours is unbelieveable and representing your Level of authentic accuracy and precision, it seems to me a model-build of the century. #Thank you so much for sharing your work here art MSW Very well done !! Nils
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